
作者&投稿:仲孙羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Does your brother want to join the chess club?

有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

象棋 Chinese chess
卒 pawn 兵soldier 炮qun 马knight 车machine 象elephant
相 chancellor 士?? 将general 帅commander

Cars go in atraight way.
Guns have to separate one another in order to eat others,and they also go in a straight way.
Horses go in a way like RI in Chinese(你可以和他比划一下).
Elephants go in a way like TIAN in Chinese(同理)but they cannot go through the river.
Soldiers go only one walk in once.They can go left or right only when they cross the lake.
The guards can only walk in the TIANZIGE(比划一下).So do the two kings,but the kings mustnot meet each other.

The vehicle walks the straight line The artillery separates one to be able to hit also walks the straight line Ma Zouri walks Tian Dan not to be able likely to cross river The soldier one time walks a standard to cross river can control turns cannot the round trip walk The gentleman and will be only able to walk two in Tian Zige not to be able to meet

Walk a straight line every other car bombs also follow a straight line in order to fight

Ma Tian go on like walking across the river but not the first soldiers to go around a grid across the river Po can not go back

With disabilities and will only be able to walk in the fields Negri two characters will not be able to meet

Straight line that the car leaves Big gun separate one can play, move straight line too
The horse leaves on day Cross the river in but the field like walking The soldier walks once one dose crosses the river and could control and can't go back to abduct
Person and can only move in the field word dose Two can't be met

象棋中“ 象” 怎么走?

想要把象棋下好了,首先应注意的是多多练习,当自己走一步棋时要考虑有对方有几种对应的棋步,同样当对方下一步棋时,要考虑他是什么意图!总而言之是勤加思考!其实象棋的很多路数都是定死的,只要下的时间长了就会有自己的思考方式了! 这里有一个下象棋基本路数的口诀,你不妨看下,或许对你的...


马走日子,象走田,车走一条线,小卒一去不复还,炮打隔山子,这是象棋的口决。还要明白一些基本杀法,还要多和高手下棋。重要的是 残局 ,俗话说“学棋先学残,残好艺自高。”要多钻研,多 复盘 。有条件的话可以上网上观看名义家视频讲解。下棋时要专心,多想几个为什么要这样走,不要忙走...

谜底是:黑方闲着 这是个会意,白天忙说明晚上会闲,所以是天“黑”了,“方”才能“闲着”

中国象棋 博大精深,玄妙无穷.人学会它只要五分钟,但要学精它,要花上一辈子.一生中有个象棋 爱好 ,一生无悔.可以从象棋中悟出许多道理...因此许多家长正培养小孩玩中国象棋的爱好,那么如何教 儿童 学象棋呢,现在就让我来告诉你吧。 儿童学象棋初学阶段 一、先大致了解象棋的发展史,学习并掌握棋子的走法、吃...



得先时,切忌着忙;输棋时,还叫定心。子力猛,局中寻胜;子力宽,即便求和。学者详察于斯言,可为国手矣。 (象棋最重要的是自己积累经验~~多寻人切磋...对方赢: 1、己方的帅(将)被对方棋子吃掉; 2、己方发出认输请求; 3、己方走棋超出步时限制; 最基本的入门口诀是马走日,象走田,车走直路,炮翻山...

二三、棋弈思考的基本动作是: 1.思考对方刚走的这一步棋用意何在 2.思考对方下一步棋的最可能...将:“老将出马,一个顶俩”。 象棋各子的威力欠缺:“输棋只因出车迟”。“低头车,阵势虚”。“马...得先时且忌着忙 欲速不达 棋优不顾家,好比睁眼瞎 强胜易负 欺着莫走 当断不断,反受其...

闽侯县13262258230: 帮忙把这几个象棋基本走发翻译成英语(100分)车走直线 炮隔一个才能打也是走直线马走日 象走田但不能过河 兵一次走一格过河才能左右拐不能往回走士... -
漆晨肠多:[答案] Cars go in atraight way.Guns have to separate one another in order to eat others,and they also go in a straight way.Horses go in a way like RI in Chinese(你可以和他比划一下).Elephants go in a way lik...

闽侯县13262258230: 帮忙把这几个象棋基本走发翻译成英语(100分) -
漆晨肠多: Cars go in atraight way. Guns have to separate one another in order to eat others,and they also go in a straight way. Horses go in a way like RI in Chinese(你可以和他比划一下). Elephants go in a way like TIAN in Chinese(同理)but they ...

闽侯县13262258230: 求象棋口诀“马走日象走田,车走直路炮翻山”的英文翻译,正式场合使用,所以要正式一点简练一点的 -
漆晨肠多: The (Chinese) chess Horse(Ma) could go with route as the Chinese character "日"(hence meaning sun), the chess Premier(Xiang) follows route as the Chinese character "田"(saying, field), the chess Chariot(Ju) moves straight along a ...

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漆晨肠多:[答案] 如果没法现场指导就模仿国际象棋记谱方式,横向abcdefgei(多一个),纵向1234567890(多两个).比如说象走田可以说this Pawn named “xiang”,it can move from c1 to e2就OK了

闽侯县13262258230: 走象棋的英文怎么说
漆晨肠多: Play Chinese chess

闽侯县13262258230: 象棋的英语怎么写 -
漆晨肠多: chess[英][tʃes][美][tʃɛs] n.棋,国际象棋; 复数:chesses 易混淆单词:ChessCHESS 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.I like to play chess with my kids. 我喜欢跟我的孩子们走国际象棋.article.yeeyan.org

闽侯县13262258230: 中国象棋、国际象棋的英文翻译 -
漆晨肠多: Chinese Chess / Chess rook/castle 车 knight/horse 马 bishop 象 queen 女王(外国象棋里才有) king 将/王 pawn 兵/卒

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闽侯县13262258230: 麻烦帮忙把这段文字翻译成英文..急用啊~~谢谢~~~
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