谁能帮我翻译一下这篇文章吗~~~ 需要人工翻译 ~~~希望高手们帮个忙 ~~~

作者&投稿:甄治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

谁ai能帮hộ 我tôi 翻译dịch 这篇文章啊bài văn này ~~~~越南语高手们các cao tay Việt ngữ ~

关系制度指数(休斯里德和贝克尔1996年) 。使用启动
19 OECD国家中只使用两个变量是0.63 ,但使用的所有5
变量的差异,降低至0.34 。使用该系统的做法,似乎
( ichniowski和Shaw 2003 ) 。
组织,其中包括工会(赫希1991年) 。延伸
劳动力市场机构(普雷斯科特1986年) 。即使有一些外国直接投资
测量的问题,捕捉“纯粹的投资总额, ”这的确提高
资源最佳利用(利普西2000年) 。直接投资资本流动
8 %的国际资本流动(利普西2001年) 。虽然小,相对
和体制的变数从我们减少的形式方程( 1 ) 。我们
制度,我们制定了1至5规模为每个变量,这表明最( 1 )
至少( 5 )有利于业务。

据《现代话语词典》注解:幽默一词源于拉丁文,原义指“潮湿”,后转为:“液体”, 出现于医学界。欧洲文艺复兴之后,开始向社会生活领域和艺术领域转移。到了近代,幽默一词成为美学概念,指生活中不能枯燥乏味,有“足以使人逗乐、发笑或消遣”的意思。



幽默是人类生命的冬青树,他好像化学反应中的酸碱中和,常可以化干戈为玉帛,使剑拔驽张的双方相视一笑,握手言和。以盛笑话文明的山西万荣县,两个人在争吵:“ 你为什么不讲理 ?”,“我本来就没理,和你讲什么理?” 一场“战争”被 笑声制止了。德国诗人 歌德在公园里散步,与一位批评家在一条仅能让一人通过的小路上相遇。批评家说:“我从来不给蠢货让路 。”歌德笑着推到路边:“我恰恰相反。”幽默之后,在笑声中有力的一方消气了,没理的一方道了歉而又不伤自尊。显然这比无理强辩和直接认错效果要好得多。笑声中,歌德将“蠢货”的头衔还给了批评家,批评家无言以对,只好笑纳。歌德不仅达到了反击的目的,而且显示了自己的智慧,流下了千古佳话。


According to 《modern words phrase Dian 》comment:Humor one phrase comes from Latin text, the original righteousness points"damp", turn into behind:"Liquid" is appeared to medical science field.After, the European literature renew's beginning transfers to the social activities realm and the art realm.Arrived modern age, humorous one phrase became esthetics concept and point a life in not ability tedious, there is the meaning of"be good enough to make the person stir happy, laugh or amuse".

The humor is an intelligence, scholarship, clever crystallize, humor at our society, family, work, study, life in necessary.Canadian Lang rather grew up in China since the childhood, he while running for Du in the election province, the opponent attackstoned he said:"Obedient you are the milk that eats a Chinese wet nurse to grow up of, definitely have Chinese blood relationship on that your body."The Lang rather answered:"Quite good, I am the milk that eats a Chinese wet nurse to grow up.However, there is definite proof proof, you drink milk to grow up, it is thus clear that you of there is the blood relationship of cow on the body."The Lang rather reasons logically logic to postpone a standpoint that very absurd conclusion used humorous language to easily defeat in a debate opponent according to the other party.

The humor is the lubricant of home life, it contributes to stable emotion, make atmosphere harmonious and harmonious.A rightness of youths person gets married soon, the husband expresses a great man's doctrine and says to the wife:"I said in this home that calculate, you must listen to mine."This attitude may cause both parties' quarreling very much.But that wife in no hurrily say:"go, our opinion unanimously listen to you;Opinion inconformity listen to mine."A words originally the tense atmosphere alleviated.

The humor is mankind vital of evergreen tree, he look like the sour alkali in the chemical reaction moderate, often can turn the weapons of war as jade and silk, make the sword pulled out both parties of Nu piece to see a to smile mutually, shake hands speech with.With the mountain west Wan-jung County of the prosperous joke civilization, two people are quarreling:" You why not reasonable?", " Was I original and then dided not manage and spoke with you what reason?" A "war" was stopped by the laughter.German poet's song is virtuous to take a walk in the park, with a path that critic can make one person pass just in one up meet.The critic says:"I never give way for stupid goods."The song is virtuous to smile to push a wayside:"I am exactly the opposite."Humor after, emollient in the laughter of a square cool down, have never managed a ly Qian but again don't harm self-respect.Obviously this ratio argues forcefully without the reason and directly admits mistake effect to want much better.In the laughter, the song is virtuous to return the title of "stupid goods" to a critic, the critic has no speech with to, have to accept kindly.The song is virtuous to not only come to a the purpose of backstroke, but also show own intelligence and flowed descend historic anecdotes.

The boon space Si thinks that the humor is intelligence and bring up and the becoming of morals is now.It has an intervention and dulcifies living function.Humor oneself is easy, acquire humor but demand heavy labor;Humor oneself is pleased, have effort of humorous cultivated manners but demand hardship.Therefore, this needs to strengthen study and accomplishment and is good at absorbing nourishment from the life and holds technique, the Yu Chuang is at the Xie and make the life been full of fun.

什么语言? 翻译:
According to "Dictionary of Modern Discourse" Note: the word humor comes from the Latin, the original meaning refers to "wet", after the conversion: "liquid" in the medical profession. After the European Renaissance, to the social life of the transfer areas and the arts. To the modern times, humor has become the aesthetic concept of the word, means life is not boring, there are "enough to laugh, laugh or entertainment" means.

Humor is the wisdom, knowledge, the crystallization of smart, humor in our society, family, work, study, living in an integral. Canadians Browning grew up in China from an early age, he run for Governor, the opponent attacks, he said: "obedient you are eating Chinese milk nanny growing up, you must be of Chinese descent who." Browning said: "Yes, I was eating Chinese nanny brought up the milk. However, there is conclusive evidence that you grew up drinking milk, your body can be seen cattle origin." Browning's reasoning in accordance with the logic of the other party to postpone a very ridiculous conclusions, humorous language used easy to refute the opponent's point of view.

Humor is the lubricant of family life, which help stabilize the emotions, so that a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. A pair of young people to get married soon after her husband on the show of male chauvinism, his wife said: "I have the final say in this family, you have to listen to me." Such an attitude is likely to lead to the two sides quarrel. The wife and calmly said: "The line, when we agreed to listen to you; opinions to listen to my inconsistent." Saying they had eased the tense atmosphere.

Humor is a holly tree of human life, he is just like a chemical reaction of the acid-base and often can turn hostility into friendship, so that Zhang Jian inferior horse out of both sides, as the smile, shake hands. Civilization in Sheng joke Wanrong County, Shanxi Province, two people in the quarrel: "Why do not you unreasonable?", "I had no rationale, and what grounds do you say?" A "war" was to stop the laughter. German poet Goethe walk in the park, with a critic so only in a small one on the road through the encounter. Critics said: "I never give way to the idiot." Goethe to the street with a smile: "I am just the opposite." Humor after laughter Getter powerful party, and not the rationale for the party and apologized do not hurt self-esteem. This is obviously unreasonable chicanery and direct effects are much better to admit their mistakes. Laughter, the Goethe will be "dumb" and the title returned to the critics, critics speechless and had no choice but to admit. Goethe not only to achieve the purpose of the counter-attack, but also the wisdom of their own, shed the age-old story.

Engels believed that humor is the wisdom, the realization of education and morality. It has to intervene and joy of life functions. Humor itself is easy, but the need for humor was heavy labor; humor itself is pleasant, with the quality of humor is the need for hard work. Therefore, this study and the need to strengthen self-cultivation, good life lessons from nutrition, to grasp the skills, Yue Zhuang in the harmonic, make life fun.

for the society, for mankind. Yeah! Dead for the scientific community to make a huge contribution to Einstein though, however, his great performance and the spirit of continuous exploration of knowledge as the flowers open in the hearts of the people.望采纳!参考资料:百度翻译 ...

是因为坐我旁边有一对年轻男女说话非常大声,我非常生气、以至于我都听不见台上演员的台词。我转过身非常生气的看着他们,但他们依然不注意言行。到最后我实在无法忍受了,我再次转身生气的对他们说:你们太吵了我一句台词都没听到! 而年轻男人粗鲁的说:又不管你的事,这是私人对话。


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管雁盐酸: 去年三月份的时候,妈妈告诉爸爸和我,说爷爷四月份的时候会来我们这里,我们都好高兴啊,因为爷爷是个非常有趣的老人,可是自从他去了香港之后就再也没有来看我们了.四月一号的时候爸爸和我从超市买了好多吃的东西,而且还买回了一大束花,然后,我们在家做了很多清洁工作,晚上我们都等着爷爷的到来.终于,门铃响了,妈妈进来了,她冲着我们笑然后说“四月的愚人们”这是说在愚人节这天,我和爸爸被妈妈戏弄的事情,结果家里来的不是我们期盼已久的爷爷而是妈妈.

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管雁盐酸: 一只蚂蚁爬到河岸边想饮水解渴,却被汹涌的激流冲走,眼看就要被淹没了.一只鸽子栖身于一株悬垂在水面上的树上,采摘下一片树叶,让其落至溪水中那只蚂蚁的旁边. 蚂蚁爬上树叶,安全地漂浮到了岸上.过了不久,来了一位捕鸟的猎人,站在树下,安放好了沾有捕鸟胶的树枝,企图捕捉这只鸽子.鸽子浑然不知,仍栖息在树枝上.蚂蚁察觉到了捕鸟人的企图,拼命蜇他的脚.疼痛迫使捕鸟人撇掉了树枝,落地的声音惊起了鸽子. 好心确实有好报啊.

惠城区18291157671: 谁帮我把这篇英语文章翻译一下哈.. -
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