
作者&投稿:进飘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We help others and improve ourselves.

The most fiercely pumping smoke, drink the most intense wine, fuck
The love of a woman!

No one knows why the sun always goes down to the other side of the mountain; No one can tell me if there is immortal living in the mountain; In numerous days, always look at the sky alone and think nothing; so curious, so fantastic like this,so lonely childhood.

No one knows why
the sun always sets to the other side of the mountain.
No one can tell me,
whether there are supernatural beings (God) living in the mountains.
There are so many days when I stare at the sky,
just me and myself,
being so curious, so imaginative,
and having so lonely a childhood.

No one knows why, the total under the sun to the other side of the mountain; no one can tell me that there are no mountain gods lived. How many days a person is always faced with a trance the sky, so curious, so fantasy, so lonely childhood.

Nobody knows why the sun always sets to the other side of the mountain.

Nobody is able to tell me whether there exists the immortal beings.

Staring at the sky in countless days, just curious and fantastic, what a lonely childhood.

请各位高手们指教下 展开  我来答 39个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗? 匿名用户 2013-12-11 展开全部 中文中主语是动作的执行者,比如“我吃饭”中“我”是主语谓语是执行的动作,那上边的例子来说就是“吃”宾语就是动作的承受者,“饭”而定语起修饰作用,比如“我是一个很帅的男...


请问高手们此类问题如何解决呢???急!!!... 每当我PK怪最激烈时,屏幕上出现一个非常气人的对话框:...厂商中文名 代号厂商英文名 厂商中文名 KM SamSung 三星TC Toshiba 东芝LH Sharp 夏普MN Panasonic

电脑怎么重装系统?请高手们详细一点一步一步地说!(本人菜鸟)T.T_百 ...
电脑怎么重装系统?请高手们详细一点一步一步地说!(本人菜鸟)T.T 我的是台式的一代电脑,每次坏了请人搞要20元,还不如自己学了!小弟真的感激不尽啊...在安装英文版XP又想让它支持中文时,这个画面的选项比较重要。 a) 上方的提示:将“标准和格式”设置为“英语(美国)”,“位置”设置为“美国”。如果想...

我想炒股但是我一点也不懂有什么入门的好书推荐一下哈哈谢谢炒股高手们!!... 我想炒股 但是我一点也不懂 有什么入门的好书推荐一下 哈哈 谢谢炒股高手们...讲得不深,但很透彻,把每项技术分析的重点都拎了出来 加上丁圣元先生流畅贴切的翻译 使之成为中文版技术分析书籍中难得的好书 当然,这本书的价格可能稍贵...

求翻译 中文翻英文
Allow growing up more slowly than other but the ability after that must be stronger.

中文翻法语 请法语高手帮帮忙 >< 不要翻译软体

大陆行货:机身的贴是简体中文,产地是中国 现在大部分在北京和天津生产。香港行货:机身的贴几乎都是MADE BY NOKIA,以前多为新加坡生产(但标明MADE BY NOKIA的不一定属于港行,具体鉴别港行机请看下面的详细介绍)现在港行部分改在广东东莞生产 。欧洲版:机身的贴几乎都是MADE IN FINLAND北美版:机身的贴全是英文,但...

文圣区17139027498: 英语高手进!把汉语翻译成英语!
畅庾红核: Trust me as i am not the kind of person to understand the feeling from the language, but the action, a real action.

文圣区17139027498: 求英语高手把中文翻译成英文,有固定句式.
畅庾红核: Here are some rules to make sure that you will have a great trip In order to protect the forest,please don't make fire in the woods Please don't throw waste about Villagers here get drink water from the river nearby,so please keep the river clean At the ...

文圣区17139027498: 那位英语高手能帮我把中文译成英文这是一段A和B的对话,麻烦谁能帮我把它翻译成英文,感激不尽,绝对不要翻译器的,语法一定要正确,句意不非得一... -
畅庾红核:[答案] A:I did not expect to see you here ,how`s your work going ? B: thank you ,it`s fine ,and how about you ? A:I got some trouble ... B:better ,sorry anyway.does not give you birthday wishes at the first time. A: No worries , forget it . 我翻译的比较口语化.不过我...

文圣区17139027498: 英语翻译!!!把中文翻译成英语!急!请各位英语高手帮忙!
畅庾红核: 1Ideas can be expressed by means of music 2 The majority of doctors believe, smoking is harmful to health 3The young couple moved to Vietnam to earn a living 4 Working with Wang Ming is a happy thing 5 I hope you can understand what I said 6 We keep the spirit of Lei Feng

文圣区17139027498: 帮把中文翻译成英文 1.也许我不是一个天生的农民,但说到在农场的生活,我还能应付得过去. 2.多年 -
畅庾红核: 1. May be I am not a farmer by nature, but I am able to manage my farmer's life style.2. Both my wife and me were under tremendous pressure and were tired for city life in past many years, and we now we are in a much relief life style in country side....

文圣区17139027498: 求英语高手把中文翻译成英文,不要使用翻译工具!!! -
畅庾红核: Online shopping is attracting more and more customers for its diversities, convenience and preferential prices. Although the online shopping in China started a bit late, it has been developing rapidly, and the trend of such development, particularly ...

文圣区17139027498: 英语高手快来帮我把中文翻译成英文.
畅庾红核: you should eat more vegetables and fruits,do more excerises.You should have a walk after supper within 30 minutes,can not sit still

文圣区17139027498: 请英语高手帮我把中文翻译成英语
畅庾红核: 1.听到他名字,还是会心痛,还要多久,我才能正常? Everytime when i hear his name,i still feel hurt .How long i can be myself again? 2.you have really gone.Perhaps you are right.... 你早已离开,也许你是对的...

文圣区17139027498: 哪个英语高手能帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文?急用,急用,谢谢!
畅庾红核: this photo was taken at river bank last year ,it scene was fine at that time , I was fourteen years old, long hair, big eyes , very lovely I like this photo very much

文圣区17139027498: 急求英语翻译!把中文改成英文!要准确的! -
畅庾红核: Maybe we doesn't fit together! You never for my heart! So do I! Because we had put their held high! I only know that I love you! When you turn left when I know how to care you!!

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