
作者&投稿:澹泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

forever friends

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Forever friends

是这首歌曲《Forever Friends》:)~~
Forever Friends下载试听

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I'll be near you

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I'll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we'll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye we'll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we'll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……

叫Forever Friends

Forever Friends
Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I'll be near you

Hold me like a friend
Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say goodbye
I'll be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
Some day we'll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye we'll always be forever friends

Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend
Say we'll never end
Searching for the colors of the rainbow
Melody never say good-bye
I will believe you
When the river flows
Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows
I will be a boat to sail arround you
Melody never say good-bye
I will be near you
Some people handle love in and never try
I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher
One day we'll see the world
and through the grey have faith in our hands
till the river ends……

forever friends 可以在百度里搜

forever friends 可以在百度里搜

周六特别奉献,一年一度“希望之星”英语风采大赛姐妹篇——“希望英语热力赛”。CCTV名牌英语大赛走进全国大小校园,我们搭建舞台,等你来秀风采!《希望英语》,making your outlook brighter,让你的未来更美好!对话节目:<<希望英语>>(cctv10 19:00)参考资料:http:\/\/www.cctv.com\/program\/xwyyzz...

<<I will stand by you >> oh why you look so sad tears are in your eyes come on and come to me, now don't be ashamed to cry let me see you through cause i've seen the dark side, too when the night falls on you you don't know what to do nothing you confess co...

1999.6-2008.4 中央电视台科教频道《希望英语》节目主持人,CCTV9栏目主编 2008.4- 中央电视台驻美国华盛顿记者 【孙迅】身高:172cm 体重:54kg 异域风情很浓的孙迅在人群中非常惹眼,看看她蓝色的眼睛就断定这绝对是“鬼妹”。不过后来她说那不过是蓝色的隐形眼镜罢了,自己是纯正的江苏人。

2006年8月8日主持中央电视台体育频道2008年北京奥运会倒记时2周年特别节目 2006年9月6日主持北京2008残奥会吉祥物分布仪式,发布嘉宾为曾庆红副主席 曾获2001年中国新闻政府奖等奖项,国家一级播音员 精通英语,法语流利,还可以用土耳其语进行日常对话。刘欣是两个孩子的母亲。下面网址里应该有你要的 参...

中央电视台科教频道[CCTV10]08-28(周二) 19:06 希望-英语杂志:2007-200 08-29(周三) 06:10 希望-英语杂志:2007-200 08-29(周三) 12:15 希望-英语杂志:2007-201 08-29(周三) 19:06 希望-英语杂志:2007-201 08-30(周四) 06:10 希望-英语杂志:2007-201 08-30(周四) 12:15 希望-英语...

有谁知道中央电视台 希望英语 在第几台 每天几点 急需答案
这个我以前看过,在CCTV9 每天早上中午下午都有,每天内容一样。早上好像是6点多,中午是12点,下午是6点多。不知现在还是不是,你看一下吧!

cctv9 全天都是英语的.cctv10中午12:15-12:45和晚上19:06-19:36 是英语节目 '希望英语',内容还挺丰富的.还有cctv6 周二10点多的电影是英语发音,中文字幕的. 以前的'动感英语'播完了.还有就是教育台有教英语的节目,但是具体时间不知道,只是偶尔看过~~~...

有没有人知道CCTV-10 OUTLOOK希望英语杂志 片尾主题曲的歌词
Making your Outlook brighter Watching every day,Now I know just what to say.(CCTV Outlook English)There’s no need to fear,Now I’m speaking loud and clear.(CCTV Outlook English)We can make your English learning so much fun.Try it and you’ll soon be number one (Two! One...

没看过你说的那期节目,不过肯定是m2m比较流行的歌,猜一下啦:是不是the day i went away啊?或者pretty boy?再或者 mirror mirror?


五华县17233988484: “ 希望英语”比赛中,每当选手被淘汰是放的歌叫什么名字? -
频舒氟比: http://enteacher.cn/editor/uploadfile/20068401923182.mp3 这个.

五华县17233988484: 请问:希望英语节目现在每天中午比赛,当有选手被淘汰时,放的是什么音乐,很好听的. -
频舒氟比: Forever friends

五华县17233988484: 中央10台的希望英语每次淘汰选手放的英文歌是什么?
频舒氟比: 《Forever Friends》. http://blog.sggo.cn/music/scream/jep_moviemusic/01.Forever_Friends.mp3

五华县17233988484: 在希望英语风采大赛选手淘汰时和在今晚好男儿出场时放的那首英文歌叫什么名字? -
频舒氟比: 是《Forever Friends》 歌词: Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we'll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I'll believe you Some people handle love and never try I can almost fly with your wings to...

五华县17233988484: 中央10台每天中午时候的希望之星英语节目选手被淘汰时候放了一首英文歌是什么名字啦?
频舒氟比: &lt;Forever Friends&gt;&gt;http://blog.sggo.cn/music/scream/jep_moviemusic/01.Forever_Friends.mp3

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