
作者&投稿:焦储 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. 基本含义:在英文中,“present”这个词有多种含义,其中最常见的是“礼物”或“赠品”。当这个词作为名词使用时,如“Christmas presents”,它的意思就是圣诞礼物。也可以指非节日场合赠送的礼物,如生日礼物的意思。此外,它还可以表示现在时态中的“在场”或“存在”。但在大多数情境中,作为礼物或赠品是最常见的用法。

2. 语境中的应用:在不同的语境中,“presents”的意义可能会有所不同。在商业场合中,它可能指的是为了答谢客户或合作伙伴而赠送的礼品;在社交场合中,可能是朋友之间互赠的礼物来表达情感或祝福;在节日或特殊事件中,如生日或结婚纪念日等场合,礼物更是不可或缺的元素。无论在哪种情况下,“presents”都承载着赠送者的情感与祝福。

3. 文化意义:在不同的文化中,赠送礼物都有其独特的传统和习俗。例如,在一些文化中,礼物的价值可能在于其贵重程度,而在其他文化中可能更看重礼物的实用性和心意。但不论如何,“presents”都是表达情感、传递祝福和增进人际关系的重要媒介。因此,无论是家庭聚会还是国际交流,礼物的选择和赠送都显得尤为重要。总之,“presents”不仅具有物质的实用价值,也蕴含着情感的交流和文化的传承。

Buzz Lightyear - a "space ranger", and wears a space suit with various features such as retractable wings and transparent helmet, a laser "weapon", and various sound effects. In Toy Story, he begins the series and develops a rivalry with Woody, who resents him for getting more...

Mama Du Ke (Marmaduke), Palestinian lucky hunting dog Ruide (Fred Basset), but very little has the cartoon take the cat as a lead. I move the stroke immediately, comes out orange big cat which a temperament is especially bad, resents the world and detests mundane affairs. I ...

A singularly unappealing, rotund fellow with green skin and the foulest breath, Shrek takes pleasure in his solitary ways and much resents the intrusion of such "squatters" as the Three Blind Mice, Pinocchio, the Three Bears, the Seven Dwarfs, the Big Bad Wolf and many others. For his ...

[翻译]求翻译Alan RICKMAN的这首……歌~!
When a girl’s emergent,Probably it’s urgent,You differ to her gentility, my lord.Personal disorder cannot be ignored,Given their gentile proclivities.Meaning no offense,It happens they resents it,Ladies in their sensitivities my lord.Judge (spoken)Stubble you say?Perhaps at times...

1.我能吃个冰淇淋吗?Can i have an ice-cream?2.不,你得吃饭了。No, you have to have dinner now.3.你想要看动画片吗?Do you want to watch cartoon?4.当然。Sure.5.你的眼睛在哪里? (是眼镜吧)Where are your glasses?6.在沙发上。They are on the sofa.7.上星期天你干什么去...

Martin had known in the Luo silk family the strength woods ascend suddenly, resents the world and detests mundane affairs literature talent, socialist. Once, they had participated in the time which the socialist party person assembles by a tabloid reporter confusedly is interpolated in...

用法:resent为及物动词,其后可直接跟名词。resent doing sth.意为“讨厌做某事”,如: He bitterly resents being treated like a child. 他十分厌恶被别人当孩子对待。resent sb. doing sth.意为“讨厌某人做某事”,如: He resented her making all the decisions. 他讨厌什么事都要听她的。

people don't resent having nothing nearly as much as too little...
people don't resent having nothing nearly as much as too little 意思是:人们并不怨恨几乎没有什么东西太少。resent vt. 对…感到愤怒; 怨恨; 愤恨; 厌恶 过去式: resented 过去分词: resented 现在分词: resenting 第三人称单数: resents nearly adv. 几乎,差不多; 险乎;

我怨恨你对我的名誉横加诽谤。3、They resent foreign interference in the internal affairs of their country。他们憎恶对他们国家内政的外来干涉。4、He bitterly resents being treated like a child。他十分厌恶被别人当孩子对待。5、She resented him making all the decisions。她讨厌什么事都要听...

7.公爵对别人把他看作钱包鼓鼓、游手好闲的人感到气愤。The Duke resents being seen as a moneyed idler.8.他掏出鼓鼓的钱包,抽出几张钞票。He took out his fat wallet and peeled off some notes.9.小个子男人脏乎乎的短裤口袋里鼓鼓的,伸出来个什么东西。Something was sticking from the ...

南岳区15553077360: presents是什么意思 -
策浦积雪: presents [英][p'rɪzents][美][p'rɪzents] n.现在( present的名词复数 ); 礼物; [复数]本作品; [语法学]现在时态; v.举向( present的第三人称单数 ); 面向; 举枪瞄准; (分娩时婴儿)露出; 例句:1.I won't have many presents anymore. 我再也不会收到很多礼物了.2.Many thanks for the presents! 非常感谢你们的礼物!

南岳区15553077360: presents的中文意思 -
策浦积雪: 如果您想问的是在节目或视频里经常出现的presents的意思的话,那是:节目即将开始;或出品、制作的意思.如在文章英文里的话,多数为礼物的意思了.

南岳区15553077360: presents啥意思 -
策浦积雪: 礼物

南岳区15553077360: presents什么意思
策浦积雪: presents它是present的名词复数形式,和第三人称单数形式,作名词意思是:礼物,作动词意思是:出现,赠送,提出

南岳区15553077360: presents是什么意思及反义词 -
策浦积雪: presents_有道词典 presents 英 [ˈpreznts] 美 [ˈprɛznts]n. 礼物(present的复数);出品 v. 显示(present的单三形式);出席 更多释义>>[网络短语]Presents 出品,呈献,礼物 betrothal presents 聘礼 birthday presents 生日礼物

南岳区15553077360: presents是什么意思 -
策浦积雪: 单词present(名词、礼物)的复数形式祝你新年快乐哦>_

南岳区15553077360: presents 是什么意思?
策浦积雪: present1 a. 1. 出席的,在场的[F] How many people were present at the meeting? 到会的有多少人? 2. 现在的,当前的[B] I'm not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对目前的情况一点都不满意. 3. 【语】现在时的[B] 4. 留在记忆里的,不...

南岳区15553077360: 视频里面的Presents是什么意思 -
策浦积雪: 在视频里通常是“出演”的意思 如:Leonardo DiCaprio Presents The 11th Hour 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥出演《最后时刻》

南岳区15553077360: present是什么意思
策浦积雪: present [英][ˈpreznt][美][ˈprɛznt] adj.现在的; 目前的; 出席的; [语法学]现在时的; n.现在; 礼物; 瞄准; present vt.介绍; 出现; 提出; 赠送; vi.举枪瞄准; 第三人称单数:presents过去分词:presented复数:presents现在进行时:...

南岳区15553077360: presents怎么读
策浦积雪: presents [p'rɪzents]意思:1、复数名词,礼物 2、第三人称动词,提出、赠送读作:p 锐 散 次

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