
作者&投稿:彤育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


If we change our hearts, you will understand, and I will understand you.


I squatted down and stroked my shadow and said, "I'm sorry to have wronged you."


Say good to let go, say good not to stay with each other, but remember to say go and not go.


If you use silence to avoid me, then I will not use contact to plete you.


You will never see the tears in my eyes, because I will cry when you are away.


Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that you think the other person is too important.


Don't love so much, just love a little, others eyebrows and eyes, I only peek at you.


Your name and mine are the most beautiful poems in the world.


Women like bad-looking men, not bad-looking men.


I don't know what love is. I just know that my heart beats fast.


Even your most casual greetings will make me feel that you are too warm.


Love is like a film. When the film is over, people will disperse.


I really want to tell you that the person I love is you.


One yard to one yard, self-ideal is always the first, stop me, I will turn my face.


In winter you are my joy and beauty, in summer you are my popsicle.


Even if I fall into the darkest place, my love will not make me a lonely soul forever.


Don't be sad, don't look back, wish what you wish, will e true.


You see, people's life is neither so good nor so bad as people think.


When I'm sad and you're not there, I think you don't want me.


If one day you leave me, I will not hesitate to take you back.


Living in one place all one's life, sleeping next to one person all one's life.


Knowing that love is not reliable, but I still struggle to jump in.


Maybe we are too young to say anything that can't stand the test.


Life is like fighting against landlords, just as a group, in a inkling of an eye is the enemy.


In that season, sorrow blossomed endlessly, and the original sunshine disappeared.


You are indifferent to my injury, I am still waiting in silence.


Sincere *** ile, less and less. Heart pain, more and more.


We thought our love would last a long time. Please five me for not being able to acpany you to the end.


Weak accusation, you think I don't care about the general indifference.


Mingming love is very painful, but we have to persevere in watching ourselves continue to hurt.

31、当他不爱你时,你的苦苦挽留只会被看做 *** 的纠缠。

When he does not love you, your bitter detention will only be regarded as shameless entanglement.


Don't say sorry to me. Sorry can only bring you peace of mind, not my relief.


It doesn't make sense to say anything because you no longer belong to me.


Writing a lot of words, we found that, at the beginning, we laid a separate foreshadowing for the future.


Without the existence of Junior Three, who is going to identify your tedious love?


Simple life is true, and what's the use of love declarations?


Plant a *** all sun that belongs to you. It can also be full of power when you are sad.


The so-called love can only allow o people. One less can't do it, and one more can't.


Now I just want to be quiet and firm and always like someone.


That she appeared so unprepared that I couldn't help it. That love left unconsciously.


No matter how hard it is to let go, every relationship will be a vicissitudes of life in the end.


If I love someone, I can give up everything for him, including my life.


If you laugh once, I can be happy for several days, but if you cry once, I will be sad for several years.


A person, a night, a song, a period of love, can not fet, will miss!


Similar people are suitable for fun together, and plementary people are suitable for aging together.


I fell into the trap you set, I want to acpany you to the ends of the earth.


Because you are there, there will still be gaps in the darkest moment to throw a weak light.


When you die, my story is over; and when I die, your story is very long.


I don't want to touch anyone, just want someone who won't give up on me.


I also want to be an elegant lady, who is forced by life to be a bitch.

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毕永仁怡:[答案] Good morning!Today is a sunny day!I feel really delight and cheerful.

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毕永仁怡: DelightfulSad HappyExcited好好好多为什么不问得更清楚一点呢

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