
作者&投稿:丹卢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

重回17岁》青春插曲 This is for Real-Motion City Soundtrack 试听下载mp3 http://gexingtianxia.music.hexun.com/M4614774.html I've got emotion Dripping out my pores and I Thought I would let you know You are the night light, Ripping through my wicked world How you make it sparkle and glow, Before I lose control There's just one thing you should know This is for real, this time I mean it I'm coming clean, please don't let go I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it I'd prefer that you keep it Don't let go Don't let go Don't let go I had some nightmares,

是The Kooks的Naive


i'm not saying it was your fault
although you could have done more

oh you're so naive yet so

how could this be done
your such a smiling sweetheart
oh and your sweet and pretty face
in such an ugly way
something so beautiful
that everytime i look inside

i know that she knows that i'm not fond of asking
true or false it may be
she's still out to get me

i know that she knows that i'm not fond of asking
true or false it may be
she's still out to get me

i may say it was your fault
cause i know you could have done more

oh you're so naive yet so

how could this be done
by such a smiling sweetheart
oh and your sweet and pretty face
in such an ugly way something so beautiful
everytime i look inside

i know that she knows that i'm not fond of asking
true or false it may be
she's still out to get me

i know that she knows that i'm not fond of asking
true or false it may be
she's still out to get me

how could this be done
by such a smiling sweetheart

oh you're so naive yet so

such an ugly thing
someone so beautiful
and everytime you're on his side

i know she knows that i'm not fond of asking
true or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

and i know she knows that i'm not fond of asking
true or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

just don't let me down
just don't let me down
hold on to your kite
just don't let me down
just don't let me down
hold on to your kite
just don't let me down
just don't let me down
hold on to this kite
just don't let me down
just don't let me down



《danger zone》

《on my own》




是Cat Power的The Greatest

the greatest

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扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)以迪斯尼最热门的青春电视电影《歌舞青春》(英文原名“High School Musical”,中文名也有称《高校音乐剧》) 男主角而走红。演出时间\/剧中和角色 2010 查理·圣克劳德的生与死The Death & Life of Charlie St.Cloud (filming):Charlie St.Cloud 2009 我和奥逊·威尔斯Me and ...

《摇滚夏令营》《重回十七岁》电影里的 剧本 或者 全部台词
经典台词:When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world.Its not, its just the beginning.I mean you might have to meet a few more jerks.One day, you're gonna meet a boy who treats you the way you deserve to be treated.Like the sun rises and sets with ...

有一部叫什么17岁什么的电影 ,是欧美出的,讲述男女学生以外互换了身体...
关于17岁的可能是《重回十七岁》吧 剧情简介 剧情截图(20张)如果有机会重回17岁,亲爱的报友们还会选择今天的生活吗?喜剧电影《重回17岁》就为我们做了这样一种假设。《六人行》 (Friends) 中的“钱德勒”马修·派瑞 (Mattew Perry) 与《歌舞青春》 (High School Musical) 中的万人迷扎克·埃夫隆 ...

《重回十七岁》。影片《重返17岁》是2009年出品的一部青春喜剧电影,由波尔·斯蒂尔斯执导,扎克·埃夫隆、马修·派瑞和莱斯利·曼恩等联袂出演。影片于2009年4月17日在美国首映 。电影讲述一名中年男子迈克返回自己十七岁高中时候的样子,重新审视自己的生活,期间也重新认识了妻子和孩子,了解了他们心中的...


国家或地区 上映日期 德国 2009-05-07 2009 埃及 2009-05-07 2009 立陶宛 2009-05-07 2009 希腊 2009-05-06 2009 阿根廷 2009-05-01 2009 比利时 2009-04-30 2009 罗马尼亚 2009-04-24 2009 西班牙 2009-04-24 2009 爱沙尼亚 2009-04-23 2009 丹麦 2009-04-22 2009 荷兰 ...

《重返十七岁 》是由布尔·斯蒂尔斯执导的美国喜剧片,扎克·埃夫隆、马修·派瑞、莱斯利·曼恩等联袂出演。基本介绍 中文名 :重返十七岁 外文名 :17 Again 制片地区 :美国 类型 :爱情\/剧情\/喜剧 片长 :102分钟 上映时间 :2009年4月17日 电影剧情, 电影剧情 迈克是学...

在电影《重返17岁》中,演员阵容强大,各角色栩栩如生。扎克·埃夫隆(Zac Efron)饰演主角Mike O'Donnell,一个成年的成年人,他的角色充满了成长的反思与挑战。马修·派瑞(Matthew Perry)饰演的是Mike的妻子Scarlett O'Donnell,她的角色与Mike的生活紧密相连,展现出家庭的温暖和冲突。莱斯利·曼恩(...

1. "On My Own" 由Vincent Vincent和The Villains献上,它的旋律将带你回到年少独立的时光。"Can't Say No" 由The Helio Sequence带来,轻快的节奏让你感受到那份对未知世界的勇敢挑战。Santigold的"L.E.S. Artistes" 以其独特风格,唤醒你内心的艺术梦想和创新精神。The Kooks的"Naive" 带你...

大石桥市19130767471: 《重返17岁》中此插曲的名字 -
党娣磷酸: 是Cat Power的The Greatest 百度mp3上搜出的结果有的不对,下载时得核实 http://www.adrianhanft.com/Unofficial_Heroes_Soundtrack/11%20The%20Greatest.mp3

大石桥市19130767471: 重回十七岁的插曲
党娣磷酸: Cat Power的The Greatest

大石桥市19130767471: 重回十七岁中 扎克念完信后的歌曲是?
党娣磷酸: 《The Greatest》你看看是不是

大石桥市19130767471: 重返17岁这部电影中,最后mike在读那封信的时候,有段插曲,名字叫什么?
党娣磷酸: the greatest cat power http://music.soso.com/music.cgi?sc=mus&w=the%20greatest

大石桥市19130767471: 重返17岁插曲 -
党娣磷酸: Cat Power - The Greatest 最先是出现在王家卫导演的《蓝莓之夜》里.很好听的女声,悠扬委婉.下载地址:http://donamarinanina.podomatic.com/enclosure/2006-12-14T15_04_05-08_00.mp3

大石桥市19130767471: 重返十七岁中间插曲叫什么名字?
党娣磷酸: <on my own><can't say no><bust a move><you really wake up the love><l.e.s.artistes><danger zone>

大石桥市19130767471: 美国电影重回十七岁里面法庭上那段插曲叫什么.?
党娣磷酸: 在法庭那段的插曲是Cat Power的The Greatest

大石桥市19130767471: 重返十七岁的插曲 -
党娣磷酸: 1. On My Own (Vincent Vincent and The Villians) 2. Can't Say No (The Helio Sequence) 3. L.E.S. Artistes (Santigold) 4. Naive (The Kooks) 5. This Is Love (Toby Lightman) 6. You Really Wake Up The Love In Me (The Duke Spirit) 7. The Greatest (...

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