求:托福 OG口语第1套Question1参考答案 Question: Choose a place you go to often that is importan

作者&投稿:望趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求:托福 OG口语第3套Question1参考答案\nQuestion:\n What characteristics do you think make someone~

(1)explicitly point out the characteristics you think are important.
(2)ideally include two reasons for each characteristic.
1)children learn things by making mistakes, parents' patience allows children to realize their own mistakes and grow up by themselves.
2)reasoning with the child patiently will make him more willing to listen.
1)parents' trust on children help build up their self-confidence.
2)children will be more brave to take action and learn new things if their parents trust them enough.
(1) In my opinion, a good parent should be ...
(2) There are a couple of reasons for this.
(3) First, ...
(4) Second, ...

1、题目关键词:state his opinion, explain the reasons
(1)briefly summarize the man's opinion.
(2)state the reasons the man gives for his opinion.
(1)Currently few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate.
(2)The money saved will be used to expand the parking lots.
(1)The man doesn't like the idea of eliminating the school bus.
(2)The reason why few students ride the bus is because the buses only go through very expensive neighborhoods. They should change the bus route.
(3)Expanding the parking lots is going to make the matters worse by encouraging students to drive more cars, which will lead to more noises and more traffic.
(1)In this set of materials, the reading passage is the school's plan to eliminate the bus service and the listening material is a conversation between 2 students on this issue.
(2)In the reading material, the university plans to eliminate the bus service because...
(3)In the talk, the man disagrees with the school's plan. He has two reasons for his opinion.
(4)First,... Second,...

(1)specifically reveal the place.
(2)on what occasion do you go to that place, what do you do at that place.
(3)why that's important to you (like how you feel when you are there, good memories about that place, etc).
(1)If it is a place where you relax yourself, you may say the picturesque view of that place calms me down when I'm under too much pressure, it helps me refresh my mind and go back to my daily routine as a better self.
(2)If it is a place that reminds you of certain memories, you may say this is the place where I proposed to my girlfriend, to some extent it is where our romance begins.
(1)The place that I often go to that is important to me is...
(2)Whenever I..., I will go there.
(3)There are a couple of reasons why that's important to me.
(4)First, ... Second, ...

托福是由美国教育测验服务社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,全名为“检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试”,中文音译为“托福”。TOEFL有三种,分别是: pbt—paper based test 纸考 677, cbt—computer based test 机考 300, ibt—internet based test 网考

nsus in negotiations over

臻顺赴美徐老师解答:TOEFL口语Q1 与Q2 考察三点:逻辑 、 文字质量、口语素养;
TP:The place of importance is the library located in the downtown in my city. It has brought me importance for the followings;
Fisrt , it is a place of soothing my soul;
Second , by often goiung to this place, i have known my folks

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