
作者&投稿:钱欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Hamilton (汉密尔顿),






who keep the social temperature at such a comfortable setting,这里的“social temperature”字面意思为:社会温度,原文为:这在舒适的位置上,你保持有社会温度。其实换一句话说,就是说不冷漠,热心,换一句话说,就是比较融入关注团体。 这封信是写给Hamilton(汉密尔顿)诉苦的,肯定是比写信人地位高,当然是赞扬他。

Wedding Shower:结婚送礼派对,不是单身派对,请大家不要翻译错了。
有些人也把“wedding shower”翻译成结婚前举行的单身派对,但是本文中指的是结婚送礼派对,这是美国的送礼习俗,是为了祝福新人为新人献上礼物的一种派对,分为为二位新人举办的 couple shower, 还有一种则是专门为新娘办的bridal shower. 他们之所以称这样的派对为shower(s),是因为当天参加聚会的朋友会准备许多的礼物来”浇灌”他们,就像“淋浴”或“下雨”一样。
Baby Shower: 新生宝宝送礼派对



The employment question is the extremely complex social economy question, this question and the livelihood of the people are closely linked, the realization full employment is one of government's macroscopic economic targets, its solution depends on the synthesis, the system reform.1929 financial crisis made US first time to realize regarding the employment question, the government should adopt the intervention policy.Along with the industrialization and the economical globalization influence, the stern employment situation caused the various countries to adopt a series of policies in view of the promotion employment question.Among them, US took the world economics great nation, its employment policy development has the typical significance.This article goal lies in, through carries on the analysis to the Roosevelt new deal time to the nowadays stage US employment promotion policy development, proposes under the current our country stern employment situation related countermeasure and the suggestion.
The policy to the 20th century 30's financial crisis which this article first analyzed the Roosevelt government to be supposed which to cause the unemployment question and adopts.Then has analyzed the American World War II later the economy rising period, the 80's, the 90's positive employment policy as well as the 21st century US under the new environment, specially under current financial crisis US's employment policy.
Next, the article in view of our country current stern employment situation, should adopt the different employment promotion policy from US to the different time in the method to seek some may supply the experience which our country profits from, puts forward some proposals.
Finally, carries on the summary regarding US's employment promotion policy development.

Obtain employment problem is very complex social and economic problems, this problem is closely related to people's livelihood, full employment is the government's macroeconomic goals, the solution of the system depends on comprehensive, reform. The financial crisis in 1929, the first learned to obtain employment problem, the government should take intervention policy. As industrialization and economic globalization, the influence of severe employment situation for promoting the employment problem has taken a series of policy. Among them, the United States as the world's largest economies, the development of the employment policy, typical significance. The purpose of this paper is to new period, through to the American employment promotion present phase of development policy, the article analyzes the current situation of the employment of severe related countermeasures and Suggestions.
This paper firstly analyzes the Roosevelt government response in the 1930s financial crisis in unemployment problems and measures of policy. After analyzing the American economic rise period, after the war in the 1980s and 1990s and the active employment policies in the 21st century America in the new environment, especially under the current financial crisis in the U.S. employment policy.
Secondly, based on current severe employment situation, from the United States to adopt different in different periods of employment promotion policies for some of the methods available for reference of experience, and presents some Suggestions.
Finally, for the United States to promote the development of the employment policy.这样行吗?

The employment problem is a very complex socio-economic issue and people's livelihood, the achievement of full employment is one of the Government's macroeconomic objectives, the solution depends on a comprehensive, systematic reform. The financial crisis in 1929, the United States first recognized the problem of employment, the Government should take-intervention policy. With the industrialization and economic globalization, the impact of the severe employment situation to enable countries to promote employment for a number of policy issues. Among them, the United States as a world economic power, its employment policy with a typical development. The purpose of this paper lies in the fact that Roosevelt's New Deal era through the present stage to the United States the development of employment promotion policy analysis, the current severe employment situation in our country under the relevant countermeasures and suggestions.
In this paper, the Roosevelt administration's response to the 20th century, 30 of the financial crisis led to the problem of unemployment and the policies adopted. Followed by an analysis of U.S. economic growth since World War II period, the 80's, 90's of active employment policies, as well as the 21st century under the United States in the new environment, especially under the current financial crisis, the employment policy of the United States.
Secondly, the article for the current severe employment situation, the response from the United States in different periods of employment promotion policies take a different approach in looking for some experience to draw on for our country and put forward some suggestions.
Finally, with regard to employment promotion policy of the United States summed up the development.

The employment question is the extremely complex social economy question, this question and the livelihood of the people are closely linked, the realization full employment is one of government's macroscopic economic targets, its solution depends on the synthesis, the system reform.1929 financial crisis made US first time to realize regarding the employment question, the government should adopt the intervention policy.Along with the industrialization and the economical globalization influence, the stern employment situation caused the various countries to adopt a series of policies in view of the promotion employment question.Among them, US took the world economics great nation, its employment policy development has the typical significance.。This article goal lies in, through carries on the analysis to the Roosevelt new deal time to the nowadays stage US employment promotion policy development, proposes under the current our country stern employment situation related countermeasure and the suggestion.
The policy to the 20th century 30's financial crisis which this article first analyzed the Roosevelt government to be supposed which to cause the unemployment question and adopts.Then has analyzed the American World War II later the economy rising period, the 80's, the 90's positive employment policy as well as the 21st century US under the new environment, specially under current financial crisis US's employment policy.
Next, the article in view of our country current stern employment situation, should adopt the different employment promotion policy from US to the different time in the method to seek some may supply the experience which our country profits from, puts forward some proposals.
Finally, carries on the summary regarding US's employment promotion policy development.

The employment problem is a very complex socio-economic issue which relates to people's livelihood closely , the achievement of full employment is one of the Government's macroeconomic objectives,what is more, the solution depends on a comprehensive, and systematic reform. The financial crisis in 1929 made the United States first recognize that the Government should take a series of policies for the problem of employment. With the impact of the industrialization and economic globalization, the severe employment situation enabled the countries to adopt a number of policies for the issues of promoting employment. Among them, the United States as a world economic power, its development of employment policy has a typical sense. The purpose of this paper, lying in the analysis of the United States the development of employment promotion policy from Roosevelt's New Deal period to the present ,is making the relevant countermeasures and suggestion in the current situation of severe employments.

Firstly ,this paper analyses the problems and the Roosevelt administration's policies for the financial crisis which led to the problem of unemployment in 1930s. Followed by analyzing the active employment policies analysis of since World War II period, the 80's, 90's of U.S. economic growth, as well as the employment policy of the United States in the 21st century under the new environment, especially in the period of the current financial crisis,.
Secondly, in the term of the current severe employment situation, the article find some experiences to draw on for our country and put forward some suggestions from the method that the United States in different periods of employment promotion policies takes a different approach in looking for some experience to.
Finally, with regard to the employment promotion policy development of the United States , the article sums it up..

The employment problem is a very complex socio-economic issue and people's livelihood, the achievement of full employment is one of the Government's macroeconomic objectives, the solution depends on a comprehensive, systematic reform.The financial crisis in 1929, the United States first recognized the problem of employment, the Government should take-intervention policy. With the industrialization and economic globalization, the impact of the severe employment situation to enable countries to promote employment for a number of policy issues.Among them, the United States as a world economic power, its employment policy with a typical development. The purpose of this paper lies in the fact that Roosevelt's New Deal era through the present stage to the United States the development of employment promotion policy analysis, the current severe employment situation in our country under the relevant countermeasures and suggestions.
In this paper, the Roosevelt administration's response to the 20th century, 30 of the financial crisis led to the problem of unemployment and the policies adopted. Followed by an analysis of U.S. economic growth since World War II period, the 80's, 90's of active employment policies, as well as the 21st century under the United States in the new environment, especially under the current financial crisis, the employment policy of the United States.
Secondly, the article for the current severe employment situation, the response from the United States in different periods of employment promotion policies take a different approach in looking for some experience to draw on for our country and put forward some suggestions.
Finally, with regard to employment promotion policy of the United States summed up the development.


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