可唔可以帮我批改grammer牙 ?! 唔该 哂 =]

作者&投稿:元柔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


After few minutes
I repent of it
I think about my parents
who attach great importance to my academic result
will be very frustrate when they see me losing the hope.A spirit of fevor came from my mind. This tell me must be going on to study hard !


唔该哂你地牙 ! 我既水平果然低你地好多 ! 哈哈 !!! 因为我好想汁返好我d writing牙 .. 谂住practise多d ... 不过 又揾唔到人可以帮逐篇改 ! 真系多得你地呢班有识之士 !!!!


咁会唔会好d ! ?? Today
I stayed at home all day. I tried to revise for the ing HKCEE maths by practising the mc questions. However
I felt fairly frustrated because I failed to understand most of the questions which I found them very difficult..


I gave up and turn to do other matters in other to avoid facing such failureAfter a while
I repented for it when my parents came to my though
who have a great expectation to my academic performance.


I knew that they would be anxious if they saw me losing my hopes. This thought gave me another drive and urged myself to study harder !

I stayed at home all day today. I tried to revise for the ing HKCEE maths exam by practising MC (multiple-choice) questions. I was fairly disappointed though
because I failed to understand most of the questions. I found them very difficult and I could not solve them. So I gave up and did other things to aviod such failure. After awhile
I repented when I was thinking of my parents. They have great concerns for my academic results (development 比较好); they would be very anxious / worried (frustrated 不太能表达关怀之意) if they saw me losing my hope. All of a sudden
my spirit was up and I could go back and challege/ face those difficulties again! (OR All of a sudden
my spirit was up and I knew I could study hard again!) 1. revise 用在这里绝对没问题的! revise = 【主英】复习功课[(+for)] 2. though 在这里的用法相对于 but
however,但就比较 casual,适合用于日记写法。 3. 在过去式里,不能用现代式 cannot, 要改用 could not。 4. 在 cannot / could not 后面加动词 (eg: solve) 是不用在动词前加 (to) 的。 5. I USED to give up 的 used 是代表我以前的做法是放弃,但现在 ... ...。 跟您想表达的不一样。 您想说的是:我就放弃了,之后我就 ... ... 5. ... ... and DO other things ... ... 的 do 凡的错跟 4 一样。 6. failure 后面大可不用加 I (have) just met. 7. repent 后面是加 for ,不是 of 的。还有,repent 的过去式是 repented。不用加 for it 也可以。 8. 不明白什么是 a spirit of fevor,所以我用了别的词来代替。 2007-01-28 10:47:19 补充: Line 4: ... ... to AVOID such failure. 串错了, sorry! 2007-02-02 09:04:32 补充: Re: 咁会唔会好d ! ?? 几o吾错! 但系 I felt fairly frustrated 的 felt,不是错, 但很少这样子说。 我明白您想表达 [我觉得...] ,但 I was fairly frustrated 已经足以啦! eg: I was upset 跟的是 adj, 所以用 am/is/are/was/were 就足够啦。但:I feel /felt (that) no one understands me at all!跟的是 noun/phrase/participle (no one),所以当您想表达 [我觉得...] 就要用 feel 啦。 2007-02-02 09:05:22 补充: Re: 咁会唔会好d ! ?? (2)我不确定 ...which I found them very difficult. 是不是不正确。但我会写: ... which were very difficult / ... which I found very difficult.因为 which = the subject (ie questions = them) 所以不用加 them 了。 2007-02-02 09:12:34 补充: Re: Finally ...1. turnED to do other matters in other to avoid facing such failure.直接用 ... and did other things in ORDER to ... .2. After awhile 的 a 和 while 是连在一起的。 3. repented 后面不用加 for it 咯。 2007-02-02 09:15:36 补充: Re: I knew that ...Either: ... and urged me to study harder!Or ... and I urged myself to study harder!
I stayed at home for the whole day to prepare for ing HKCEE mathematics multiple choice questions. Those plicated problems which I have not able to solve made me very frustrated. I finally gave up and turn to do other matters in order to avoid facing those challenges. After a few minutes
my parents came to my thoughts
who have great expecation to my academic performance. I know that they will be greatly disappointed if they saw me giving up. This thought gave me another drive
and urged myself to study harder. Anthony p.s. I am trying hard to stay with your original passage. Keep sentences simple will help you improve. 你写嚟做咩嘢呀? 2007-01-28 01:02:05 补充: 你编文主要有两个问题. 1. Logic structure 运用吾熟. 例如 revise 用得吾正确. 后面讲 practising
先前又点各revise 修改呢? logic 吾正确! 又例如 I used to... 我习惯. 同一句后面讲 I just meet (met) 刚刚见到. logic 有少少偏差. Just met 系 specific 的情形意思. Used to
系一般情形... 前后意思偏离咗D. 2007-01-28 01:02:39 补充: 2. tenses 的问题: .... just meet (met); qustions which is (are); cannot to (be) solved; will be very frustrate (frustrated); came from (to) my mind;努力呵... 睇多D电视新闻同报纸. ... 加油!
I stayed at home for a whole day. I tried to revise Maths for the ing HKCEE by practising the MC. However
I was fairly disappointed because I found lots of questions which were very difficult and i coudn't solve them. I used to give up and do other things to fet this failure. After few minutes
I repent of it
I thought about my parents
who had high expectation on my academic results
would bee very frustrated when they knew that I was giving up. So I made up my mind and continue with my studies!

...流行带来了重大的社会变化。 译:There have a gr
有语法错误,用词也差强人意。The wide spead use of internet has brought social changes of great importance.

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《最敬佩的一个人》作文 (我身边的人)


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酆泉氨苄:[答案] 1.首先,要首尾呼印,不可偏题.其次,不能出现病句,语句通畅.再次,可构思独特,语言优美(如此可适当加分). 2.记叙... 不派流水丈,点面结合,详略得当;整体事例不要过分夸大,做到真实可信. *祝你批改成功.

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酆泉氨苄: 很多同学在备考GRE写作时常常会遇到一个难题,我的作文写好了,但是并没有办法找到专业人士帮我批改,我既不知道这篇作文是什么样的水平也不知道自己在哪些方面...

景泰县15773827349: 我想问问,有没有一款软件能帮我批改英语作文,我不想找老师了,而且呢,还想学英语 -
酆泉氨苄: 批改网可以,主要是改语法错误,还有一些句型表达、词汇搭配、用词建议等等.

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