try to do和try doing究竟最根本的区别在哪里

作者&投稿:岛详 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
try to do和try doing究竟最根本的区别在哪里~

  try to do和try doing最根本的区别在意思不同。try to do侧重尽力,为了达到目的而努力.try doing 只是一种新的尝试,并没有一定明显的目的性。
  1、try to do sth. 设法做某事,尽力做某事:
  He tried to finish the work ahead of time.
  2、try doing sth. 试着做某事,试验做某事:
  -I usually go there by train.
  -Why not try going by boat for a change?

1、try to do 表示“努力做某事”,等同于try one's best to do sth.
try doing表示“尝试做某事”
She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo.
He didn’t try to do it.
Why didn't you try riding a bike to go to school?
Please try to finish this work in thirty miniutes.
2、try to do sth.表示"试图干……",强调付出努力,但不一定成功; 表示对于某一件事情尽力想办法去解决,去做,这里强调的是要设法、想法的意思 。
try doing表示"尝试干、干……试试",含有"看结果如何"之意。就是尽力去做,尝试去做,比如别人教你怎么打排球,然后你就自己学着去不断的联系,努力模仿,重复动作等.


1、try的用法,try可以做名词,也可以做动词。做名词常用词组是have a try,“试一试”。
及物动词 vt.
We'll try to improve our teaching methods.
Let's try knocking at the back door.
Try this key.
The method seems good but it needs to be tried out.
We tried the door,but it was locked.
Their case will be tried next month.
Asthma tries him a great deal.
This will try your courage.
不及物动词 vi.
Try and eat a little.
名词 n.[C]
Who'd like to have a try at it?
try /traI/ make an effort to do or get something试图;努力.
例如可以这样造句 I'll try to learn French.我要努力学习法语.除此之外try还有一些要点:
如:Try logging off and logging on again.先退出再登录试试.
如:I have tried some Chinese dishes.我已经品尝过一些中国菜.
如:I'll try to improve my English.我要努力提高我的英语水平.
如:Let me have a try.让我试一试.
try one's best尽某人最大努力
try one's fortune碰运气
try on试穿
have a try试试看;尝试一下


表示给建议、鼓励,特别是第一次做某事的时候,用Try doing“尝试做”。

例:You should try eating pasta.你可以尝试吃意面。

表达有困难,有挑战,使用Try to do 努力做某事。

例:I'm trying to pass the internship.我努力的想通过实习期


try to do sth表目的,是努力去实现do sth这个动作,让do sth变成现实。

例:I tried to escape the prison, but the guards saw me.我本来想越狱的,却被狱警发现了。

try doing sth表方式,指试一下doing sth这种方法,看看有没有效果。

例:To escape the prison, I tried digging a tunnel under my cell.为了越狱,我试过在牢房地下挖地道。


try to do:是不定式,表示的是目的,相当于费尽力气去做某事。

例:I tried to get her attention, but she didn’t even look at me.我试图吸引她的注意,可是她连看都不看我一眼。  

try doing:可以把这个doing理解为动名词,表示的是方式,相当于试一下或者试了一下某种方式、方法。

例:To draw her attention, I tried singing out loud on the bus. 为了吸引她的注意力,我在公交车上放声歌唱

  try to do 和 try doing的用法区别:

  1.try to do 意为企图做,尽力做; try doing 意为试着做

  2.try to do 的语境总体感觉很吃力;try doing 的语境显得较轻松

  3.try to do 后补充说明的部分表达是否成功的意思。try doing不表达这种意思

  4.try to do =try and do;try doing意思与try sth 相近


  What do we try to do?


  What I try to do is point out each side to each other.


  Try doing it with the engine running!


  Whatever it is that you love, try doing that for some period of your


  (一)try to do和try doing的区别

  try to do sth.设法做某事,尽力做某事。try to do侧重尽力,为了达到目的而努力.

  try doing sth.试着做某事,试验做某事。try doing 只是一种新的尝试,并没有一定明显的目的性.


  (1)try to do例句

  He tried to finish the work ahead of time.


  He tried to climb that tree.


  (2)try doing例句:

  He tried climbing that tree.


表示给建议、鼓励,特别是第一次做某事的时候,用Try doing“尝试做”。
例:You should try eating pasta.你可以尝试吃意面。
表达有困难,有挑战,使用Try to do 努力做某事。
例:I'm trying to pass the internship.我努力的想通过实习期
try to do sth表目的,是努力去实现do sth这个动作,让do sth变成现实。
例:I tried to escape the prison, but the guards saw me.我本来想越狱的,却被狱警发现了。
try doing sth表方式,指试一下doing sth这种方法,看看有没有效果。
例:To escape the prison, I tried digging a tunnel under my cell.为了越狱,我试过在牢房地下挖地道。
try to do:是不定式,表示的是目的,相当于费尽力气去做某事。
例:I tried to get her attention, but she didn’t even look at me.我试图吸引她的注意,可是她连看都不看我一眼。
try doing:可以把这个doing理解为动名词,表示的是方式,相当于试一下或者试了一下某种方式、方法。
例:To draw her attention, I tried singing out loud on the bus. 为了吸引她的注意力,我在公交车上放声歌唱

1,try to do sth.设法做某事,尽力做某事。(侧重尽力,为了达到目的而努力)
I tried to do the work alone
She tried to carry the basket.

2,try doing sth.试着做某事,试验做某事。(只是一种新的尝试,并没有一定明显的目的性)
-I usually go there by train.
-Why not try taking a boat for a change?
The boy tried making a model plane.

辉县市13511829010: try to do 和try doing的区别在哪里?我要的是比-------try to do尽量,努力做某事 try to finish it 尽量完成它 try doing sth 试着做某事 尝试做 后面跟动名词或名词 ... -
钞仲生脉:[答案] try to do尽量,努力做某事 类似于try one's best to do sth try doing sth 试着做某事 尝试做 仅是尝试 暗含不成功就放弃的意义 另外我觉得原句好象应该是用LOOK UP 这个词组 少了个UP

辉县市13511829010: try to do 和try doing 有啥区别(越简单越好~)明显的区别 -
钞仲生脉:[答案] try to do 表面的意思是; 试着做某事儿,但实际上的意思是:努力想做成某事儿 比如,i tried to escape,but i failed."我努力着想逃走,但是没有成功." 而try doing 表面意思也是:试着做某事儿,但实际意思是:(为了达...

辉县市13511829010: try doing 和try to do 的区别. -
钞仲生脉:[答案] (1) try to do sth = try one's best to do sth=do everything possible to do sth 尽力做某事(2)try doing sth = have a try to do sth =make an attempt to do sth 尝试着做某事try 英[trai] 美[traɪ]...

辉县市13511829010: try to do和try doing的区别是什么?
钞仲生脉: try to do和try doing的指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同.try to do sth.的意思为“设法做某事”,侧重努力,有计划为了什么事达到目的而努力.try doing sth.的意思为“试...

辉县市13511829010: try to do和try doing的区别? -
钞仲生脉: try to do 表示“努力做某事”而try doing 表示“试着做某事”如 He tried to work out the problem.他努力要解出这道题目.Why don”t you try changing a way?为什么你不试着改变一种方法呢?望采纳~~~

辉县市13511829010: trytodo和trydoing有什么区别 -
钞仲生脉: try do do和try doing的用法区分

辉县市13511829010: try to do和try doing究竟最根本的区别在哪里 -
钞仲生脉: try的意思是“试,尝试;试图;努力”,而try to do和try doing的根本区别是意义的区别.1)try to do表示“努力做某事”;如:Don't shout at him;she's only trying to help.别对他大叫大嚷的;他只是努力地在帮忙.2)try doing则表示“试着做某事”.如:I'm going to try cooking a paella this evening.我打算今晚上试着做一道西班牙肉菜饭.

辉县市13511829010: try doing和try to do的区别 -
钞仲生脉: try doing 意为试着做;try to do 意为企图做,尽力做;try之后既可接不定式,又可接动名词,但含义上有区别.try to do意思是“努力去做某事”“尽力干……”,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成;try doing意思是“尝试着干某事”“试着(用什么方法)去做某事”,表示一种试着、做做看的做法.试比较:I'm trying to learn English well. 我决心(尽力)学好英语.I tried knocking at the back door, but nobody answered. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答.

辉县市13511829010: try to 和try doing的区别是什么?
钞仲生脉: try to do 表示“非常努力地试图做某事”,而try doing表示“只是试试做某事”,主观尝试的努力不及try to do. 比如: I will try to solve this problem for you.(确实会努力帮别人解决问题,会花90%力气) I will try solving this problem for you.(我试试帮你解决这个问题,可能只是20%精力去尝试)

辉县市13511829010: try to do 和try doing 有什么不同? -
钞仲生脉: Try to do sth.表示尽自己最大能力做某事,等同于try one's best to do sth. Try doing sth.表示尝试着做某事 try to do sth. 表示对于某一件事情尽力想办法去解决,去做,这里强调的是要设法、想法的意思 try doing 就是尽力去做,尝试去做,比如别人教你怎么打排球,然后你就自己学着去不断的联系,努力模仿,重复动作等. 比较: He tries to get the apple above the shelf.But fails to reach it.After a while ,Brown comes in and try showing his ability.

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