我要写英语作文 各位大师帮帮我 题目:请您写一写 你的父母是干什么的,他做什

作者&投稿:潭枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我要写英语作文 各位大师帮帮我 题目:请您写一写 你的父母是干什么的,他做什~

My family
My father is a worker, he likes to repair the machine in the factory. My mother is a teacher, she is very fond of children education, also like his students.
In my spare time, my father and mother like tourism, sometimes also with me to travel together. I love my mom and dad.

父母的工作 作者 鲁悦(新都大丰小学三年级五班)我父母在成都的一环路红星立交桥经典坐标上班。一天,星期六的凌晨,星星正一闪一闪高兴的眨着眼睛,月亮正挂在天空中甜咪咪的微笑,北斗星还高高挂在天空中为我们指着路,爸爸妈妈醒来,把我从梦中叫醒,等到我梳洗完毕了,爸爸和妈妈就带着我去看他们工作的地方。几十分钟过去了,我们来到办公室,爸爸妈妈就把他们的电脑打开。没过多久电话铃响了,爸爸和妈妈接到了新的任务,爸爸和妈妈二话不说的做起了新的任务。我在看着妈妈和爸爸打字,他们打字的速度可真快啊。时间一分一秒的过去了,爸爸和妈妈打的字也就越来越多了。过了一个时辰多,妈妈和爸爸终于把任务完成了,在完成任务的时候,爸爸和妈妈没喝一口水,没上一次厕所,完成任务以后爸爸和妈妈才上厕所,才喝一口水。我在这都坐了一个多时辰了,我都觉得不耐烦了,我问妈妈:“你累不累,觉得麻不麻烦?”妈妈说:“不累不累,一点也不累。”爸爸把我搂在怀里说:“妈妈说的对,如果怕累怎么能挣钱呢?如果怕累拿什么来让你读书呢?拿什么来养你呢?”这时,我在想:我要怎么才能报答爸爸和妈妈呢?我想了半天,终于想出来了:要报答爸爸和妈妈只有认真读书,将来干个好的事务,只有这样才能报答爸爸和妈妈。我到了现在才知道钱不是画出来的,也不是用手写出来的,而免费范文网免费范文网 www.qc99.com 是用辛苦换来的。发生了这件事我才知道,爸爸和妈妈为了我付出的代价是多么大!以前我经常叫妈妈给我买好吃的和美丽的洋娃娃,可真对不起爸爸和妈妈的一片苦心呵。


My parents work in a shoe factory. they get up at five thirty. they first get breakfast ready. then they go to work by bus. they work there from eight a.m to five p.m. they come home at about six and prepare super for us. Mother washes clothes in the evening, Father often makes toys for us. they are busy all day.I am grateful for my parents.

My Parents
My father is a worker. He works in a factory.He has a bicycle.He often goes to work by bike.He likes taking execrises. He does not watch TV at night,but he reads the newspapers.
My mother is 42 years old.She is an English teacher.She works in the Second Middle School.She often goes to work on foot.She does not have lunch at home.She teaches English well.She often helps me in English.My mother has a radio.She likes listening to the music.
My parents loves me very much. I love them, too!


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