
作者&投稿:庞飞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

EMU with a large number of open lines, both lines of constant speed, EMU the smooth running of becoming more and more important, this is the basic requirement of a harmonious society, as a result of EMU ATP artificial control and braking control of the two way, ATP control and manual control of all, there are some shortcomings, this article is to explore on these two different ways how to brake optimal solution EMU stability of manipulation.


Along with moves vehicle crew's massive starting a business, already the wired unceasing increased speed, moves the stability which the vehicle crew moves appears more and more important, this is also the harmonious society's essential requirements, because moves the vehicle crew to have the manual control and ATP controls two brake ways, the ATP control and do the manual control have some flaws respectively, how this article need to discuss are use the optimization plan solution about these two different brake way under to move the vehicle crew to operate the stable discussion.

Welcome to the park of forest and hope you enjoy your staying here.If anything needed for help, please contact me. I am the crew responsible for your inconvenience today.There is a living place for deers at the southwest conner of the park and a lake called Raining Flower will...

We dig a hole, which is not easy, due to roots.我们挖出了一个坑。 由于地里到处是树根,这事并不容易。

I will not forget to contact you as soon as we will get the new law of importation approved and of course translated 我不会忘记联络你,一旦我们这里的进口新法律批准实施,呵呵,会翻译给你的。

翻译:Agriculture in this province is an economy.3、沈阳城已有二千多年的历史了。翻译:Shenyang city has two thousand years of history.4、在一千一百多年的时间内,有十三个朝代曾把西安作为首都。翻译:In the one thousand one hundred years of time, thirteen dynasties have been as the ...

I hope we can start over again and help you find the answer in your heart.Maybe you complained that I was so wordy,anyway,I wish you can be happy and I also wish I can the candy that always make you smile.没完全按照你的意思翻...但我感觉差不多能表达相应的意思......

请大家帮忙翻译几个英语句子 谢谢
1.Our English teacher is too busy to look after his home.2.They agree on this plan.3.Per success is just to buy a pass to head for more difficult problems.4.This kind of girls don't play computer games much,if they do ,only few of them.5.We can gain the success ...

effort, will it be possible to achieve. But I always believe that: others can do, I can not do and can do better. Therefore, regardless of the road leading to dream of how difficult it, I will stick to it.I have a dream, in order to realize this dream, I will!

对社会做出更多奉献并促使我们的未来更成功。3. To begin with, most of them are in the shadow of practical minds.本句直接翻译是: 首先,他们大多数都被笼罩在现实思想的阴影下。“in the shadow of”在这是指受到限制或影响;在这用shadow阴影,主要表达一种被动、负面的情况。

对于楼上的翻译我不做评价,以下是我自己做的翻译供参考:1.提前祝你新年快乐 Wish you a happy new year ahead of time.2.还记得上次你回来的时候我们去整头发吗?Do you remember our cutting hair last time you came back?3.刚和你见面时,怕会和你有距离感 I'm afraid we feel strange ...

1、这件衣服款式您满意吗?我们店里大小号都有。Is this type fit you?We have all size.2、您试穿这一件看看,这件比较适合您。You can try it.It will fit you 3、我们店都是从韩国进的服装。All the clothes came from Korea 4、很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。It ...

牧野区17271994929: 烦请各位来帮忙翻个英语句子今天口语课,我拿着两个句子问外教,问她哪句话是对的一句是 Time belongs waiting一句是 Time belong to waiting然后她告... -
仲长咽美罗:[答案] 你的外教说得蛮漂亮的啊. 意思是, 这个关系将会恒久. 不过我觉得与其说this bond, 更好应该说this bonding. 因为虽然两个词都是结合,关系的意思. bond比较物理, bonding更加感情上的

牧野区17271994929: 烦请各位来帮忙翻个英语句子 -
仲长咽美罗: 你的外教说得蛮漂亮的啊.意思是, 这个关系将会恒久.不过我觉得与其说this bond, 更好应该说this bonding.因为虽然两个词都是结合,关系的意思. bond比较物理, bonding更加感情上的

牧野区17271994929: 句子英译中麻烦各位能人帮忙翻译以下句子,无甚感激!1.None of the servants were available when Mr.Smith wanted to send a message.2.Convenience ... -
仲长咽美罗:[答案] 1.当史密斯先生需要发送消息时,那些仆人都不在. 2.即可烹饪的方便食品在杂货店可买到. 3.没有从主干道通向那座房子的... 6.他现在束手无策了,你的意见对他来说极其宝贵. 7.虽然知道这笔钱资金很可观,却没人知道确切数目. 8.既然大家对此项目...

牧野区17271994929: 烦请帮忙翻译一个日语句子
仲长咽美罗: 长年、我が身の伴った友达を离れ离れになって、心の中で本当に寂しく感じます.

牧野区17271994929: 烦请高手帮忙翻译一句话烦请大家帮忙翻译下面一段句,谢谢大家!本项
仲长咽美罗: Battle line of project this long, about bank more than 50 kilometers; The project is scattered, though irritated the canal and linked to each other, the main building is relatively far apart, is it assign to construct and management bring great inconvenience , construct cost see a certain increase.

牧野区17271994929: 烦请英语高手帮我翻译一个句子,谢谢!“我的孤单不是与身俱来,只是在喜欢你的那一刻便开始了”
仲长咽美罗: My loneliness isn't born with me, but emerged from the moment when you fall in love.

牧野区17271994929: 汉译英:烦请各位帮忙翻译一下 -
仲长咽美罗: 1.Our shipping schedule will be on 28th April. CY cut-off time will be 1200LT 26th April.and AMS will stop to accept orders before 5pm 25th April.due to Qingdao ABC cargo company will deliver cargoes on 1300LT, so will meet with late deliver time. ...

牧野区17271994929: 麻烦各位高手帮忙翻译下面的句子,...
仲长咽美罗: 12 years old to work, first on the farm, and later working in factories Although busy day, but as long as free to practice singing

牧野区17271994929: 麻烦各位好友帮我翻译一下下列句子 -
仲长咽美罗: (1) willing to help, she said. (2) news travels fast. (3) Doctor is very busy now. (4) her on vacation. (5) psychology of knowledge for every person's success are the ads must not be small. (6) the design of this draft is pretty good, but have required a ...

牧野区17271994929: 烦请各位帮帮忙,否则我会失去我心爱的工作.Thank you very much!
仲长咽美罗: 怎么样个帮忙?翻译这句话? please help out anyone, otherwise i will lose my favorite career.

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