
作者&投稿:南性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求monsta X《hero》音译歌词,要中文音译~

牌r gian含有一喊文杰将yeah
耨 len亏强给漫den嫩
卡西部您nei 带噶疼难加den
啊你呀 耨内过dei 内噶气kiao呀海诶目噶一嫩dei
怒噶耨却dei 弄铺苏偶给内噶气kiao剧给
耨耨目拿啊 len大我搜难桥给吗拿

吗气功剧 len气K 嫩给目噶她
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your man
o yeah I can be your hero 啊当den len退路
拿喷过den铺dei 给也赛门他恩特来诶系我
全部麦den里吗楼 耨卡几料白拖dei 嫩开苏里(我我我)
(What?) 慢慢拿给奈怕大谬泡搜膜谷KI 给掐啦
扒鸡位诶潘提 len一谷忙图 len他啦
他den 谷给 len bow
怒噶耨却dei 弄铺苏偶给内噶气kiao剧给
耨耨目拿啊 len大我搜难桥给吗拿

吗气功剧 len气K 嫩给目噶她
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
Ay 难耨也啊当den len 目度哈拿噶气bang bang bang bang
哈嫩 len shoot shoot KI 娘吗哈嫩 len奈啦大牛superman
耨也一谷里位诶没单聊无死机给漫den罗内给 batman
耨无给漫den嫩KI 偶董啊当den一接嫩撒大高级啦海给有
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man
I can be your hero
I can be your hero
I can be your man
I can be your man

就命:达斯k dei(中文的不出来)

There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you





亲看行不?中文音译有点搞笑哈 如果还想要什么的话PM我,我可以给你找或者给你翻译,学过韩文的说,日文只会片假平假...只是翻译会需要你等等~参考:http:\/\/tieba.baidu.com\/f?ct=335675392&tn=baiduPostBrowser&sc=5307394610&z=527068623&pn=0&rn=30&lm=0&word=%BA%AB%B9%FA%B8%E8%B...

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东方神起歌词中文谐音 10 亲们有哪些就发哪些吧,是要中文谐音的哟~~亲们,不是要罗马音的哦~~... 亲们有哪些就发哪些吧,是要中文谐音的哟~~亲们,不是要罗马音的哦~~ 展开  我来答 6个回答 #热议# 怎么买保险?答案全在这里了 浅见兰 2009-06-30 · 超过10用户采纳过TA的回答 知道答主 ...

谁有hero's come back中文的拼音歌词?要谐音并且要中文
谁有hero's come back中文的拼音歌词?要谐音并且要中文  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?溥易戎QI 2014-09-06 · TA获得超过184个赞 知道答主 回答量:156 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:66万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Hero’s Come Back!! 作曲:DJ MITSU 作词\/...


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火影疾风传Hero's come back 的歌词 要拼音谐音的
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英欣制霉: 阿一代 诺录哇 苏古尼 哟木灭 艾必跌,买碟 ki米达 kie莫hi 莫妮娜 米答疑 扩糯米,吐奶 比例分泌,比列分泌 ki瑟ki莫 抹过速哟 比列分泌,比例分泌 博库纳拉 诉苦呃奴 大碟 扩阔罗瓦摩西一碟路扩多 扩缩 咔哇 大卡扩哇咧 哈杜爹莫 ki迷哟马模露...

同仁县18438664144: 求monsta X《hero》音译歌词,要中文音译 -
英欣制霉: 哈鲁囧一耨气kiao铺名搜牌r gian含有一喊文杰将yeah耨 len亏强给漫den嫩卡西部您nei 带噶疼难加den啊你呀 耨内过dei 内噶气kiao呀海诶目噶一嫩dei怒噶耨却dei 弄铺苏偶给内噶气kiao剧给耨耨目拿啊 len大我搜难桥给吗拿吗气功剧 len气K 嫩...

同仁县18438664144: hug的中文音译歌词!!! -
英欣制霉: hug(中文版) [hero]只要让我做你甜蜜温暖的睡床~~oh baby 可以温柔的把你搂在我的怀中 哄着你入眠 [micky]梦中每个细小动作 经常在你的耳边诉说 都会让我打败所有怪兽在你梦里~~oh wo [hero]没有我你如何度过 你又是怎么消磨时间 会不会...

同仁县18438664144: 日语英雄的谐音是什么? -
英欣制霉: 有两种,第一种是 「英雄」えいゆう 谐音:诶~迂~ 两个都是长音;另一种,「ヒーロー」即英语的hero 谐音是:hi 喽(hi的i发一的音 不要发嗨 中文没有hi的同音字)

同仁县18438664144: hero's come back中文谐音 -
英欣制霉: 疯了,全部是rap 我都听不清楚他们唱的什么, 不过还是翻出来了...巨汗! 托哦库德ki扩额路扩额哦hin托你 hi托里吗它hi托里它其啊嘎路多哦西 库里卡额四大可喏负当多哦里 库次嘎额四就恩比一一则Are You Ready? 卡拉大就负路瓦四新...

同仁县18438664144: 求doa的《英雄》的中文谐音歌词,不然好难学 -
英欣制霉: 你这个真的很难,就像上学学英语,你要课本的中文谐音一样.真想自己学这歌,还是多听几遍把,每一句自己听谐音.

同仁县18438664144: hero这么首歌要中国话标出音来.就是把他写成中国字.不是简单的翻译. .有好评 -
英欣制霉: hero..歌么..谁的啊..sj的还是神话的..SuperJunior Hero音译:@AmberKid (音译歌词吧) I see my girl,listen to meIf you want, I canbe your heroI'm saying to you, take my hand圭贤 搜啦我投不难投摸那一 卡在弄哟你哈系来路不次摸...

同仁县18438664144: 求神话组合hero歌词发音和中文翻译 -
英欣制霉: 《hero》There's a hero 这就是勇士 If you look inside you heart 如果你注视你的内心 You don't have to be afraid of what you are 你不必顾忌自己是谁 There's a answer 这就是回答 If you reach into your soul and 如果你正视你自己的内心 the sorrow ...

同仁县18438664144: 谁有东方神起《傻瓜》的中文谐音歌词? -
英欣制霉: Hero:靠请吗 毛读靠请吗里叫 西噶你可但he该哈能吗 Max:一表来啊扑(m)吗he木(m) 求古木kiao叫起吗 可但呀能那海吗 要叫er可但路him但 Hero:she湖高拉三噶噶乃起吗 Max:吗呢西噶你老扫到 All:呢噶翁(m)能高那色gi满海 哈几(...

同仁县18438664144: 求东方神起hero《成筠馆绯闻》的歌曲,《对你来说是离别,对我来说是等待》中文音译?急! -
英欣制霉: 金在中 《对你是离别,对我是等待》 连呼吸都变得多余 坐在空无一人的房间里 窗外的雨下的很小心 却又淋湿眼睛OH~~ 我只能拥抱着回忆 假装失去你也没有关系 眼泪已经落了满地 就像是碎玻璃 割碎 我的 心却又无法停止去思念你 转身离别等...

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