
作者&投稿:虿耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





I Miss You.



整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着.

















还记得小时候. 经常在我家.





从来都不害怕. 没有温暖没有家.

不想那么多. 只管现在能够相爱在说.


































Baby. 这首歌曲献给你.



下载地址 http://224.cachefile25.rayfile.com/c2e3/zh-cn/preview/911004f40683226bf5de6c91f793e8ea/preview.mp3听过纯音乐版的,然后又找到这首歌词版的。不知道歌词是后来添加的,还是最初就有的。但我相信是最初就有的,因为听着歌词,你就会懂得这首歌的创作目的。不过,觉得这首歌跟《开始下雪了》有相似的地方。总之,这是一首怀念的歌,这是一首悲伤的歌……听着歌词,你会有一种更深的感动……歌词:一个人站在熟悉的海边. 微风吹过了我的脸. 勾起了我对你的思念. Baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. I Miss You. 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了. 在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐. 整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着. 想着我们曾经在一起度过的每个时刻. 有欢笑,有难过,有快乐,有失落. 你扔下我一个人去了里天国. 那里没有悲伤和难过. 却只有幸福和快乐. 每当想起你的时候. 我抬头望着天空. 希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔. 望着我听着我对你诉说. 当年我失去你以后的生活. 而我总是一个人难过,一个人失落. 那根本就是我自己懦弱. 无法面对失去你的结果. 所以难过围绕着我. 寂寞陪伴着我. 孤寂牵着我的手一起走. 还记得小时候. 经常在我家. 我们一起玩过家家. 你在我耳边说你以后除了我谁都不嫁. 我一直没忘记这句话. 直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍. 从来都不害怕. 没有温暖没有家. 不想那么多. 只管现在能够相爱在说. 在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩. 一起加油一起努力的度过. 你说你喜欢听我唱歌. 喜欢我在你面前饶舌. 因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过. 能够让你快乐. 每当我们在一起的时候. 你总是躺在我怀里. 听着我唱起我的原创歌曲. 一遍又一遍从来不觉得厌倦. 总是拍手说我唱的好听. 鼓励我继续努力. 以后当个大明星要找我签名. 现在你已经离开了我一个人去了天国. 你离开了我的世界我的生活. 还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐. 宝贝不用担心不用难过. 好好的在那边和你妈妈一起生活. 我对你的思念就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边. 每当流星划过寂静的天边. 都会为你许下祝福的心愿. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. 我努力的举起你牵过的那双手. 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流. 雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸. 我依旧对你那么思念. 不管我们的爱已经离我有多么远. 我对你的爱永远不会改变. 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. 眼泪总忍不住的往下流. 希望时光倒流回到我们的过去. 保护着你不再让你离我而去. Baby. 这首歌曲献给你. 一个人在天国要过的快乐喔. NO I Love You.

Yo Ang how you doing damn its been a minute/ Hey.Its been years since you left but I still dont get it/ sometimes I wonder, how things would like/ if you were still in my presence, yo feeling my essence/ Wish I coulda persuade you stay that day you went away/ and left your kiddo, cause when the dude from the news/ brought clues of you, my tears found its way to soak/ and upset my pillow/ shit your boy is grown now, I found out what love is/ met bitches on the way you wouldnt want me to fuck with/I did graffitti to B-Boys to tip top events/ Open mics to concerts to hip hop events/ anyways how you doing could you shed some light Ang/ Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man/ Hows your hair girl? How them clothes fit cha?/ and if you got MSN, could you send me a picture/ Spoke with your sis the other day she probably told you about it/ she said yall was close so i wouldnt even doubt it/ got a few questions but it might not end here/do you still have my back like when you was my friend here/I heard that where you stay imperfection is perfected/ and that he had the power to cure the infected/ I heard it through the body but my mind dont respect it/so when you get a chance could you double check it/ and if its true then have him make me taller and / take the scars off my face, I wouldnt want him to neglect it/Im asking too much, I should leave it where it ought to be/but my minds infected, im curse with curiosity/ never studies for life, crammed it at the last minute/ but i hope to pass the course and leave the past vivid/ but I dont my share of bads I dont know if I can make it/ Apologies if i dont and I hope that you would take it/

I understand you, they know I like rain, like rain it will always have at my side,
Whenever I decadence, it will wash dust storms, ridiculed artists, whenever I am happy
Brush it ALL the world, cheering mood, the rain of the world's only me,
Only you my world.

Just bring a ray of morning brought cold night
Stars as time taken to remove traces of memory
Senseless loss of life to busy ordinary delirium
Brilliant shine will soon come where

Have been extremely proud of immense pride
Tap the dust had come into the modern age-old
How hard wrist changes in the 80's Lights and Shadows
Watch betrayal betrayal made him look forward to
Could not have been a betrayal of the true and pure

Not see the evil beauty of the stars shine
Smoke dust cover all the beautiful

Had the dream,
Have hope
Brilliant before? Can cut through the sky
Have a little flame

Very hard for
Only that the matter
The world in the end no matter what,
The world has a different story.
In this day and age would like to re-find the value of the 80's standards,
Is impossible.

80 of our 80
Will lead us toward where
You said there is a paradise for you? We are going to heaven

Examination when admitted to the family the best I can hope that schools,
To the school and hope that I am a student of the elite,
That a number of schools holidays, then they just want me to
Schools out of the door is not expelled from school,
What I have dry, truancy, fighting, gambling, frankly I do not
Do not know when this life is beginning,
There is a saying that if a failure that has been scheduled for the Health,
Then he will lose the power struggle, I think it is
I mean, perhaps a very long time before I would already be dead,
I do not perceive only the past few years, the
I like the resurrection, and may be I can not wake up, perhaps I
Did not live, I do not know for whom,
I live for anything else.

You can not know the way my heart shock
You can not understand my heart with sadness gray

Rain can be understood only within my heart calm and happy
Miss拭去resist tears to cover up a rainy day
Storage of rainwater to bring you the sky is clear
I just can not give up love you
Rain can be understood only within my heart calm and happy
Seek rainwater can wash the wound for you.

You can not know the way my heart shock
You can not understand my heart with sadness gray

I will always be there to accompany him in your
Forget all the sad memories and cry

Ldy Lickem - When I Wake Up 前奏说唱
Kan No one can get up on my biz Kan
Kan i do my own thang, you can't tell me who is Kan
Kan i wake up, and i'm alive Kan
Kan Whatever i want, i'll find it Kan
Kan i'll keep doin what i'm doin no rewindin' Kan

Kan as im wakin' up, day one on my mind Kan
Kan wonderin' whats gon stress me out this time Kan
Kan whats in line, scrambled eggs & a biscuit. thats fine Kan
Kan i needa get energized, cuhs through these past few days Kan
Kan i've been speechless of what to say Kan
Kan i'm tired of bullshit, whens it gonna go away Kan
Kan everytime i turn a cheek, drama here fakers there Kan
Kan i think im growing grey hair Kan
Kan then again my music makes me think twice Kan
Kan like life is great so is music, ou lets write! Kan
Kan even when im not awake Kan
Kan the homegirls always bring a smile to my face Kan
Kan crackin jokes, pickin' on each others race Kan
Kan theres always phoebe racca! you know i love you girl Kan
Kan day passes by, im waitin for summer to arrive Kan
Kan im gettin' excited for many goals to achieve Kan
Kan ima ready to turn it into reality instead of make believe Kan
Kan you readyy? Kan

《忧伤还是快乐》《我在那一角落患过伤风》《莫失莫忘》《The Truth That You Leave》《亡灵序曲》《卡农》《序曲:天地孤影任我行》《雨的印记》《Serenade》《summer》《再见警察》《和兰花在一起》《我心永恒》《神秘园之歌》《安妮的仙境》《英雄的黎明》《蝶恋》《天之痕》《故乡的原风景》《...

卡农 ,忧伤还是快乐,梦之安魂曲?亡灵序曲?死之舞?IN THE AND 雅尼的音乐one man's dream 夜莺,和兰花在一起等,雨的印记,林海,雏菊.太空漫步,dance to the death thetruth that your leave 天空之城!还有《海上钢琴师》里的音乐―the crave和 magic walts 放牛班的春天,班得瑞的音乐也不错 ...

라이创作,在中国大陆流传时,被唤作《忧伤还是快乐》。http:\/\/忧伤sc.111ttt.com\/up\/mp3\/241514\/还是05D06AE8983337ECF1CD66D0709E175C.快乐mp3 把忧伤还是快乐6个字去掉就是Q空间的歌曲mp3的链接了 因为是忧伤还是快乐的伴奏是MY SOUL,所以我就打的是MY SOUL的。

适合做颁奖典礼的背景音乐,大气的 ,急!!!
较欢快的--菊次郎的夏天mad summer 久石让 崖上的波儿林中散步瓦妮莎的微笑蓝色的爱舒缓的--妙音鸟 神思者 爱之梦绿袖子爱的礼赞永远 张毅假如爱有天意 张毅雪之梦 舞动荷风伊丽莎白小夜曲dancing birds 姬神 有节奏感的--忧伤还是快乐忧伤还是快乐姐妹篇不能说的秘密 湘伦小雨 适合领导颁奖的音...


求好听纯音乐:类似(忧伤还是快乐)(伤声)(dance to the death)这些的...
卡洛儿的 写给海洋 奇恩宝典 假如爱有天意 班得瑞的 追梦人 真实的一天 雪之梦 安妮的歌 安妮的仙境 childhood memory 小美人鱼 林海的 杨柳 大明宫词--母亲 理查德的 星空 kiss zhe rain tears 宫崎骏的 天空之城 龙猫 那个夏天 千与千寻 石进的 夜的钢琴曲系列 宗次郎的 故乡的...

1、我心永恒 《My Heart Will Go On》是加拿大女歌手席琳·迪翁演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由詹姆斯·霍纳和威尔·詹宁斯编写,后者负责音乐制作。该歌曲作为1997年电影《泰坦尼克号》的主题曲,于1997年12月8日通过哥伦比亚唱片公司发布,同时也被收录在席琳·迪翁于1997年11月14日发行的第五张英语...

有没有类似故乡的原风景 ? 多发点。
久石让-幽灵公主,Always with me(强烈推荐)宗次郎-故乡的原风景,海上绿洲,断情殇(非常有感觉),神思者(强烈推荐)横山靖儿-英雄的黎明 忧伤还是快乐 Tina-花黄瘦(强烈推荐)超越时空的思念 故宫的记忆 幻化人形 风姿花传 定情 日光海岸(强烈推荐)睡莲 水墨丹青凤凰城(强烈推荐)天韵(强烈推荐)...

《亡灵序曲》听了以后你会震撼的。《忧伤还是快乐》唯一一个我愿意听的国产曲。强烈推荐!!!《卡农》看你喜欢旋律不要歌词,和我有同感。我就给你讲讲那故事吧。Pachelbel在他10几岁的时候,流浪到英国被英国一个小村庄的琴师收养,之后他天天听那个琴师弹琴,也学会了钢琴。 在他们旁边的镇上上有...


合肥市18646456012: 求歌词:忧伤还是快乐英文说唱版 -
富非一泰: 《忧伤还是快乐》 英文版+Rap说唱版 Just Seek Her【Talk】 this rap is just for my girl, the one who never know how much I love her. We've met for a couple of years, it's time I told her SO I write down this rap, wishing she could hear me, ...

合肥市18646456012: 求高手翻译《忧伤还是快乐》英文版歌词 -
富非一泰: 忧伤还是快乐 一个人站在熟悉的海边. 微风吹过了我的脸. 勾起了我对你的思念. Baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. I Miss You. 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了. 在没有你的日子里我的生活少了快乐. 整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着. 想着我们曾经...

合肥市18646456012: 《忧伤还是快乐》英文歌词,我不要中文的.别随便给我弄个英文对不上号 -
富非一泰: this rap is just for my girl,the one who never know how much i love her.we've met for a couple of years,it's time i told her so i write down this rap,wishing she could hear me,but all i need is one day god just bless me.made by qq:765772539 my life used...

合肥市18646456012: 忧伤还是快乐英文版的歌词? -
富非一泰: 【Talk】 this rap is just for my girl, the one who never know how much I love her. We've met for a couple of years, it's time I told her SO I write down this rap, wishing she could hear me, but all I need is one thing God just bless me. 【I】 My life used to ...

合肥市18646456012: 忧伤还是快乐英文歌词LRC
富非一泰: 只找到了中文的~~ 将就一下SORRY了~~ 囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧囧 [ti:忧伤还是快乐] [ar:无] [al:真爱你了] [by:匿名] [offset:500] [00:00.00]懒猫独白 [00:02:00]...

合肥市18646456012: 求忧伤还是快乐英文版歌词和下载 -
富非一泰: the fratellis - for the girlla la la la la la........well she said i know but i just cant tell everything you've just been saying lucy was there aswell in the dark the kids in the band were playing no-one can hear a word i tell what the girl was singing see she must'...

合肥市18646456012: 忧伤还是快乐的英文歌词
富非一泰: happy blues歌手:billy squier 专辑:happy blue I don't wanna be happy, if happy means I got to be like you I don't wanna be happy, if happy means I got to be like you Wake up in the mornin', try to satisfy somebody newYou make it sound so ...

合肥市18646456012: 求《忧伤还是快乐》男生的英文版歌词,谢谢!!
富非一泰: Ldy Lickem - When I Wake Up 前奏说唱 Kan No one can get up on my biz Kan Kan i do my own thang, you can't tell me who is Kan Kan i wake up, and i'm alive Kan Kan Whatever i want, i'll find it Kan Kan i'll keep doin what i'm doin no rewindin' ...

合肥市18646456012: 忧伤还是快乐的英文歌词 -
富非一泰: 这是首钢琴曲吧 有歌词也是别人加上去的 我只听过中文版的 英文版的倒是没见过

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