
作者&投稿:拱胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



selfless无私的 easy-going好相处的 reliable值得信赖 considerte体贴的

petient有耐心 sincere真诚的 responsible有责任的 generour慷慨

horest诚实 helpful乐于助人的 brave勇敢的 friendly友好的

Friendship Essay 1 (100 words)
Friendship is a faithful and loyal relationship between two or more person living anywhere in the world. We cannot leave our whole life alone and need a faithful relationship to someone to live happily called friends. Friends have intimate relationship and ca trust to each other forever. It is not limited to the age, sex and position of the person means friendship can be between men and women, men and men, women and women or human to animals of any age group. However, generally it grows between the persons of the same age without the limitation of sex and position. Friendship can develop between persons having similar or different passions, emotions or sentiments.

Friendship Essay 2 (150 words)
Friendship is the most valuable relationship in the life of a person instead of having many important things in life. No one of us has complete and satisfied life if we lack faithful friendship. Everyone needs a good and loyal friend to share bad or good life events, enjoy happy moments and share unbearable events of the life. A good and balanced human interaction is very necessary for the survival of everyone.
Good friends share each other’s emotions or sentiments which bring feeling of well being and mental satisfaction. A friend is a person whom one can know deeply, like and trust forever. Instead of being some similarity in the nature of two persons involved in the friendship, they have some different traits but they need each other without changing their uniqueness. Generally, friends motivate each other without criticizing but sometimes good friends criticize to bring some positive changes in each other.

Friendship Essay 3 (200 words)
A true friendship is the most precious gift of the life of persons involved in it. A person is called very lucky having true friends in his/her life. True friendship gives us memorable, sweet and pleasant experiences of many types in the life. Friendship is the most precious asset of one’s life which he/she never wants to lose. True friendship leads two or more persons involved in it towards success without any demotion in life. Searching a best friend is not an easy process, sometimes we get success and sometimes we lose because of misunderstandings to each other.
Friendship is a devoted feeling of love to which we can share anything about our life and care for each other always. A friend is someone who understands and appreciates other one without any exaggeration. True friends never becomes greedy to each other instead they want to give something better to each other in life. There are any boundaries or differentiation of age, caste, race, creed and sex exist between them. They know the realities of each other and live satisfactorily by helping each other.
Human is a social being and cannot live alone; he/she needs someone to share his/her feelings of joy or sorrow. Generally, a successful friendship exists between persons of same age, character and background. Friends are the loyal support for each other who aimlessly support during bad moments of life.

Friendship Essay 4 (250 words)
Friendship is the divine relationship between two or more persons. Friendship is another name of care and support to each other. It is based on the trust, feelings and proper understandings to each other. It is very ordinary and loyal relationship between two or more social people. People involved in the friendship care and support for each other forever without any greediness. The relationship of true friends becomes stronger day by day with care and trust.
Friends trust and support each other without showing their vanity and power to each other. They have sense of equity in their mind and know that anyone of them may need care and support anytime. Dedication and trust is very necessary to maintain the friendship for long time. Sometimes greedy people become unable to lead their friendship for long because of the lots of demands and lack of satisfaction. Some people make friendship just to fulfill their interests and demands.
Searching a good friend in the big crowd of people is as hard as searching a diamond in the coal mine. Real friends are not those who only stand with us in our good moments of life but those who stand in our trouble too. We must be careful while choosing our best friend as we may get cheated by someone. Getting a best friend in the life is very hard for everyone and if one gets it, he/she is really bestowed with the true love of God. A good friend always supports in bad time and suggests to go on the right path.

Friendship Essay 5 (300 words)
True friends are really bestowed to someone special in the life after hard works. Real friendship is the true relationship of two or more people where only trust exists without any demands. One always ready to give care, support and other needed things to other in the true friendship. Friends are very important in the lives of everyone as they play a great role in standing someone needy person by giving love, care and emotional support. Friendships can be between two or more people of any age group, sex, position, race or caste. However, generally friendship occurs between people of same age.
Some people successfully carry their childhood friendship for whole life however someone get break in between due to the misunderstanding, lack of time or other problems. Some people tend to have many friends at their kindergarten or primary level but only one or no one they carry in later life. Some people tend to have only one or two friends which they carry in later life even in old age very wisely. Friends can be from outside the family (neighbour, relative, etc) or inside the family (one of the family members).
Friends can be both types good or bad, good friends lead us on good path whereas bad friends lead us on bad path, so we should be careful while choosing friends in life. Bad friends can be proved very bad to us as they are quite enough to ruin our life completely. We need someone special in our life to share our feelings (happy or sad), to talk someone to remove our loneliness, to make laugh someone sad and many more. In the good company of our friends we get motivation to do any hard work in life and it becomes easy to pass bad times cheerfully.

Friendship Essay 6 (400 words)
Friendship is a devoted relation between two people in which both of them have true feeling of love, care and affection to each other without any demands and misunderstanding. Generally friendship occurs between two people having same tastes, feelings and sentiments. It is considered that friendship has no any limitations of age, sex, position, caste, religion and creed but sometimes it is seen that economic disparity or other differentiation damages the friendship. Thus it can be said that true and real friendship is possible between two like-minded and uniform status people having feeling of affection to each other.
There are many friends in the world who always remains together at the time of prosperity but only true, sincere and faithful friends who never let us to be alone in our bad times, time of hardship and trouble. Our bad times make us realize us about our good and bad friends. Everyone has attraction towards the money by nature but true friends never make us feel bad when we become in need of money or other support. However, sometimes lending or borrowing of money from friends keeps friendship in great risk. Friendship may be affected anytime by others or own so we need to make a balance in this relationship.
Sometimes friendship gets broken due to the ego and matter of self-respect. True friendship needs proper understanding, satisfaction, helping nature trust. True friend never exploits but tends to motivate each other to do right things in life. But sometimes the meaning of friendship becomes changed totally due to some fake and fraud friends who always use another one in wrong ways. Some people have tendency to unite as soon as possible but they also tend to terminate their friendship as soon as their interests become fulfilled. It is difficult to say something bad about the friendship but it is true that any careless person gets cheated in friendship. Now a day, it is very hard to find true friends in the crowd of bad and good people but if someone has true friend, no other than him is lucky and precious in the world.
True friendship can be between human and human and human and animals. There is no any doubt that best friends help in our difficulties and bad times of the life. Friends always try to save us in our dangers as well as provide timely advice. True friends are like best assets of our life as they share our sorrow, sooth our pain and make us feel happy.

形容朋友间深厚友谊的成语有八拜之交、白首同归、叨在知己、高情厚谊、相见恨晚、莫逆之交、袍泽之谊、轻风高谊、倾盖如故、清风高谊、金兰之好、肝胆相照。 1、八拜之交是一个汉语成语,拼音是bā bài zhī jiāo,意思是世代有交情的两家弟子谒见对方长辈时的礼节,旧时也称异姓结拜的兄弟姐妹。 姚雪垠《李自成...

5. 有关友谊的英文句子 [有关友谊的英文句子] A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳,有关友谊的英文句子。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing.选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交。 A fathe...

“虽然我们认识不久,可我们感情很好。”'Soon although we know,but we the feelings are very good.'读音:'孙 欧肉 无意(连读) 嗕,爸特 无意(连读) 了 飞欧领私 啊 威绿 故的.'友谊中的"爱"的句子:He would not have sent these things to me!他把东西送到我这儿来了。(有点种...

1.情同手足 [qíng tóng shǒu zú]彼此之间的感情如同亲兄弟一样亲密。2.心心相印 [xīn xīn xiāng yìn]形容彼此不待语言说明而感情相通,心意完全一致。印:合。3.莫逆之交 [mò nì zhī jiāo]莫逆:没有抵触,感情融洽;交:交往,友谊。指非常要好的朋友。4.肝胆相照 [gān dǎn ...

形容同学之间美好友谊的词语有:团结 友爱 关心 关切 照顾 照料 鼓励 默契 天真 纯洁 【词语】: 团结【拼音】: tuán jié【解释】: (1)为了集中力量实现共同理想或完成共同任务而联合或结合(2)和睦;友好。【造句】:团结就是力量。【词语】: 友爱【拼音】: yǒu ài【解释】: 友好亲爱:...

形容珍惜友谊的词语:情深似海 [qíng shēn sì hǎi]形容情爱深厚,像大海一样不可量。例句:你对我情深似海,我定当珍惜。亲密无间 [qīn mì wú jiàn]间:缝隙。 关系亲密,没有隔阂。形容十分亲密,没有任何隔阂。例句:什么时候你们俩变得这么亲密无间了。莫逆之交 [mò nì zhī jiāo]...

2.描写同学深厚友谊的词语 深情厚谊 形影不离 八拜之交 情深潭水:比喻友情深厚。八拜之交:旧时朋友结为兄弟的关系。相知恨晚:形容新交的朋友十分投合。莫逆之交: 指非常要好的朋友。深情厚谊:深厚的感情和友谊。叨在知己:有愧于作为您的知己朋友。万古长青:比喻崇高的精神或深厚的友谊永远不...

友情让我鼓起生活的信心,友情让我引答起美好的思念,友情将我紧紧与故乡联在了一起。 4.描写友谊的词语 淡水交情 友情像水一样清澈。 指不以势利为基础的朋友。 道义之交 交:交情,友谊。 有道德有正义感的交往和友情。指互相帮助,互相支持的朋友。 情深潭水 比喻友情深厚。 桃花潭水 比喻友情深厚。 千里...

风雨同舟[fēng yǔ tóng zhōu]在狂风暴雨中同乘一条船,一起与风雨搏斗。比喻共同经历患难。心心相印[xīn xīn xiāng yìn]心:心意,思想感情;印:符合。 彼此的心意不用说出,就可以互相了解。形容彼此思想感情完全一致。相依为命[xiāng yī wéi mìng]互相依靠着过日子。泛指互相依靠,谁也...


武穴市17535529270: 形容友谊的形容词,要英文的如狐朋狗友,等种类 -
素虎乙肝:[答案] sincere/pure/deep/intimate friendship 真诚的/纯洁的/深厚的/亲密无间的 友谊

武穴市17535529270: 形容友情的英语词 -
素虎乙肝: friendship friendly companion (伙伴) acquaintance(熟人) a trusted friend(知己) a companion in despair(患难之交)selfless无私的 easy

武穴市17535529270: 形容友谊的词语英语 -
素虎乙肝: selfless无私的 easy-going好相处的 reliable值得信赖 considerte体贴的petient有耐心 sincere真诚的 responsible有责任的 generour慷慨horest诚实 helpful乐于助人的 brave勇敢的 friendly友好的

武穴市17535529270: 形容友谊的形容词,要英文的 -
素虎乙肝: sincere/pure/deep/intimate friendship 真诚的/纯洁的/深厚的/亲密无间的 友谊

武穴市17535529270: 关于友谊的英语成语有哪些? -
素虎乙肝:[答案] A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情.A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友难,失朋友易.A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友.A friend without faults will never be fou...

武穴市17535529270: 关于朋友和友谊的英语单词有哪些 -
素虎乙肝: friendship friendly companion (伙伴) acquaintance(熟人) a trusted friend(知己) a companion in despair(患难之交)

武穴市17535529270: 关于友情的英语词语 -
素虎乙肝: selfless无私的 easy-going好相处的 reliable值得信赖 considerte体贴的 petient有耐心 sincere真诚的 responsible有责任的 generour慷慨 horest诚实

武穴市17535529270: 友谊的英语词语 -
素虎乙肝: 友谊 friendship; companionship; fellowship

武穴市17535529270: 关于友谊的英文单词,仅限于F,R,I,E,N,D,S,H,I,P. -
素虎乙肝:[答案] 藏头是不是?恩我帮你想想 Forever 永远 Real 真正的 Ideal 完美的 Elapse 逝去的时间 Nessia 纯净的 Desire 愿望 Smile 微笑 Happy 快乐 Intelligence智慧 Pleasure 愉悦

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