
作者&投稿:鄘叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Why do I get the feeling I'm alone
Can it be I'm so lonely without you
Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go
And will I (go on loving) without you
How can I understand love is all never forget the lamp
And I would try I would try
To make you understand the reasons why
As I'm trying to cross the bridge
Trying to climb the bridge
Sambens loves the fire
I fall little nuts no where as I try to get there
Someone shuts my way
And as I turn to get the answers
Try to be someone you can call upon
Something seems to tell me that it be

谁在乎 我的心里有多苦 [这句意思就是他现在很无助、并且很孤单、没有人在乎他】
谁在意 我的明天去何处 【这句是没有人理会他去哪里】
这条路 究竟多少崎岖 多少坎坷途 【人生的路很拿走也很苦】
我和你 早以没有回头路 【他和女朋友已经分手了、无法挽回了】
我的爱 藏不住 【他对她的爱无法掩饰】
任凭世界无情的摆布 【他已经任命了、听从世界的安排】
我不怕痛 不怕输 【他很坚强、什么都不怕】
只怕是再多努力也无助 【他唯一害怕的就是他做了很多却没有结果、并且是白费力气】
如果说 一切都是天意 一切都是命运
是否 能再多爱一天 能再多看一眼
如果说 一切都是天意 一切都是命运
无情无爱 此生又何必
谁在乎 我的心里有多苦
谁在意 我的明天去何处
这条路 究竟多少崎岖 多少坎坷途
我和你 早以没有回头路
我的爱 藏不住
我不怕痛 不怕输
如果说 一切都是天意 一切都是命运
是否 能再多爱一天 能再多看一眼
如果说 一切都是天意 一切都是命运
无情无爱 此生又何必
如果说 一切都是天意 一切都是命运
是否 能再多爱一天 能再多看一眼
如果说 一切都是天意 一切都是命运
无情无爱 此生又何必
无情无爱 此生我认命

Divine intervention who will care about in my heart to have many painstakingly who to care about my tomorrow to go to where this road outcome how many rugged how many rough me and you early by does not have the road back my love Tibet whatever world heartless pendulum I did not fear the pain did not fear will lose only feared will be many diligently also does not have the potential if all is again divine intervention all is the life note has eventually slept whether will be able again the multi- loves one day to be able again to look who a
wound will be able to be few one
if all is divine intervention all is life also runs away
heartlessly not does not like this living He Fenshui to care about me Who in the heart will have many painstakingly to care about my tomorrow to go to where this road outcome how many rugged how many rough
me and you early by does not have the road back my love Tibet whatever world heartless pendulum
I did not fear the pain did not fear will lose only feared was many diligently also does not have the potential if all is again divine intervention all is the life
note has eventually slept whether could again the multi- loves one day be able again to look who a
wound could be few one
if all is divine intervention all is life
also runs away heartlessly
not does not like this living also what indignation if all is divine intervention all All was the life
note has eventually slept whether could again the multi- loves one day be able again to look who a
wound could be few one
if all is divine intervention all is life also runs away
heartlessly not does not like this living what indignation heartlessly not to like this living I to recognize





有名的爱情电影诗句 有名的爱情诗句
九、《离Si》 元稹 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。 十、《蝶恋花》 柳永 伫倚危楼风细细,望极春愁,黯黯生Tian际。草色烟光残照里,无言谁会凭Lan意。 拟把疏狂图一醉,对酒Dang歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人Zuo 爱情电影里的经典台词 我猜着了开头,但...


白居易《南浦别》 21、四边伐鼓雪海涌,三军大呼阴山动。岑参《轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征》 22、风吹柳花满店香,吴姬压酒唤客尝。李白《金陵酒肆留别》 ...76、更把玉鞭云外指,断肠春色在江南。韦庄《古离别》 77、天意从来高难问,况人情、老易悲如许。张元干《贺新郎送胡邦衡待制赴新州》 78、人情展转闲中...

会哭的礼物 陈赫 - 爱情自有天意插曲眼泪教我的事 - 何韵诗用一生去等 - 一飞不该把你放弃 - 秋风为爱追逐 - 林雨也许相见不如怀念 - 云非非只恨自己爱错你 - 王昊为你痴情 - 暴林习惯不曾习惯的习惯 - 金迈忘掉过去 - 基地小虎越想忘记越难忘 - 赵鑫一万次伤心 - 好听的歌我知道他有家 - 袁宇全...


在《活法》中稻盛和夫指出了成功的要素(修 炼灵魂的方法),强调人生的意义,认为人生在世,直到终要咽气的那一天止,都是在体验各种各样的苦和乐,在被幸与不幸的浪潮冲刷中,不屈不饶地努力活着。把这个过程本身当作“去污粉”,不断提高自我的人性,修 炼灵魂,带着比初到人世时有更高层次的灵魂离开这个世界。人...

上犹县15558073446: 刘德华的《天意》把歌词,翻译成英文好么 -
本乐硫酸: Divine intervention who will care about in my heart to have many painstakingly who to care about my tomorrow to go to where this road outcome how many rugged how many rough me and you early by does not have the road back my love Tibet ...

上犹县15558073446: 天意英文版的歌词?谢谢 -
本乐硫酸: 原唱:刘德华《天意》 Why do I get the feeling I'm alone Can it be I'm so lonely without you Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go And will I (go on loving) without you How can I understand love is all never forget the lamp And I ...

上犹县15558073446: 求 天意的英文歌词 -
本乐硫酸: Who care my in the mind to have bitter much Who care my tomorrow to go to where This road is actually how much 崎s 岖 how much frustrated 途 I to did not return to profession with you early My love hide to do not live Free to the world to order about ...

上犹县15558073446: 谁有 刘德华《天意》英语版歌词下载? 谢谢 多给分哈 -
本乐硫酸: Why do I get the feeling I'm alone Can it be I'm so lonely without you Why should love be feeling that won't know which way to go And will I (go on loving) without you How can I understand love is all never forget the lamp And I would try I would try To ...

上犹县15558073446: 把(天意》翻译成英文字. -
本乐硫酸: ordinance或者 God's will

上犹县15558073446: 请大虾推荐几首由中文译成英文的歌曲.谢谢了! -
本乐硫酸: 我有几首中文译成英文的歌曲:刘德华的《天意》,张学友的《情网》,《一路上有你》《等你等到我心痛》《只想一生跟你走》还要一些其他歌曲,比如《十年》,《我很丑可是我很温柔》,《其实不想走》,《用心良苦》,《简单爱》等等.如果你想要,把邮箱告诉我,我发给你!

上犹县15558073446: 有什么中文歌翻译成英文唱的啊? -
本乐硫酸: 很多啊01.leo sayer-auld lang syne (友谊地久天长)02.starship-nothing's gonna stop us now(萧亚轩-雪碧广告歌)03.abba-gimme gimme gimme(费翔的-恼人的秋风)04.maria montell-and so the story goes(李玟-didadi)05.aqua-...

上犹县15558073446: 刘德华有哪些歌被翻唱成英文版的啊? -
本乐硫酸: love is only just a dream(一起走过的日子-刘德华) let it be(天意-刘德华) 谢谢你的爱 忘情水

上犹县15558073446: 刘德华的《天意》 歌词 -
本乐硫酸: 天意e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333332633035 作曲:陈耀川 作词:李安修 演唱:刘德华 谁在乎 我的心里有多苦 谁在意 我的明天去何处 这条路 究竟多少崎岖 多少坎坷途 我和你 早以没有回头路 我的爱 藏不住 任凭世界无情的摆布 我不怕...

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