
作者&投稿:勤亨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英 ['ekəʊ]
美 ['ɛko]

n. 回音;效仿
vt. 反射;重复
vi. 随声附和;发出回声

Try to express the simple statement I made is mainly used to exchange with foreigners generally used in everyday language that can properly be able to change what you mean my Chinese content, and have a sequence of words in the sentence can be changed into a small essay that my English is generally four high points, the only foreign exchange for English horn and clear and concise to use specific content based here:
1 杭州的历史悠久,曾经是南宋的首都。 1 Hangzhou has a long history, was once the capital of Southern Song Dynasty. 这里的环境很好,市树是梧桐,市花是桂花。 The environment is very good city tree is the sycamore, is the osmanthus flower. 杭州是一个美丽的城市,国内最著名的景点之一是杭州的西湖。 Hangzhou is a beautiful city, one of China's most famous attractions is the West Lake in Hangzhou. 西湖里有三个小岛,他们叫做湖心亭,小瀛洲,三潭印月。 West Lake, there are three islands, they called the pavilion, small Yingzhou, Santanyinyue. 天气好的时候,我们经常去西湖游玩。 Good weather, we often go to West Lake.
2 杭州的特色菜/小吃很多,如片儿川Pian Er Chuan (Noodles with Preserved Vegetable, Sliced Pork, and Bamboo Shoots in Soup)。 2 Hangzhou dishes / snacks a lot, such as sheets, children Chuan Pian Er Chuan (Noodles with Preserved Vegetable, Sliced Pork, and Bamboo Shoots in Soup). 由于中西文化的差异,许多杭州的特色菜/小吃的英文名字翻译的十分意思。 As the differences between Chinese and Western culture, many of Hangzhou dishes / snacks in the English translation of the very meaning of the name. 如西湖醋鱼翻译成West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce;叫化童子鸡翻译成Beggar's Chicken;猫耳朵翻译成Cat's Ear 。 If motorcoach translated into West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce; Beggar broiler translated into Beggar's Chicken; Orecchiette translated into Cat's Ear. 实际上猫耳朵只是许多像猫耳朵的面团而已(Cat-ear Shaped Noodle)。 In fact many as Orecchiette Orecchiette the dough is just (Cat-ear Shaped Noodle).
3 中国人很喜欢和茶,杭州有中国最著名的茶叶龙井茶。 3 Chinese people love and tea, Hangzhou's most famous Chinese tea Longjing tea. 龙井茶长在龙井山上,最好的龙井茶是在每年的清明采摘(可以说月份)。 Longjing tea length in the Longjing mountain, the best Longjing tea is picked in the annual Qingming (say month). 龙井茶非常贵,最好的龙井茶可以卖到每公斤4000元(这句是虚构的)。 Longjing tea is very expensive, the best Longjing tea can be sold for 4,000 yuan per kilogram (The message is fictional).

就以上这些毫无疑问全部翻译完的我会追加100分 There is no doubt that all of the above, I translated an additional 100 points will be
问题补充: Questions added: 段落间没有前后关系各自独立再补充一段关于家庭要求同上我的家庭有三名成员:我的父亲,我的母亲和我.我的父亲是一名数学老师,他每天都需要花2个小时来学习.我的母亲是一名中医,她努力工作,医术高超.我十分尊敬我的父母,他们是我人生中的第一个老师.他们退休后,我会尽我所能照顾他们,就像他们对待我一样. There is no relationship between paragraphs before and after the separate requirement to add a paragraph on the family Ibid three members of my family: my father, my mother and me. My father was a mathematics teacher, who every day take 2 hours to learning. My mother is a Chinese medicine, her hard work, superior skills. I very much respect for my parents, they are my life's first teachers. they retire, I will do my best to take care of them, as they treat me.







Orecchiette (the plural form of orecchietta, from orecchio (ear) + etto (small) is a variety of home-made pasta typical of Apulia, a region of southern Italy. Its name comes from its shape, which resembles a small ear. In the vernacular of Taranto it is called recchietedd, or chiancaredd. A slightly flatter version is called cencioni, while in the vernacular of Bari strascinate are more similar to cavatelli.

The traditional dish from Apulia is orecchiette alle cime di rapa,[1] although broccoli is also widely used as an alternative to rapini. Particularly around Capitanata and Salento, orecchiette are traditionally also dressed with a tomato-based sauce (al sugo), with or without miniature meatballs (al ragù) and/or a sprinkling of ricotta forte, a seasoned sheep-milk variety of ricotta cheese.

The Italian cookbook Il cucchiaio d'argento (with an English translation The Silver Spoon, 2005, Phaidon) suggests that orecchiette are ideal for vegetable sauces.

In China, a similar type of pasta is called 猫耳朵 (māo ěr duǒ, literally, cat's ears).


猫耳朵 猫耳朵面 耳朵粉


蓝田县13212318379: orecchiette是什么意思 -
左贩捷抚: orecchiette n.【食】小贝壳面;小耳朵形状的意大利面;猫耳朵面 小耳朵面(Orecchiette)是普利亚风味美食中最具代表性的一种,并因其美味而在全意大利都深受喜爱.它们有一个凹面,内部光滑,外部粗糙,使它适用于多种调味方法,能够与调味料充分地粘附,使每一道面都独具特色,充满诱惑.

蓝田县13212318379: OWTTE是什么意思? -
左贩捷抚: OWTTE 有时会在化学领域中看见(尤其是解答),这五个英文字母分别代表:Or Words To That Effect 以英文来了解的话,就是something like that的意思 只要意思相同(表达类似的意思)就可以了 白话一点,就是or similar words meaning the ...

蓝田县13212318379: oragette是什么意思,请教高手 -
左贩捷抚: 橘子条(Orangette)

蓝田县13212318379: oragette中文意思是什么

蓝田县13212318379: 电脑进程couragette是什么意思 -
左贩捷抚: 进程是程序在计算机上的一次执行活动.当你运行一个程序,你就启动了一个进程.显然,程序是 死的(静态的),进程是活的(动态的).进程可以分为系统进程和用户进程.凡是用于完成操作系统的各种 功能的进程就是系统进程,它们就是处于运行状态下的操作系统本身;用户进程就是所有由你启动的进程.进程是操作系统进行资源分配的单位. 在Windows下,进程又被细化为线程,也就是一个进程下有多个能独立运行的更小的单位. 结束进程就是把这个进程所对应的后台程序关掉,如果是系统进程,它会提示你不要结束,软件的进程不会提醒,结束了,软件就会关掉.不会有太大影响,如果是软件被结束的话,正在做的东西会不被保存而丢失掉.

蓝田县13212318379: Josette 和Angelique英文名有什么含义 -
左贩捷抚: Josette n. 乔赛特(男子名) Angelique n. 安琪莉可(女子名);百劫红颜(电影名称)麻烦采纳,谢谢!

蓝田县13212318379: lⅰtte是什么意思? -
左贩捷抚: adj. 小的; 比较小的; (用在形容词的后面表示喜爱或厌恶,尤指屈尊俯就地) 可爱的,可怜的,讨厌的; 年幼的; 幼小的; det. (与不可数名词连用) 不多的; (与不可数名词连用) 少量的,一些; adv. 不多; 稍许; 略微; 少许; 少量; 一点;

蓝田县13212318379: 内科医学 -
左贩捷抚:文摘: 目前采用的肝功能分级标准有三种,即:Child-Turcotte分级〔1〕、Child-Pugh分级〔2〕和武汉会议分级〔3〕.见表1、2、3. 表1 Child-Turcotte分级(1964年) 项目AB...

蓝田县13212318379: Eau de tollette是什么意思 -
左贩捷抚: 香水的意思!!! 只不过是浓度不够的香水把香水的分类给你香水(Parfum):香精浓缩度最高,含量在18~25%左右,所用乙醇浓度在60~95%之间.香味浓郁、持久,可使余香绵飘四方.由于香精由少则数十种,多则数百种香料配制而成,...

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