
作者&投稿:阳图 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Sam,
I am very to hear from you. You ask me about my winter camp,well I think it was really wonderful and helpful.It was from Feb 11th to 17th.During the activity, in order to improve our spoken English and make us know about the weastern culture,the organization organized a lot of activities,including learning how to sing English songs,readingEnglish poems and watchingEnglish movies.We also listened to a lecture given by a professor. At last, I took part in anEnglish Speech Compitition and I got a prize.I really like it very much,and I hope we can take part in it together next time.
Best wishes!
Li Hua


Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!

.It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one month to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of.We have been very tired after hard studying.I will have a good rest.

.It was the eighth day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. My parents went to camping. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. I stayed at home and watched TV. I wrote an English daily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

.Today is Wednesday.My mother、my father and I are all at home.Now my mother is washing clothes.My father is reading newspapers.I am doing my English homework.
Today afternoon we are going to go to my grandparents's home.And I will play with my little sister.I think I will have a nice day.

•I watched television late last night so I woke up late. My mother asked me to go to the market to buy some eggs for her. When I played with a little dog on the street, I dropped the eggs on the ground. They were all broken. My mother was very angry with me when I went home. I am very unhappy to-day.

2. I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O'clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house work. She is very happy so I am happy too.

3.I am sick to-day. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't feel well. My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor gave me a shot. It was very painful. Since I didn't feel well, I went to bed real early.

4.I felt better to-day. Since I was sick yesterday, my mother didn't let me go out to play. I had to stay home and watch television. There was a good movie on the television in the afternoon. It's about a dog. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it very much.

5. I am much better this morning. I am very happy. My cousin came to see me. We played computer games together for a long time. My parents took us to have dinner in the restaurant. I like the food very much.

6.My mother told me that I have to do some home work at home. I did two hours of home work and getting tired. I went to bed to take a nap. When I woke up, it was in the evening. My father and I watched television to-gether for an hour. Then I went to bed.

7.Today it was raining. It was raining so hard that I could't go out. It was very boring. I took out the English story book that me uncle gave me for my birthday last year. I read it and found there were many words that I don't know. But I found it very intereating.

8. I picked up my story book that I didn't finish yesterday. When I found some words that I didn't understand, I looked it up in the dictionary. It is about a little girl who lost her mother on the street and could not find her way home.

孩子渐渐长大,在学习与教养的过程当中,也可以适时延缓满足孩子的要求。当孩子吵着要大人拿玩具或是请求帮忙的时候,常常因为家长立马满足孩子,而让孩子觉得这是必然的,既不体谅父母的辛苦,也学不会等待,难怪很多父母自嘲自己是“孝父”、“孝母”。 孩子是否能适应延缓满足,父母的态度是关键,那在生活中该如何教导呢? 前后一致的态度 很多人都是在自己成为父母后,才开始学习怎样当父母的。孩子的成长有许多不同的阶段,而每一成长阶段的宝宝,需求当然不一样,因此,父母应该认真倾听孩子的需求,态度也要一致。如果父母前后的态度不一致,让孩子觉得大人的原则和态度总是变来变去的,会让孩子无所适从。 渐进式方法取代强硬的规定 大人都知道,孩子做什么是要教的,不是天生就会的。现在的父母常常为孩子设想的太周到,两相冲突的情绪,往往会出现在不同的事物要求上;一旦不能顺利延缓宝宝的需求,就会出现不耐烦的强硬态度或是投降的消极成全。其实良好的习惯是在生活中一点一滴慢慢养成的,很多孩子一开始都会不适应,一次一次慢慢地让孩子习惯会更好。如奖励记点、口头表扬等等,都可以引导孩子自动自发地完成,并让孩子在等待的过程中不会出现不愉快的情绪,不让等待变成孩子见的战争。给予积极的鼓励与关怀 延缓满足并不是限制孩子的需求,因此,当孩子出现需求的时候,父母要用积极的态度面对,如果要求合适,但可以等一会再满足的,那就让孩子等一会,如果他做到了,给孩子鼓励和表扬,强化孩子学习的动力。 看看这些时候家长怎么做? 宝宝哭了,要不要马上哄? 对新生儿来说,最直接的表达要求的方式,就是哭,但家长常常不知道宝宝到底为什么哭,所以在宝宝开始哭的时候,他们只有马上冲上去抱起孩子哄他,孩子一哭就马上哄是最好的解决方式吗? 新生儿的要求多半很直接,就是用哭声告诉爸妈他们需要得到关照。当然,孩子哭的原因有很多,爸妈要区别对待,如果是尿布湿了、不舒服了、摔倒了等原因,爸妈当然要立即解决,不然会让孩子觉得非常难受,影响他们的生理和心理发展。 但是有些情况下则可以让宝宝稍微等一会,如有时候宝宝只是单纯的肚子饿,在给孩子泡奶粉期间,不防让孩子有机会学习等待。可以给孩子喝一点开水,和他说说话,让宝宝知道,一会儿就有奶喝了。这样不仅能让宝宝学会等待,大人也能有更充裕的准备时间,不致手忙脚乱。此外,家长的态度也是延缓满足中十分关键的地方,父母的态度一定要温柔而坚定,可以不急不徐地告诉宝宝:“等一下,妈妈马上就来了。”“宝宝乖,你看妈妈放好这个玩具就来抱你了。你等一会会哦!”“看,牛奶已经冲好了,妈妈再拿个小毛巾来你就能喝了。”在不影响宝宝正常生活的情形下训练宝宝,是最理想的方式。孩子不乖乖吃饭怎么办? 有时候孩子不乖乖吃饭,跑来跑去要大人追着喂饭,或者正好在看精彩的动画片,不愿意离开电视去吃饭,这个时候可以告诉孩子:“我们先乖乖坐下来吃饭好吗?因为吃完饭后我们要出去玩一会,不好好把饭吃完就不能出去了。”或者说:“动画片吃完饭也可以看的,但是如果你现在不乖乖吃饭,妈妈就不让你看动画片了。”让孩子知道,即使等一会,他也能达到目的,得到想要的满足。 孩子如果不愿意坐下来用餐,千万不要追着孩子跑,用奖赏代替处罚,用诱导代替恐吓,是帮助父母让宝宝乖乖听话的好办法,千万不要用强制的方法或斥责的语言来逼迫孩子。孩子不愿意乖乖吃饭,其实并不是他不想吃饭,只是吃饭和动画片比起来,后者的诱惑更大,父母应该让孩子一件一件地完成事情,如先吃饭再看电视,而不是有了更大的诱惑,就马上抛开应该做的事情,这样的坏习惯形成了,将来难免会“捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜”。 要立即给孩子买这个玩具吗? 孩子看中了某个玩具,吵着要买,但是他现在的年龄玩这个还不合适,你是为了哄孩子开心马上买给他,还是让他等一等? 这个时候也是延缓满足的最佳训练机会之一,家长可以告诉孩子现在不给他买的原因,也可以答应将来的某个时候给他买,如跟他说:“宝宝,你现在还不能玩这个滑板车,比较危险,等你再长大一点,到了你生日的时候,我们就来买好吗?来,我们拉勾,到时候一定买。”这个时候孩子多半都会答应,充满憧憬地等着生日的来临;但也有的孩子不依不饶要马上买,家长可以“威胁”一下孩子:“妈妈说了生日就买的,要是你现在不听话,生日的时候妈妈也不会买。”让孩子明白,有时候耐心的等待,会换来更好的结果,冲动反而会让事情更糟糕。 结语 在面对孩子的学习时,父母总是为了孩子考虑很多,但是往往忽略了延缓满足,让孩子没有独立思考的机会。在生活能力的培养上,也应该用辅导的方法,让孩子在得到父母的帮助前,有机会先想一想自己能做些什么。父母可以通过故事或者游戏的方式,让孩子在等待的过程中,养成良好的观察能力与冷静处理事情的态度。让孩子等一会,让他在等待中学习和思考。

The child grows up gradually, in studying with education process middle , can't can the call for delaying satisfying a child timely. When child is making a noise asking an adult to have no way with toy or requests that giving a hand, often satisfy a child immediately because of parents , let a child feel this is inevitable but , both do not make allowance for parents's working hard for and, being unable to learn to wait, that many parents certainly derides self no wonder is "filial piety father " ", filial piety mother ". If child can fit in with is delayed satisfied, parents's attitude is key , how that should teach in life? Being after self becomes parents around consistent attitude many person , begin to learn how to serve as parents's just now. Child's growing up stage having a lot of diversity, but each one grow up stage baby , need are certainly different , therefore, parents ought to listen attentively to child's need carefully , attitude can't be going consistent. If the parents front and back attitude disaccords, let principle and attitude of child feel like adult always Bian Lai Bian Qu , may let a child be at a loss as to what to do. The dyadic method advancing gradually replaces the flinty regulation adult knowing , what the child acts as is to need to teach , is not innate be therefore likely. Parents now often is very thoughtful , two-phase conflict mood that the child assumes , meeting turn up is sometimes demand listed in in different object; Once being able to not delay baby's need smoothly,inactivity impatient flinty attitude will appear or surrendering helps. In fact fine habit is forming bit by bit slowly in life, one many children beginning to may do not adapt, a once lets a child be accustomed to being going to be much better slowly. Can guide a child to be completed voluntarily spontaneously if rewarding mark point , oral commendations etc.,no happy to let a child can not appear in the process waiting mood and, does not dodge to wait to become the war that the child sees. Give active encouragement and show solicitude delaying satisfying the need being really not to restrict a child, parents has wanted to face, if call for is right with active attitude therefore, when child need appears on, one such as being able to wait for one to be going to be still satisfied , giving way to a child will be, but if he achieves, being encouraged by child and praised, driving force strengthening child study about. Take a look at these moment how parents composes? The baby has cried , whether has needed to coax immediately or not? Express the way demanding , be to cry to newborn baby , most directly, parents does not often know after all why the baby cries but , they are rushed up to only immediately when beginning to cry therefore in the baby, go to carry a child in breast up coaxing him, the child coaxes immediately being to resolve way best as soon as crying? Call for of the newborn baby greater part is very direct, be they need to be looked after with crying inform dad of mummy. The cause crying has the of course , the child many, dad mummy is not to give equal treatment to than, cause such as having been completely not comfortable , having fallen if being that diaper is wet, dad mummy certainly needs to solve immediately , not the case may let child feel like feel bad very much , physiology and mentality affecting them develop. Some can let a baby wait for one meeting a bit but then under condition , do not defend against if the baby is only simple hungry stomach sometimes, during the period of steeping milk powder for child, let a child get chance to learn waiting. Can drink a little boiled water, and his gossip , let a baby know by child , having had milk aha soon. Such can let a baby learn to wait not only , the adult also can have more abundant preparation time , won't act with confusion. Besides, parents's attitude is also to delay satisfying middle very the key place, parents's attitude must mild but firm , can not tell a baby slowly urgently: "Wait for the once , mother to have come immediately". The "baby is lovely , you look at mother to finish putting in this toy having come to carry you in breast. Your after one meeting oh "! "Take a look on that milk has already rushed regards ,mother comes to you can drink with napkin again". Train a baby under the circumstance not affecting regular life of baby , be the idealest way. Does not the child eat tamely how to handle? The child does not eat tamely sometimes , chase about asking an adult to be pursuing meal , happen or in looking at the wonderful animated cartoon, leave TV unwillingly go and eating, this moment can tell a child: Does "our my deceased little dear sit down for finishing eating? We need to go out to play with one meeting because of being completed after meal , are difficult a meal to be finished eating having gone out Jiu Bu Neng ". Or say: "The animated cartoon also can by complete meal watch mother does not allow you to have looked at an animated cartoon right away if but you do not eat tamely now". Let a child know, even if waiting for one meeting, he also can achieve purpose , get being satisfied with wanting. The child sits down for having a meal if unwilling , is sure not to go after let child run , use award replace punish , use guidance to replace frighten, be the good way helping parents to let baby little dear be obedient , be sure not to use coercive method or to come to force a child the language rebuking. The child eats unwillingly tamely , is really not that he does not want to eat in fact , eat only prepare an animated cartoon than getting up, the latter be lured is bigger , parents ought to let child piece of a piece of field accomplish a thing , watches TV again if eating first, but either be to have had bigger be lured , or cast aside immediately ought to thing composing, such bad habit has taken form , has been hard to avoid "concentrating on minor matters to the neglect of major ones " in the future. Be going to buy this toy for child immediately? The child has taken a fancy to some's toys , has needed to buy being making a noise, his age now makes fun of but this no rightly , you are to wait a bit for coaxing the joyful right now of child to be bought to him, or by him? This moment is also to delay satisfied the best one of the chance training , parents can tell a child not to give the cause that he buys now , some's moment also being able to promise future is bought by him, if speaking to him: "Baby , your can not play this scooter now , parallel danger, wait for you to grow up again partial, we come to ingratiate oneself right away when having arrived at your birthday? Come, we pull shorter leg , are bound to buy at that time". This moment child greater part may promise , be full of approaching longing for a field being waiting for birthday; Also some children will never pardon but needing to buy immediately , parents can "threaten the once child": "Mother has said birthday right away buy if you are not obedient now, the birthday moment mother also can not buy ". Make child know , in the sometimes patient waiting, result more good to come the meeting being changed, is impetuous may make thing too worse on the contrary. Parents has considered many always for the child, but has sometimes has ignored when facing child's study about concluding remarks, delay satisfied , let a child not have the chance of an independent mind. On the viability culture, also ought to use the method tutoring , give way to a child before getting parents's help, get chance to think of it self can make some first what. Parents can pass the story or the game way , give way to a child in the process waiting, form the fine observation ability and process the thing attitude calmly. One meeting is waited for by the child , is let him study and think deeply that in waiting.

The influence of attitude

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