
作者&投稿:徐詹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 泳大只可家他的没最子,务许干妇庭花。湖工们助上是的


1. In order to escape suffering, thousands of people came to the United States several years before the first world war broke out.2. At the time of emergency flashlights or mirrors should be used to send light as the signal for help.3. Upon opening the door, I smelt a ...

1. My character is sonsy and freehanded; I would fain open to new ideas. I am good at make things hum whatever in my family or circle of friends. I always try to plot out life goals in every stage of my life, to enrich myself during my growth; I am serious and hard...

Apart from the fact that the current Chinese educational system still has some problems, since the expansion of admission to universities, some new colleges and new majors have been springing up like bamboo shoot, which should not be denied as a good thing as well as a bad thing....

\\"Art is one of the types of art, it with human society have a close relationship, art creation is important in the development of human civilization and one of the distinctive marks. In the present Generation of society, art is to infiltrate every aspect of daily life, satisfy...

Oh ~ beauty, you will dance?Oh ah! Unexpectedly than I, and I will make your beauty sleep for a hundred years!Oh ~ good high castle, I want to go in.Maybe is to grab the territory!!!Unexpectedly! The YuanBuDe me! Look at my sleeve! Super invincible Hong Kong feet!!!

帮忙翻一下句子吧,谢了,英译汉 和 汉译英。
1. It is virtually impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages.2. The purposes for which English is learned and the situations in which such learning takes place are so ...

Still remember me? Haha, Guess Who am I? Give you little tips: Qinghai Lake. Would like to up it! I am XXX, the Chinese understanding of it? Do not know if you go ask your wife, we travel with a very happy day. Do not know if you are not set foot on a new ...

I like to stay with others. man is a gregarious animal. the custom was formed through the daily life. we are the main part of the society. I don't think who like to stay alone. the person who want to stay in the society has to learn how to communication with other ...

1、见此情景,我猛然想起在60路沿线上有家福利工厂,女乘客可能就是个聋哑人听不见声音,我赶忙向男乘客做了解释,又用纸条写了一句话,举到女乘客的眼前:“对不起!他要下车,他问了您好几声,您是不是没听见?”女乘客点了点头,把道让开了。1, see this scenario, I suddenly remind of a...

1.she seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.她看起来很幸灾乐祸.2.the government has to provide against a possible oil shortage in the coming months 接下来的几个月政府必须采取措施预防可能发生的原油紧缺问题。3.you'll have your own office soon but for the time being you'll ...

禹州市15128289176: 急需,英汉互译!帮忙翻译下
亓芸三联: Everyone wants to have popular personality, popular students treat collective should be zealous for the class activities, team spirit, responsible. Treat others should be respect, care about others, compassionate. Treat yourself to be diligent assiduous,...

禹州市15128289176: 英译中 : 小短语!帮下忙,翻译一下,谢谢啦 O(∩ - ∩)O~a penetrating examination of your own beliefs and motives -
亓芸三联:[答案] 只要吃透原意,其实并不难翻: 深刻地解剖你自己的信念和动机 深刻地检查你自己的信念和动机 如想用名词短语结果表达: 对你自己的信念和动机进行深刻的检查(或解剖)

禹州市15128289176: 英语翻译!(英转中文)急急急!谢谢帮忙
亓芸三联: (1)In the United States,there's a widespread belief that statistics don't lie.Perhaps that's why surveys are such an important part of Amercican life. 在美国,都普遍存在这样一种观念,那就是数据是不会说谎的.也许那就是调查在美国人生活中具有重...

禹州市15128289176: 英译汉在线翻译 -
亓芸三联: 单词翻译:today(今天) is (是)a(一个) happy (快乐)day(天) 句子翻译:今天是快乐的一天.

禹州市15128289176: 请帮忙,翻译成中文,翻译器免 -
亓芸三联: 如果陈情书里面有错误的地方请您原谅,毕竟我是个中国人,我只是想随着丈夫(韩国人)努力的试着变成韩国人(加入韩国国籍),请看在我是个可怜兮兮的女人、请看在我用泪水写的请愿书的...

禹州市15128289176: 求翻译!英语高手的帮忙英译汉,在线等 -
亓芸三联: 人工翻译,这段话确实不是一般能翻译的.在很多情况下,产生截短蛋白的转录本的剪接是诱导无义介导的mRNA降解(NMD)的一种机理,而且被广泛利用来控制mRNA的可得性(Maquat 2004).为什么通过插入一小的外显子,也就是通常触发NMD的充分条件,来产生小的、截短的异构体的表征状态转移(REST)的剪接不能以REST mRNA为目标,这个问题还完全没有被探索过.

禹州市15128289176: 急求翻译,英翻汉……谢谢了
亓芸三联: 一位酒吧老板凌晨2点钟关门回家睡觉,他刚躺下一会儿,电话响了.“你早上什么时候开门?”一位喝得醉醺醺的男人问道. 酒吧老板非常生气“啪”地挂了电话回到床上.几分钟后另一个电话打了过来,他听到同一个人问了同样的问题.“听着!”酒吧老板叫道,“别再问我什么时候开门,我不会让你这种人进我的酒吧的!”“我不是想进来,”打电话的人打断他说道.“我想出去!”

禹州市15128289176: 帮我翻译一下 (汉转英) -
亓芸三联: good morning/afternoon everybody, this is my first time to take a English speech, thanks for giving me the opportunity to make the speech.(不一定要说出谢谢老师)Now let me introduce myself.I have learn much knowleadge,and my horizon is ...

禹州市15128289176: 帮忙翻译两句话,汉翻英,急~~在线等! -
亓芸三联: The original contract attestation scope modify into house construction engineering a construction total contract forThe clam wharf City a set up to install engineering limited company

禹州市15128289176: 急求翻译,英翻汉…谢谢~~~~
亓芸三联: 这个人立刻意识到这个托盘是个值钱的古物.他带着一种毫无兴趣的表情步入店内,要买那只猫.“对不起,”店主说,“这只猫是不卖的.” “卖给我吧,”收集者敦促道,“我家里面需要一只猫来捉老鼠.我给你20元.” “猫归你了,”店主接过钱说道. “还有,”收集者补充道,“我想你是否能把那只旧盘子也额外赠送给我.猫好像很喜欢它.我不愿意看到它失去这东西.” “对不起,”店主回答说,“但那只托盘能给我带来好运.你不知道,光这一周,我就卖掉68只猫!”

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