
作者&投稿:干堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时
He had hung up before I picked up the phone.
It took me a long time to fall asleep last night.
3。他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她
Somebody called her when he was about to get on the bus.

We appeal to the people of this country to strive for the union of the country.
We will continue our trip. Hopefully, we will see him soon.
He asked many questions at the conference.
I am pretty sure she is very busy now.
I prefer to skiing to staying at home.
I prefer to ski rather than stay at home.

1 沿着... go along/down/by
2 对...感到惊奇,诧伊 be sueprised/amazed/astonished at
3 最好的东西是那条围巾
(使用强调句型)It is that sarf that is the best thing.
4 How was your last sunday? 该为同义句
What about your last sunday?
5 watch study 过去士
whatched ,studied

1. collect sea shells

2. consumed food & drinks

3. ask casually

4. blended

5. flight crew


1、collect shell
3、by the way
4、blend well

1、3X+1>5 推出X>4\/3 M是不等式最小整数解 所以M=2 1-2X>3或=3 推出 -1>=X 所以N=-1 M^2+n^2=5 2、第二象限,X<0,y>0 2X-1<0 3Y+5>0 解出X<1\/2 y>-5\/3 3、求不等式MX-1>2分之3-6的解集 这个 有点不理解 是这么写的么 (3-6)\/MX-1>2 大于2的是在分母...

当我们费了很大劲才弄好鱼汤时,老班长已经奄奄一息了。老班长鼓励我们一定要走出草地,自己却慢慢地闭上了眼睛。我们扑在老班长身上,抽噎了很久。我把鱼钩包好,想等革命胜利了,送到革命烈士纪念馆里,让子子孙孙都来瞻仰它 100到200字的 随便问一下 你几年级了 五年级吗?

This photo reminds me of my childhood.The foreigh journalist was amazed at the development of China this year.He has determined to work in the countryside.=He has decided to work in the countryside.He has made up his mind to work in the countryside....

几道简单的初一数学方程题 爱好者帮帮忙啦~
1.?那方程关于x,怎么没x。。(是m的话,没得解吖。) 2.解:设轮船在静水中的速度为x千米\/小时。 依题意得 9(x+2)=11(x-2) 解得x=20 答:轮船在静水中的速度为20千米\/小时。 3.解:设这次飞行时风的速度x千米\/小时。 依题意得: 11\/2(552+x)=6(552-x) ...

第三题: 女生12人 相当男生的三分之二 知道男生有18人 后面获奖的人数的什么的70% ?如果是总数的70%则应该是70%*(18+12)=21人 第一题: 甲乙速度比是2:3 说明甲走的慢乙走的快 距离终点2000米 对于甲来说终点是乙 乙的终点是甲 因为乙走的快 所以肯定相遇的时候是乙走的多 ...


用一种长8厘米,宽4厘米,高2厘米的木块堆积成一个正方体,至少要这种木块( 8 )块,堆成的正方体体积为( 512 )立方厘米。这道题我的答案分别是4块和256立方厘米,不知道对不对。不对。应该是八块。两块正好拼成一个8×8的正方形,高为2,要4层才成正方体。2×4=8块 两个足球...

1.to buy 2.crying 3.years 4.eyes 5.wears 6.asks 7.parents 8.answer 9.an 10.to see


1.y=1-x x-2y=4 2.3x-5y=6 x+4y=-15 3.m-n=2 2m+3n=14 4.4x+y=5 3x-2y=1 5.x+y=9 3x+y=19 1.上杭县某中学七年级学生外出进行社会实践活动,如果每辆车坐45人,那么有15个学生没车坐;如果每辆车坐60人,那么可以空出一辆车。问共有几辆车,几个学生?2.福建欣欣电子...

元坝区18057096346: 帮忙翻译几道汉译英1.经过长途旅行我觉得有一点累. 2.我荣幸地将这位美国著名的歌唱家介绍给你们. 3.当你去看音乐会时,你要着正式服装. 4.如今网络在中... -
游姿沙丁:[答案] 1.I feel a little tired after a long journey. 2.I'm honored to introduce this famous American singer to you. 3.You'd wear formal colthes when you go to a concert. 4.nowadays,the internet is more and more popular in Chinese families.

元坝区18057096346: 问几道简单 汉译英 的英语题 各位朋友帮个忙 谢谢
游姿沙丁: 1.Every day he came to his teacher 2.I just bought pen is bad 3.Every day and I played the man is my uncle 4.This is the best movie I have ever seen

元坝区18057096346: 汉译英(请大家帮帮忙,下午要交)1、我们的教室与他们的相邻(next to) 2、他坐在爷爷奶奶之间(between...and) 3、我每天要做许多工作(a lot of) 4... -
游姿沙丁:[答案] 1.Our classroom is next to theirs. 2.He is sitting between his grangpa and grangma. 3.l have a lot of work to do every day. 4.Please pass me the pen. 5.There's a table in the middle of the room. 应该全对的,楼主是小学生吧.!

元坝区18057096346: 几道简单的汉译英1.我还没来得及接电话,他就挂断了2.昨天夜里过了很久我才睡着3.他刚要上公交车 突然有人叫她4.我们呼吁这个国家的人民为国家的统一... -
游姿沙丁:[答案] 1.Before I could answer the phone,he hung up2.Last night after a long time before I fall asleep3.Just to be on the bus he was suddenly called her4.We call upon the people of this country to work for n...

元坝区18057096346: 几个简单句子请帮忙汉译英1.太阳石地球上一切生物能量的来源2.太阳给我们提供光和热量3.因为有了太阳和月亮,我们才有白天和夜晚 -
游姿沙丁:[答案] 1.The sun is the energy source of all living things. 2.The sun provides us with lights and energy. 3.We have days and nights just because of the sun and the moon. 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.请尽快采纳.

元坝区18057096346: 请帮帮忙!几道简单的汉译英! -
游姿沙丁: 1. collect sea shells2. consumed food & drinks3. ask casually4. blended5. flight crew (答案还是一样!)

元坝区18057096346: 几道汉译英,帮个忙谢谢Example 1 : See a doctor as soon as possible.1.请尽快地赶回来2.她尽可能地仔细检查那位受伤者3.你应该尽可能做好本职工作... -
游姿沙丁:[答案] 1.请尽快地赶回来.Please come back as quickly as possible. 2.她尽可能地仔细检查那位受伤者.She checked the injured as carefully as possible. 3.你应该尽可能做好本职工作.You should do your own job as hard as possible. 这几题是讲as...as...及形容...

元坝区18057096346: 几个简单句子请帮忙汉译英 -
游姿沙丁: 1.The sun is the energy source of all living things.2.The sun provides us with lights and energy.3.We have days and nights just because of the sun and the moon.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答.请尽快采纳.

元坝区18057096346: 问几道简单的汉译英 英语题,高一的,谢谢啦
游姿沙丁: 1.I eventually persuade him to ake a walk with me 2.Birds are flying to south in search sunshine 3.It all happened long before you were born 4.It is 5kid isn't old enough to go to school 5.Einstein is a world-famous American physicist.

元坝区18057096346: 几道汉译英,英译汉 -
游姿沙丁: 1、Take a message 2、He won the third Test in English 3、I can tell you for you 4、On farms 5、Then a phone call 6、出生时 7、轮流 8、在水中漂浮 9、对海床 10、好 11、In the past 12、Go skiing 13、No problem 14、In the middle 15、In the sun 16、A message 17、Weather 18、不是

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