
作者&投稿:运肿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lesson 69~70 练习答案
1 We were at the stationer’s on Monday.
2 We were there at four o’clock.
3 They were in Australia in September.
4 They were there in spring.
5 On November 25th, they were in Canada.
6 They were there in 1990.
1 you and Susan/the office/March 23rd
Where were you and Susan on March 23rd?
We were at the office on March 23rd.
2 Sam and Penny/India/1986
Where were Sam and Penny in 1986?
They were in India in 1986.
3 you and Penny/the baker’s/Saturday
Where were you and Penny on Saturday?
We were at the baker’s on Saturday.
4 Sam and Penny/Canada/1993
Where were Sam and Penny in 1993?
They were in Canada in 1993.
5 you and Penny/Austria/August
Where were you and Penny in August?
We were in Austria in August.
6 Sam and Penny/home/May 25th
Where were Sam and Penny on May 25th?
They were at home on May 25th.
7 you and Penny/Finland/December
Where were you and Penny in December?
We were in Finland in December.
8 you and Sam/school/February 22nd
Where were you and Sam on February 22nd?
We were at school on February 22nd.

Lesson 71~72 练习答案
1 It is raining now. It rained yesterday.
2 It is snowing now. It snowed yesterday.
3 He is boiling some eggs. He boiled some yesterday.
4 We are enjoying our lunch. We enjoyed it yesterday, too.
1 they/clean their shoes/yesterday
What did they do yesterday?
They cleaned their shoes yesterday.
2 he/open the box/last night
What did he do last night?
He opened the box last night.
3 they/sharpen their pencils/this morning
What did they do this morning?
They sharpened their pencils this morning.
4 she/turn on the television/this evening
What did she do this evening?
She turned on the television this evening.
5 she/listen to the radio/last night
What did she do last night?
She listened to the radio last night.
6 she/boil an egg/yesterday morning
What did she do yesterday morning?
She boiled an egg yesterday morning.
7 they/play a game/yesterday afternoon
What did they do yesterday afternoon?
They played a game yesterday afternoon.
8 he/stay in bed/the day before yesterday/in the morning
What did he do the day before yesterday in the morning?
He stayed in bed the day before yesterday in the morning.
9 she/telephone her husband/yesterday evening
What did she do yesterday evening?
She telephoned her husband yesterday evening.
10 she/call the doctor/the night before last
What did she do the night before last?
She called the doctor the night before last.


新概念英语论坛 上面应有尽有

Lesson 69~70 练习答案
1 We were at the stationer’s on Monday.
2 We were there at four o’clock.
3 They were in Australia in September.
4 They were there in spring.
5 On November 25th, they were in Canada.
6 They were there in 1990.
1 you and Susan/the office/March 23rd
Where were you and Susan on March 23rd?
We were at the office on March 23rd.
2 Sam and Penny/India/1986
Where were Sam and Penny in 1986?
They were in India in 1986.
3 you and Penny/the baker’s/Saturday
Where were you and Penny on Saturday?
We were at the baker’s on Saturday.
4 Sam and Penny/Canada/1993
Where were Sam and Penny in 1993?
They were in Canada in 1993.
5 you and Penny/Austria/August
Where were you and Penny in August?
We were in Austria in August.
6 Sam and Penny/home/May 25th
Where were Sam and Penny on May 25th?
They were at home on May 25th.
7 you and Penny/Finland/December
Where were you and Penny in December?
We were in Finland in December.
8 you and Sam/school/February 22nd
Where were you and Sam on February 22nd?
We were at school on February 22nd.

Lesson 71~72 练习答案
1 It is raining now. It rained yesterday.
2 It is snowing now. It snowed yesterday.
3 He is boiling some eggs. He boiled some yesterday.
4 We are enjoying our lunch. We enjoyed it yesterday, too.
1 they/clean their shoes/yesterday
What did they do yesterday?
They cleaned their shoes yesterday.
2 he/open the box/last night
What did he do last night?
He opened the box last night.
3 they/sharpen their pencils/this morning
What did they do this morning?
They sharpened their pencils this morning.
4 she/turn on the television/this evening
What did she do this evening?
She turned on the television this evening.
5 she/listen to the radio/last night
What did she do last night?
She listened to the radio last night.
6 she/boil an egg/yesterday morning
What did she do yesterday morning?
She boiled an egg yesterday morning.
7 they/play a game/yesterday afternoon
What did they do yesterday afternoon?
They played a game yesterday afternoon.
8 he/stay in bed/the day before yesterday/in the morning
What did he do the day before yesterday in the morning?
He stayed in bed the day before yesterday in the morning.
9 she/telephone her husband/yesterday evening
What did she do yesterday evening?
She telephoned her husband yesterday evening.
10 she/call the doctor/the night before last
What did she do the night before last?
She called the doctor the night before last.


Lesson 69~70 练习答案
1 We were at the stationer’s on Monday.
2 We were there at four o’clock.
3 They were in Australia in September.
4 They were there in spring.
5 On November 25th, they were in Canada.
6 They were there in 1990.
1 you and Susan/the office/March 23rd
Where were you and Susan on March 23rd?
We were at the office on March 23rd.
2 Sam and Penny/India/1986
Where were Sam and Penny in 1986?
They were in India in 1986.
3 you and Penny/the baker’s/Saturday
Where were you and Penny on Saturday?
We were at the baker’s on Saturday.
4 Sam and Penny/Canada/1993
Where were Sam and Penny in 1993?
They were in Canada in 1993.
5 you and Penny/Austria/August
Where were you and Penny in August?
We were in Austria in August.
6 Sam and Penny/home/May 25th
Where were Sam and Penny on May 25th?
They were at home on May 25th.
7 you and Penny/Finland/December
Where were you and Penny in December?
We were in Finland in December.
8 you and Sam/school/February 22nd
Where were you and Sam on February 22nd?
We were at school on February 22nd.

Lesson 71~72 练习答案
1 It is raining now. It rained yesterday.
2 It is snowing now. It snowed yesterday.
3 He is boiling some eggs. He boiled some yesterday.
4 We are enjoying our lunch. We enjoyed it yesterday, too.
1 they/clean their shoes/yesterday
What did they do yesterday?
They cleaned their shoes yesterday.
2 he/open the box/last night
What did he do last night?
He opened the box last night.
3 they/sharpen their pencils/this morning
What did they do this morning?
They sharpened their pencils this morning.
4 she/turn on the television/this evening
What did she do this evening?
She turned on the television this evening.
5 she/listen to the radio/last night
What did she do last night?
She listened to the radio last night.
6 she/boil an egg/yesterday morning
What did she do yesterday morning?
She boiled an egg yesterday morning.
7 they/play a game/yesterday afternoon
What did they do yesterday afternoon?
They played a game yesterday afternoon.
8 he/stay in bed/the day before yesterday/in the morning
What did he do the day before yesterday in the morning?
He stayed in bed the day before yesterday in the morning.
9 she/telephone her husband/yesterday evening
What did she do yesterday evening?
She telephoned her husband yesterday evening.
10 she/call the doctor/the night before last
What did she do the night before last?
She called the doctor the night before last.


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