
作者&投稿:栋爸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Did Coca-Cola invent the modern-day Santa?
Nope, this one's a myth. Although Coca-Cola started using Santa in their advertising in the 1930s, the company didn't come up with the image of the plump old man in his signature red and white. It just so happened that Santa's red suit and white beard matched the brand's colors.
The modern-day image of Santa has been evolving for centuries. Modeled after Saint Nicholas who had a reputation for secret gift-giving, Santa was eventually shaped into the sleigh-riding, chimney-climbing man we know today, through the work of people like Washington Irving and illustrator Thomas Nast.
Nast's 1881 "Merry Old Santa Claus" largely formed the basis for today's Santa. In that image, Santa appears in the classic red and white suit with a big belly to boot.
Where do candy canes come from?
This is one of those traditions that we're not too sure about. One story goes that a German choirmaster in 1670 was worried about children being disruptive during long church services, so he went to a candy maker for sticks of white sugar to keep them quiet. To give the candy an educational slant, the choirmaster asked the candy maker to make the sticks in the shape of a cane so that the kids would remember the story of the shepherds who came to visit baby Jesus. However, all the references to this story are anecdotal and there are no real records to prove it's actually true.
What we do know is that in 1919, Bob McCormack started making candy canes in Georgia and eventually became one of the world's leading candy cane producers. Since manually shaping candy canes into their traditional 'J' shape was inefficient and labor-intensive, McCormack's brother-in-law, a Catholic priest named Gregory Keller, invented the Keller Machine to automate the process of shaping straight candy sticks into today's J-shaped candy canes.
Why do we drink eggnog?
Most culinary historians agree that eggnog stems from a medieval British drink called "posset," a thick, boozy, ale-like concoction seasoned with whatever spices were on hand. As the milk, eggs and sherry used to make posset were foods of the rich, the drink was used in toasts to prosperity and good health.
Eggnog became a holiday tradition when it was brought over to the American colonies, where cows, chickens and rum were much more accessible. As for the name? The term "nog" referred to a certain type of strong, English beer, while a "noggin" was a small cup intended for brewing nog.
Why do we put up Christmas trees?
There are a few different stories behind the origin of the modern-day Christmas tree, although not all are rooted in fact. Evergreen trees were actually used by pagans in winter festivals for thousands of years. During the winter solstice, evergreens signified the coming of spring. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, the trees began to be used as a symbol for Christmas. In mystery plays in Germany, they were often used as props, garnished with apples to represent the Garden of Eden.
One legend credits 16th century Protestant reformer Martin Luther for bringing the Christmas tree into homes. Luther was supposedly walking through the forest on the night before Christmas when he looked up to see stars shining through the tree branches. He was so dazzled by the sight that he told his children it reminded him of Jesus and then erected a tree in his own home.
But it wasn't until the mid-19th century that the Christmas tree as we now know it became custom. England's Queen Victoria encouraged her husband Prince Albert to decorate a tree as he had back at home in what is now Germany. When a drawing of the royal family with their exquisite Christmas tree appeared in a London newspaper, the tradition became popular throughout the UK and US.
Why do we hang wreaths on our doors?
In ancient Rome, people would exchange evergreen branches during New Year's celebrations to wish each other good health. The Romans eventually began bending these branches into a ring and displaying them on doorways, which symbolized both victory and eternal life.
The wreath later became a Christian symbol for the body of Christ. In holly wreaths, the sharp, pointed leaves represented the crown of thorns worn by Jesus on the cross and the small, red berries symbolized drops of blood. Evergreen wreaths embodied eternal life. For some Christians, hanging a wreath in the doorway has been an invitation for Christ to enter one's home. But today, people mostly hang wreaths on their doors because they're festive, pretty and well, because it's tradition.

拐杖糖的意义与由来 一位住在印第安那州的糖果制造商想要做一个能为神做见证的糖果。於是,他便创作出今日我们在圣诞节时随处可见的拐杖糖。 他将许多象徵合并在这麼一支小小的拐杖糖中,其中包括:耶稣基督的诞生、传道工作及为全人类受死。 刚开始他用整支白色的糖果,做成硬硬的棒状。白色,代表处女所生,且生来无罪的耶稣。硬实的糖果代表坚如磐石,耶稣是教会的基石,更是所坚立的应许。 拐杖糖的形状像英文字母J,代表耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)宝贵的圣名,他为了拯救我们来到世上。拐杖的形状也正好代表了「好牧人」的杖,因他来到世上要寻回我们,这群如羊走迷的人。 然后,这位糖果制造商觉得这样全白的拐杖糖好像过於单调。於是他便在上面加上几条红色的线。他用三条较小的红线代表耶稣所受的鞭伤。因他所受的鞭伤,使我们得著医治。比较大的红线是耶稣在十字架上为我们所流的宝血。因此,我们得以进入永生。 遗憾的是,拐杖糖沦为没有意义的圣诞节饰品。但是,其中所包含的意义,却是给「有眼可看,有耳可听」的人。唯愿这糖果能再次被用来见证耶稣基督的奇妙及慈爱。他在圣诞节时降生在世上,他是今日仍拥有主宰宇宙全能的大君王。

拐杖糖的形状像英文字母J,代表耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)宝贵的圣名,他为了拯救我们来到世上。拐杖的形状也正好代表了「好牧人」的杖,因他来到世上要寻回我们,这群如羊走迷的人。


圣诞节有什么习俗 ?


圣诞节的习俗:1、装扮圣诞树 圣诞树的习俗来源于德国,是由一些常青树砍伐而成,常常使用的是杉树、松树等枝叶呈塔状的树。一般会在树上装饰金银条带、拐杖、苹果、小礼品等。2、互赠圣诞卡片,圣诞信件 外国人在圣诞节这一天会寄送圣诞卡片,以表现对于远方亲友的思念。圣诞节卡片一般印有圣诞节期...

一、内容简介 圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,耶稣诞辰,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并...

圣诞节习俗有送“平安果”、烘烤圣诞蛋糕、给亲友送礼物、在平安夜打开礼物、分发圣诞糖果。习俗一、送“平安果”圣诞节的“平安果”就是用玻璃纸包好的苹果,在中国是很流行的一种圣诞礼物。据说是因为苹果的“苹”和平安夜的“平”谐音。习俗二、烘烤圣诞蛋糕 这项英式传统早在几个世纪以前就流传...

于是,人们便称这位名叫尼古拉斯的老人为圣诞老人。当然,圣诞老人不只是给孩子们送来礼物,对于调皮捣蛋不听劝告的孩子他不仅不给你礼物,反而会扬起拐杖在你的 *** 上来两下。后来,人们为了给孩子们一个美好的梦想和向往,就习惯于在圣诞节前打扫通向壁炉的烟囱,并告诉孩子在睡觉前将长筒袜挂在壁炉旁,以迎接圣诞...



拐杖糖 你看他们到处. They are in the stores, used as window displays, yard decorations, Christmas tree ornaments and even as candy.他们的店,作为展示的窗口,庭院装饰品,圣诞树装饰,甚至糖果. The traditional candy cane is red and white with plenty of holiday cheer added to the mix....

圣诞节寓意是什么2 圣诞节的传统习俗 一、装扮圣诞树 圣诞树的习俗来源于德国,是由一些常青树砍伐而成,常常使用的是杉树、松树等枝叶呈塔状的树。一般会在树上装饰金银条带、拐杖、苹果、小礼品等。苹果象征着伊甸园丰富的物产,礼品象征着东方博士向耶稣献礼,圣诞树上的手杖,是牧羊人的手杖,...

松阳县13314306268: 圣诞节为什么要吃拐杖糖 -
咎时人胎: 他将许多象徵合并在这麽一支小小的拐杖糖中,其中包括:耶稣基督的诞生、传道工作及为全人类受死.刚开始他用整支白色的糖果,做成硬硬的棒状.白色,代表处女所生,且生来无罪的耶稣.硬实的糖果代表坚如磐石,耶稣是教会的基石,...

松阳县13314306268: 为什么圣诞节人们会吃拐棍糖 -
咎时人胎: 圣诞老人的糖果公司生产过剩

松阳县13314306268: 圣诞老人为什么拿一个拐杖糖 -
咎时人胎: 他要用拐杖对麋鹿进行爱的调料

松阳县13314306268: 拐杖糖是什么? -
咎时人胎: 拐杖糖(candy cane)的意义与由来 拐杖糖 一位住在印第安那州的糖果制造商想要做一个能为神做见证的糖果.於是,他便创作出今日我们在圣诞节时随处可见的拐杖糖.

松阳县13314306268: 关于圣诞节的标志物.英语版的带中文.最多者采纳. -
咎时人胎: 花环 Wreath圣诞节时,许多家庭都会在门前挂上花环.为什么呢?因为它圆圆的形状象征对家人和朋友的无尽的爱.檞寄生Mistletoe每个人都喜欢圣诞节的檞寄生.如果你被发现站在檞寄生下方,有人就必须亲吻你!这种浪漫的植物象征和...

松阳县13314306268: 拐杖糖的来历 要英文版!!! -
咎时人胎: Meaning and origin of sugar cane1 lives in Indiana candy maker wanted to do a god can bear witness to the candy. As a result, he created out of today we can be seen everywhere at Christmas, when the cane sugar.He will merge a number of ...

松阳县13314306268: 圣诞节为什么要吃糖平安夜为什么要吃苹果,万圣节为什么也要吃糖 -
咎时人胎: 圣诞节没有吃糖的传统,开始送苹果也是源于中国.圣诞节的前一天,被称为平安夜. 平安夜即将来临之际.人们就送叫做"平安果"的礼物.人新的一年平平安安. 11月2日,被基督徒们称为“ALLSOULSDAY”(万灵之日).在这一天,信...

松阳县13314306268: 圣诞节为什么是吃棒棒糖的叻?
咎时人胎: 因为棒棒代表单身 糖代表甜蜜就是说单身也快乐!

松阳县13314306268: 她手上的东西叫什么? -
咎时人胎: 拐杖糖编辑他将许多象徵合并在这麽一支小小的拐杖糖中,其中包括:耶稣基督的诞生、传道工作及为全人类受死.拐杖糖(candy cane)的意义与由来拐杖糖拐杖糖一位住在印第安那州的糖果制造商想要做一个能为神做见证的糖果.於是,他...

松阳县13314306268: 圣诞节送糖果代表什么 -
咎时人胎: 圣诞老人 一个美丽的谎言在西方,圣诞老人是圣诞节一个标志性角色,圣诞树可有可无,圣诞大餐可以不吃,但怎么可以没有圣诞老人呢?圣诞老人的故事,在欧洲民间流传的版本很多,但被世界大多数人认可的,还是来自北欧芬兰的圣·尼...

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