
作者&投稿:旗耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How time flies!The first half semester is over。Looking back,I have achieved much over the term.I have learned how to play football.I have made many good new friends in school.But my biggest gain is that I have improved my English a lot.I can get an A in the English exam now.What's more,I can speak with others in English fluently.That makes me very happy.But I still have some difficulties.The greatest one at present is that I am still poor at maths,I never get an A for it,though I have studied it very hard.That makes me very sad

I started learning English when I was 11 years old. I have been studying English for about 2 years. I have learned many frequently used words, phrases, sentences as well as basic grammar. I am happy that I am able to write short sentences in English, which I was not able to do two years ago. Unfortunately, I have not had chance to use English outside of our school. I could improve my English by spending more time on praticing the dialogs we learned at school with my classmates when we get together on the weekends.


1. 以“这个学期我学到了什么”为题的作文 参考:一个漫长的寒假(暑假)已过去,迎来的是一个美好的春天(秋天).在这万物复苏的时刻,新的一学期又开始了,迎着早晨的第一缕阳光,我们又重新回到美丽的校园,开始了新一学期的征途. 在过去的征程中,曾拥有过欢笑,拥有个阳光,这都已成为永远的记忆,现在加上一把锁...

篇一、你好新学期记叙作文 “哎呀呀,时间过的好快啊,这么快就要开学了,这寒假就不能时间长一些吗……”转眼间,快乐而又充实的寒假就要过去了,我们又要迎接新的学期了。我马上就要面临小升初这场没有硝烟的战争了,要想到最后考上理想的初中,从现在开始,我们就要做好一切的准备。凡事都离不...




新学期你好作文1 漫长而又充实的暑假渐渐远去,转眼间,新学期已经过去一周了。每当早晨我怀着无比激动的心情,走进熟悉的校园,看到小树在晨风中向我挥手,耳畔仿佛就传来一个声音:“我们又见面了,新学期要更加努力哦!”还记得开学第一天,刚走到教室门口,我就听到了同学们的欢声笑语,大家像...

The first half semester is over。Looking back,I have achieved much over the term.I have learned how to play football.I have made many good new friends in school.But my biggest gain is that I have improved my English a lot.I can get an A in the English exam now.What's ...

刚拿到作文题,我就犯愁了。我自认为自己的生活平淡无奇,每天两点一线赶着跑,哪来的浪漫的事。于是我求助于老师,老师只是神秘地一笑,说道:“其实平凡的一件小事也有它的浪漫之处,这其中的奥妙,你应自己去寻找。”语毕,她递给我一架相机,让我把自己的发现用相机记录下来。 我漫无目的地走在林荫道上,对于这次...


学期总结作文1 时间过得真快,转眼间,学期末就到了。那次九月一日的开学,仿佛就只是在几天前。这个学期,我收获了许多,失去了许多,也改变了许多。 在这个学期中,我收获到的,不仅仅是知识,还让我懂得了要珍惜友谊,珍惜时间,和不要心急。我懂得了不要心急,主要是因为我数学在考试时,看到别人有先交卷,就匆匆忙...

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锺良布美: The deepest memory is injured by my doll, clearly remember my doll accidentally fell into the dad just hit the Caijiao, shortly afterward I will follow into the cellar. I also remember my sister's crying, parents panic scene, but the most happy is that I get ...

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锺良布美: 学英语的收获作文:学习英语已经有4年了,我收获了很多:单词背会了很多,也会说一些简单的英语句子.但是我想,我离标准的英语还离得太远.现在我每天早晨都要早起1个小时,开始被单词,因为妈妈说:“只有你自己背的单词多了,你...

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锺良布美:[答案] Dear ***, I'm very gald to share my experiences in learning English with you. Firstly, I am suppose to tell you that I totally find the significance of English .English is becoming a universal language with the earth turning into a small village. Due to the ...

额敏县15091605027: 急求一英语作文,80字左右,说这学期的收获.学习进步很大,尤其是英语;参加运动会;照顾生病的妈妈 -
锺良布美:[答案] I have made great progress especially in my English. I was weak in English before but now with the help of the teacher, I can speak English well. I got good grade in Englis in the final exam. Besides I took the school sports meeting and got the second ...

额敏县15091605027: 急求一篇英文作文:我这学期最大的收获 到目前为止遇到的最大困难 -
锺良布美: Gain And Difficulty How time flies!The first half semester is over.Looking back,I have achieved much over the term.I have learned how to play football.I have made many good new friends in school.But my biggest gain is that I have improved my ...

额敏县15091605027: 急求一篇英文作文:我这学期最大的收获 到目前为止遇到的最大困难急求一篇英文作文,120个单词左右就可以了,英文作文内容包括:我这学期最大的收... -
锺良布美:[答案] Gain And Difficulty How time flies!The first half semester is over.Looking back,I have achieved much over the term.I have learned how to play football.I have made many good new friends in school.But my biggest gain is that I have improved my English a ...

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锺良布美: i have made great progress in English grammar but still need to pay more attention to spoken English. i wll practise speaking english every day and spend more time listening to English programmes so that i can follow others...

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锺良布美: I've had quite a lot of lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable.It was on Tuesday morning in May. Our teacher told us all of a sudden that an American would give us an English ...

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锺良布美: A Pleasant Learning ExperienceToday I learned about present progressive tense. It is a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance. It is not difficult for me, because I master its basic use. So I helped many classmates. In a...

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锺良布美: " "OK!" "Now, Zhou Hua, please." Zhou Hua answered in a lowvoice, "I am like hamburgers, so I often eat hamburgers." We all laughed. "What? Do you look like hamburgers? I don't think so! I know you mean that you like eating ...


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