
作者&投稿:步咽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我要两篇英语经典动漫电影的影评 详见后面~


第一篇Monsters University怪兽大学。
After 2010's Toy Story 3, I felt that PIXAR wasn't meeting its expectations for their fans with movies that both have a good story, and capture the attention of its audience. Cars 2 was mediocre, and Brave didn't feel as special as Up or even A Bug's Life. But with Monsters University I had this deep personal connection and sentimental feeling with it. I was 6 years old when Monsters Inc. came out and now as a recent High School graduate going on to college this Fall I couldn't feel more connected to as how fast my life has go so far.

Overall it may not be the best PIXAR film, but a better one by far (in my opinion). The characters are funny to laugh at and there are some moments that leave you at the edge of seat. Also this film is about learning to accept fear and failure, while remaining hopeful about change and growth through our different skills.

第二篇 Toy Story 3 玩具总动员
Toy story 3 was an awesome movie. How to Train Your Dragon is an excellent film as well. But Pixar have managed to become the animated equivalent of The Lord of the Rings: a trilogy in which all three films are awesome in their own right.

In this film, Andy is going to college, and Woody's (Tom Hanks) not happy. But through a series of mistakes, the gang end up at a daycare center, where they meet Lotso (Ned Beatty), a cuddly teddy bear. But they soon realise that it wasn't what they thought it was going to be.

The film has incredible callbacks to previous films, hilarious moments, and one very touching ending. Pixar have continued to provide epic film after epic film, but this will be their very best, along side the second Toy Story.

By Roger Ebert, www.rogerebert.com
"Kung Fu Panda" is a story that almost tells itself in its title. It is so hard to imagine a big, fuzzy panda performing martial-arts encounters that you intuit (and you will be right) that the panda stars in an against-all-odds formula, which dooms him to succeed. For the panda's target audience, children and younger teens, that will be just fine, and the film presents his adventures in wonderfully drawn Cinemascope animation. (It will also be showing in some IMAX venues.)
The film stars a panda named Po (voice of Jack Black), who is so fat he can barely get out of bed. He works for his father, Mr. Ping (James Hong) in a noodle shop, which features Ping's legendary Secret Ingredient. How Ping, apparently a stork or other billed member of the avian family, fathered a panda is a mystery, not least to Po, but then the movie is filled with a wide variety of creatures who don't much seem to notice their differences.
They live in the beautiful Valley of Peace with an ancient temple towering overhead, up zillions of steps, which the pudgy Po can barely climb. But climb them he does, dragging a noodle wagon, because all the people of the valley have gathered up there to witness the choosing of the Dragon Warrior, who will engage the dreaded Tai Lung (Ian McShane) in kung-fu combat. Five contenders have been selected, the "Furious Five": Monkey (Jackie Chan), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu) and Crane (David Cross). Tigress looks like she might be able to do some serious damage, but the others are less than impressive. Mantis in particular seems to weigh about an ounce, tops. All five have been trained (for nearly forever, I gather) by the wise Shifu, who with Dustin Hoffman's voice is one of the more dimensional characters in a story that doesn't give the others a lot of depth. Anyway, it's up to the temple master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), an ancient turtle, to make the final selection, and he chooses -- yes, he chooses the hapless and pudgy Po.
The story then becomes essentially a series of action sequences, somewhat undermined by the fact that the combatants seem unable to be hurt, even if they fall from dizzying heights and crack stones open with their heads. There's an extended combat with Tai Lung on a disintegrating suspension bridge (haven't we seen that before?), hand-to-hand-to-tail combat with Po and Tai Lung, and upstaging everything, an energetic competition over a single dumpling.
"Kung Fu Panda" is not one of the great recent animated films. The story is way too predictable, and truth to tell, Po himself didn't overwhelm me with his charisma. But it's elegantly drawn, the action sequences are packed with energy, and it's short enough that older viewers will be forgiving. For the kids, of course, all this stuff is much of a muchness, and here they go again.


  我们已经习惯了期待皮克斯的惊奇,但是《星际总动员》确实开辟了新天地。它带给我们G级(成年与儿童都适宜观看的)的、电脑产生的、我们潜在灭绝的图景。这不是近来投入此阴森主题的唯一电影。随着全球变暖,人类的消失成为一个热门话题,许多导演都对之关注,如史蒂芬-斯皮尔伯格(《人工智能》)、弗郎西斯-劳伦斯(《我是传奇》)、奈特-沙马兰 (《灭顶之灾》)以及维纳-赫尔佐格。在他最近的记录片《在世界尽头相遇》中,赫尔佐格先生沉思道“人类在此星球上的存在不会真正永续”,这个观点在《星际总动员》的下半部中几乎是逐字逐句地表达出来。当异想天开的皮克斯工程师和情绪化的德国导演发出同样的信息时,也许我们该报以注意了。

  《星际总动员》并不全是阴郁和毁灭。毫无疑问地,它是一部郑重其事绝非简单化的生态寓言,但它还是一个令人沉醉的、甜蜜简单的爱情故事,感情的纯洁带着卓别林式的风格。在另一个层面,它带着科幻的色彩,提到了《2001太空漫游》、《异形》、《 酷狗宝贝:月球野餐记》中的一切。但是电影最公开、最坚持的引用对象是《俏红娘》,这部老旧的录影带为主角提供舞蹈和爱情方面的指导。那首古老的、快被人遗忘的音乐,随同Jerry Herman的歌词、Louis Armstrong的低声吟唱,成为瓦力(片中机器人)对我们的纪念。他是一个凹痕累累的苦力小机器人,已经过了计划的报废期,整天做着徒劳、机械的作业:收集、压缩垃圾。他的名字Wall-E是“废物安置装载运送者-地球类”的缩写。但是对于瓦力来说,并不是他发现的一切都没有价值。在他和蟑螂躲避尘暴的锈铁船中,他小心收藏了一些宝贝,包括芝宝打火机、炊事用具和一个魔方。

  瓦力对一个失落文明工艺品的亲切珍视是可以理解的,毕竟他也是人类心智的产物。而《星际总动员》(由皮克斯的骨干Andrew Stanton导演、由Andrew Stanton和Jim Reardon编剧)的天才之处是,他提醒人们,创造和毁灭是硬币的两面。人类被致力于制造和消费更多物质的经济行为驱离家园——瓦力最终知道我们没有消失。但是人类产生的一些东西证明是有用、有趣、珍贵的。一些东西甚至能够创造出灵魂。

  观察瓦力的周围环境,观众们了解到,在过去的某个时候,一家叫Bnl(英语“买N大”的缩写)的集团公司,用它的超大型商场和数以吨计的垃圾充斥了地球。最终公司把它的重要客户载到一个太空站上(舰长是Jeff Garlin),在那儿他们渐渐变成由新一代特殊机器人服务的、肥胖懒惰的群体。一个叫做伊夫的研究探查机器人(所有机器人的姓名均为缩写,性别均由仪表显示),降临地球,令瓦力动心。




  从原著小说被翻译成44种语言、在全球销量超过5000万本的热潮,到作者丹-布朗被指剽窃掀起的轩然大波,再到被西方教会目为反基督的异端电影遭到梵*蒂*冈的抵制,《达芬奇密码》(The Davinci Code)从面世的那一天起便注定要对传统的基督教带来颠覆性的冲击,值得庆幸的是教会掌握政权的日子早已成为历史,无须再担心打着耶稣幌子的黑色恐怖瘟疫会再次蔓延,多元化的社会里,基督教不可一世的地位终于露出了平凡的一面。

  自己一向对宗教文化不感冒,之所以能坚持看完原著多半是因为丹-布朗精妙的文笔与高潮迭起的悬念情节,不过对把原著搬上荧光幕的商业行为持怀疑态度,毕竟文字带来的想象空间与视觉、听觉等多重感知形成的复杂认知截然不同,许多东西一旦具体形象化往往就容易失去原有的吸引力,尤其是《达芬奇密码》这类靠制造悬念、解读复杂西方宗教历史神学符号、营造心理惊悚的作品。结果虽然有Ron Howard、Tom Hanks和Audrey Tautou携手合作,虽然作为电影艺术最高殿堂嘎纳电影节的开幕电影,《达芬奇密码》依然差强人意,只是费力不讨好的制造了120分钟的沉闷悬疑。

  即使宽容的看待电影,把是否忠于原著放在一旁,《达芬奇密码》也缺乏连贯的紧迫感和抽丝剥茧的惊悚元素,Tom Hanks和Audrey Tautou在影片中的角色本来注定他们不是《职业特工队》式的“Superman”,过多的火爆场面只会起到喧宾夺主的反效果,可影片开始Ron Howard偏要安排Audrey Tautou来一段超“辣”的车技Show,这马上就将一个弱智女流定位成超凡脱俗的强者,Hollywood式的娱乐标准即霸道又惹人生厌。按照小说的风格与结构,《达芬奇密码》应该是一部充满文艺悬念的电影,如何把复杂的谜题化繁为简,让观众参与到解迷中,可以说是影片成功与否的关键。可惜零散的剧情、苍白的人物塑造,单纯依靠Tom Hanks比手划脚就解开神学符号,未免太过儿戏,尤其是最后“Apple”的解密过程简直就是大话西游,令人啼笑皆非。Tom Hanks的力不从心、Audrey Tautou的不入戏,两人无法擦出预期的火花,加上巴黎伦敦浓郁的艺术气息、以及宗教的神圣、膜拜气氛又只是停留在表面的走马观花,都成为《达芬奇密码》空有包罗万有的野心,却有漏洞百出的臭皮囊一样,成为食之无味的“鸡肋”。

  全片最光芒四射的应该是苦行僧Silas这个角色,他背负的罪恶感,他心灵上承受的痛苦远甚于伤痕累累的切肤之痛,在狂热的宗教信仰和冷酷的眼神中,我们读到了很浓厚的悲剧味道,Ron Howard在他身上着墨不多,但却显示了深厚的功力,无论镜位还是背景音乐的烘托,他赤裸的身体充满神秘感与强烈的威慑力,远比两位主角更具有感染力。


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and the treatment on director’s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>. 《阿甘正传》影评 阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, ...

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英语电影影评2篇。 150字一篇
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求大神 帮忙写两篇英语动漫电影的影评 每篇约300字
while remaining hopeful about change and growth through our different skills.第二篇 Toy Story 3 玩具总动员 Toy story 3 was an awesome movie. How to Train Your Dragon is an excellent film as well. But Pixar have managed to become the animated equivalent of The Lord of the Rings...

名著读后感,或英语电影影评,1000字以上,要英文的,三篇……谢谢  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 消费者维权的正确姿势,你知道吗? 匿名用户 2009-06-06 展开全部 你不给我加分,怎么对得起我!!! 英文影评:千与千寻(Spirited Away) Animated feature from Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki. A young girl finds...

余江县15218806933: 我要两篇英语经典动漫电影的影评 详见后面 -
楚夏二丁: 不理解是每篇300字还是两篇一共300字,我照着每篇300字来,超了的话还请LZ自己删减.至于高分词汇,还是让学生本人来变换吧...第一篇Monsters University怪兽大学.After 2010's Toy Story 3, I felt that PIXAR wasn't meeting its ...

余江县15218806933: 用英文写影评.可以是卡通,动漫或者电影. -
楚夏二丁: 黑执事英文影评: The japanese anime, Black Butler, takes place in Europe, Britain, during the Victorian era. The main character, a shockingly young earl named Ciel Phantomhive by the age of twelve; has a rather particular butler working for him. ...

余江县15218806933: 求用英语写的观后感!(是外国动画片) -
楚夏二丁: (唉,我自己来写吧) 这是迪斯尼公司上世纪的经典之作,但感动了整整一代人,狮子王打败它叔叔不仅是为了为父报仇,还是为了整个森林的安全.有的人从中学到了团结,有的人学到了坚持的重要性,还有其他人学到了不畏危险,勇敢斗争...

余江县15218806933: 急求英文电影影评100字左右 -
楚夏二丁: The story of the film is simple. Rapunzel is a princess that has hair that has power to heal and keep people young, but once it's cut, it loses all power. When Rapunzel was just an infant she was kidnapped by an old woman who locked her away in a ...

余江县15218806933: 两篇英语电影的观后感100字左右, -
楚夏二丁:[答案] 第一篇 盗梦空间 Yesterday I watched the movie 'Inception'.It was really awesome.The setting of the movie resembles that of 'The Matrix',which also questions the existence of the real world.In fact,ancienct philosophers from China and Greek,such as ...

余江县15218806933: 五篇英语电影短篇影评 ( 影评和电影都是英文的) -
楚夏二丁:2012 is a 2009 disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thand...

余江县15218806933: 求两篇英文电影影评,250词左右 -
楚夏二丁: http://yingyu.xdf.cn/201206/3283334.html Life is like a box of chocoles—— 《Forrest Gump》Ever find the grind of life getting you down? Is the day-to-day struggle threatening to drag you under? If so, there is a movie out there that can replenish ...

余江县15218806933: 求两篇原版英文电影影评 -
楚夏二丁: 《肖申克的救赎》:One of the finest films made in recent years. It's a poignant story about hope. Hope gets me. That's what makes a film like this more than a movie. It tells a lesson about life. Those are the films people talk about 50 or even 100 ...

余江县15218806933: 英语作文:为你喜欢的电影写一篇影评. -
楚夏二丁: It is sunny today. I am excited, It's not because of the nice weather but “The Smurfs”, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The content of the movie is very amusing and funny for children. The scene and color are ...

余江县15218806933: 求3篇英文电影的英语影评,简单,初一水平、好的追加 -
楚夏二丁: 《当幸福来敲门》:I have been a fan of Will Smith for years and I have to say this may be his best film yet! "The Pursuit of Happiness" is just a wonderful (based on a true) story, full of adventure, hope, and pain. I saw the movie last night in a ...

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