英语习语a straw in the wind是什么意思?

作者&投稿:磨南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

straw in the wind的意思是“something that suggests what might happen”,即“(预示某事的)迹象,征兆,风向标”。也常常有人使用straws in the wind,和a straw in the wind一样,都是预示着某事可能将要发生。


Amy described the theatre's closure as "a straw in the wind" as companies faced up to the realities of life after the lottery.



clutch at straws或grasp at straws的意思是“to be willing to try anything to improve a difficult or unsatisfactory situation, even if it has little chance of success”,即“救命稻草,不放过任何微小的机会”。


It is useless to graspat straws.


the final/last straw的意思是指“压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,使人最终崩溃的一击”。也就是用来描述让人不堪忍受的最后一件事或者某些原因。


Losing my job was bad enough, but being evicted was thefinal straw.



这句短语翻译师风中的一根稻草,wind是风的意思,a straw in the是一根稻草的意思,组合在一起就是风中的一根稻草


和龙市18223346656: a straw in the -
茆房复方:[答案] a straw in the wind 风中的稻草 双语对照 词典结果: a straw in the wind [英][ə strɔ:in ðə wind][美][e strɔ ɪn ði wɪnd] 征兆,迹象,苗头; A recent ruling in europe may prove a straw in the wind. 欧洲最新的一项裁决或许就是一个预兆.

和龙市18223346656: a straw in the wind是什么意思 -
茆房复方: a straw in the wind 风中的稻草 双语对照 词典结果:a straw in the wind [英][ə strɔ: in ðə wind][美][e strɔ ɪn ði wɪnd] 征兆, 迹象, 苗头; A recent ruling in europe may prove a straw in the wind. 欧洲最新的一项裁决或许就是一个预兆.

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