帮我翻译一下面的短文 谢谢

作者&投稿:雀韦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

春节是中国的新年。它通常在2月份时到来。中国人都很喜欢春节。当它来临的时候,wei fang(人名)通常帮助她的父母打扫他们的家和采购东西。在那一天,每个中国人都会吃饺子,年糕和一些其他的美味的食品。wei fang 喜欢年糕,但wang lin 觉得饺子比年糕更好。看,他们正在吃饺子。他们多快乐啊!纯手打,希望能帮到你!

Two customers have asked us to provide this kind of cable and we have explained to them we don't have any special use of the cable, but they say the other suppliers can meet their demands.We also try our best to do their ideological work again, but we want to know if we are able to offer this kind of cable, so it increases the likelihood of getting orders.





吸烟不利于健康。 Ihope所有吸烟者放弃吸烟可以为自己也为周围的人。让我们一起享受清新的空气!

大家知道抽烟为健康是坏的。 居于谁烟可能不长期太多居住。 成千上万人模子从每年抽烟。 抽烟的起因许多病症。 经常抽烟的那些人有坏牙。 很多总人咳嗽由于抽烟。 是由抽烟造成的其中一病魔是肺癌。 许多人sutter从这种可怕的疾病和丧生
抽烟为吸烟者,而且坏为不抽烟的人,特别是妇女和孩子是不仅坏的。 他们也许得到他们的健康被危害由于somke起因由香烟。
抽烟为健康不是好。 Ihope所有吸烟者可能在他们附近给抽烟为他们自己并且为人民。 我们一起享用清洁空气!

1、The Person I Like Best我最喜欢的人 I have many friends,but I like Li Lei best. He is a good student. He always helps others. He likes reading books, so he knows many things. He is very helpful to us. He often helps me with my study. We are good friends.We ...

Today, fewer and fewer people are making penfriends. I think to make penfriend is an interesting thing, though many friends around me don't understand my behavior. In the 21st century, it is not easy to make a penfriend, because first you need to have common interest, as well...


Good morning!My dear classmates, I'm going to tell you about my family now . There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my brother and I, we have a happy life. My dad likes eating noodles, but he does not like eating junk food. My mother likes to ...

1.a special day Today is 51, is Labor Day also is our vacation. Everybody likeshaving a vacation. Today our family planned fishes, because everybodyhas a vacation. While convenient I bring on my good friend JASON to gotogether. We arrived fishes village time, saw the person ...

Dear children of the disaster areas:I was a secondary school student, I am very sympathetic to you! To a disaster, you must be strong! People's Liberation Army uncles, and many volunteers Baiyitianshi Laijiu you! You can not cry, like a man, smiled and wait for the opening...

In summer time, I like to go swimming and go to the countryside. The sun is not as hot in the country, you can go fishing, pick fruit, catch butterflies, catch dragonflies and eat icecream to enjoy the summer time fun.

寒假里的趣事 Winter fun 寒假终于到了,我可要好好玩一玩。Winter vacation finally arrived, I can be a better fun to play with.我找来了好朋友李艳,和她来到了小区的操场上。突然,我们发现了一只奇怪的昆虫。这只奇怪的昆虫也是长着六只脚,浑身绿油油的,头的前面还长着两根长长的触须。

我很认真翻译的,毕业一年了应该还没完全忘记英语知识,希望可以帮到你。如满意,请采纳并做五星评价。Lacy,I understand preety why you love star,but you are wrong in the way ,I advise that you should not be persist.Then I suggest you to read some interesting books and do more exerc...

帮我翻译短文,谢谢啊。Today is sunday。The sun is shining。Sone child...
今天是星期天,阳光明媚。一些孩子在公园里,公园又大又美丽。看,一些女孩正在大树下面唱歌、跳舞。麦克和汤姆正坐在草坪上,他们在画画。大卫在捉蝴蝶,比尔在河边钓鱼。他们多么开心啊!^^^ 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)^^^ ...

乡宁县15082857077: 请帮我翻译一下英语短文,谢谢 -
阳全启维: 我们的英语老师,黄女士,1970年来到我们学校.她已经当了30多年的英语老师了.她工作努力而且成为了多年的模范教师.她很善良,课后对我们很友好,但是在课堂上他对我们十分严格.她经常鼓励我们多说多读英语.她经常说:“熟能生巧.” 她很擅长教书,并且尽可能的将每节课上的生动有趣.她经常给我们额外的表演,教我们英文歌,帮助我们演一些英语短剧.

乡宁县15082857077: 请大家帮忙翻译一下下面的这篇短文,翻译成英文,非常感谢.答得好的必悬赏,急求,在线等,非常感谢!我有一只狗,它是我最喜欢的动物.我的这只狗有... -
阳全启维:[答案] I have a dog ,it is my favorite animal.This dog is one and a half years old.It is a dog with white black hair.And it is a clever and lovely dog.It has a small nose and two spherical eyes.It likes to e...

乡宁县15082857077: 麻烦大家帮我把下面的一篇短文翻译一下!谢谢 -
阳全启维: I am a middle school students, studying in Jingyang Middle...

乡宁县15082857077: 帮我翻译短文,谢谢啊.Today is sunday.The sun is shining.Sone children are in the park .It's laToday is sunday.The sun is shining.Sone children are in the ... -
阳全启维:[答案] 同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案如下:今天是星期天,阳光明媚.一些孩子在公园里,公园又大又美丽.看,一些女孩正在大树下面唱歌、跳舞.麦克和汤姆正坐在草坪上,他们在画画.大卫在捉蝴蝶,比尔在河边钓鱼.他们多么开心...

乡宁县15082857077: 请帮我翻译一篇短文英语,谢谢!Lucy:Hi Bob.How do you find your school?Bob:I like it very much.It's nice.Lucy:what subjects do you have?Bob:Besides maths ... -
阳全启维:[答案] 露西:嗨,鲍勃.你喜欢你的学校吗? 鲍勃:我非常喜欢.学校非常好. 露西:你有学什么科目? 鲍勃:除了数学和英语,我们有其他技能培训. 我们都学习计算机科学.我们中的一些人学习厨艺和驾驶 露西:你喜欢什么训练课程? 鲍勃:我喜欢...

乡宁县15082857077: 请帮我翻译以下文章,非常感谢!Fives years ago,David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day."I was a clothes addict,"jokes."I used to carry a ... -
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乡宁县15082857077: 用英语翻译下面的短文,谢谢 -
阳全启维: New teachers and classmates concern me extremely,and I think I will get along with them well.Plus,I take more subjects in this semester, including Chinese, math, English and computer,etc. All of these subjects are attractive; however, ...

乡宁县15082857077: 帮我翻译一下下面的短文好吗 英语的啊 急急急! -
阳全启维: in 2050. china will become more beautiful. the sky is especially blue . the birds are singing above the tree the grass is more green and waves with...

乡宁县15082857077: 帮我翻译一小段英语小短文!谢谢~谢绝在线翻译In my opinion ,I am against the idea of celebrating western festivals.If we Chinese are crazy on foregn festivals... -
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乡宁县15082857077: 谁帮我翻译一下面的短文??
阳全启维: A Sunday, hero Rui rides bicycle to want to play with his friend to the park, suddenly rush out a kitty at the time of cross the street, hero Rui quickly puts on brakes, didn't hit a kitty, the flank is about to cross the street of the Ai Ma come over here and ...

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