
作者&投稿:农饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Fighter plane: The primary mission of a fighter plane is to engage enemy fighter planes in aerial combat, securing air superiority (dominance in the air). Additionally, it is responsible for intercepting enemy bombers, strike planes, and cruise missiles, and can also carry a certain amount of ground-attack weapons for missions against the ground.
2. Bomber: A bomber is an aerial fortress capable of delivering conventional bombs, as well as nuclear bombs, nuclear cruise missiles, or air-to-ground missiles. Bombers can be categorized into tactical bombers, medium bombers, and strategic bombers based on their payload capacity, with tactical bombers typically carrying 3 to 5 tons of bombs, medium bombers carrying 5 to 10 tons, and strategic bombers carrying 10 to 30 tons.
3. Fighter bomber: Also known as a combat bomber or attack aircraft, a fighter bomber is primarily used by naval aviation to attack ground or surface targets in the enemy's tactical or near-strategic depth and has the capability for air-to-air defense. With the continuous improvement of onboard electronic equipment and the widespread use of anti-ship missiles, the maritime combat capability of fighter bombers has significantly increased.
4. Attack plane: An attack plane, also referred to as a strike plane, is a type of combat aircraft used to attack targets deep within the enemy's tactical or shallow operational depth, directly supporting ground forces in combat. It is also known as a close air support aircraft in some countries. Attack planes are characterized by their good low-altitude maneuverability, stability, and the ability to search for and attack ground small targets, and can be equipped with a variety of ground-attack weapons.
5. Antisubmarine patrol aircraft: An antisubmarine patrol aircraft is an aircraft used for maritime patrol and antisubmarine warfare. There are land-based and水上 antisubmarine patrol aircraft. These aircraft are primarily responsible for searching for and attacking submarines, forming antisubmarine警戒 lines with other equipment and forces. They are equipped with search radar, magnetic detection equipment, electro-optical detection equipment, and can carry anti-submarine torpedoes, depth bombs, nuclear depth bombs, air-to-ship missiles, rockets, and bombs.
6. Armed helicopter: An armed helicopter is a helicopter equipped with weapons and designed for combat missions. It can be categorized into general armed helicopters, stealth helicopters, and high-speed armed helicopters. General armed helicopters can be further divided into specialized and multi-purpose types.

Cargo Aircraft-载货飞机 Jets-喷气式飞机 Turboprops-涡轮机螺旋桨式飞机 Airliners-客机 bomber-轰炸机 jet fighter-喷气式战斗机 fighter plane-战斗机 torpedoplane -鱼雷机 spy plane-侦察机 attack plane -强击机 unmanned aerial vehicle -无人机 early warning airplane-预警机 anti submarine ...

1. Helicopter - 直升机 2. Cargo Aircraft - 货运飞机 3. Jets - 喷气式飞机 4. Turboprops - 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 5. Airliners - 客机 6. Bomber - 轰炸机 7. Jet Fighter - 喷气式战斗机 8. Fighter Plane - 战斗机 9. Torpedoplane - 鱼雷机 10. Spy Plane - 侦察机 11. Attack Pla...

英文名称:Fighter bomber 歼击轰炸机,也称作战斗轰炸机或战斗攻击机,是海军航空兵主要用于突击敌战役战术纵深中的地面、水面目标,并具有空战自卫能力的飞机。随着机载电子设备的不断改进和反舰导弹的广泛使用,歼击轰炸机的对海作战能力有了很大的提高。四、强击机 英文名称:attack plane 强击机,是作...

表示机种,是英语简写。如你举的例子,B代表“bomber”(轰炸机),F代表“fighter”(战斗机),其它的比如C代表“carrier”(运输机),A代表“attacker”(攻击机),H代表“helicopter”(直升机)等等。下面是美国现在一些常见的机型表示:A-攻击机 如A-10犹猪、A-4天鹰 B-轰炸机 如B-29超级...

不知道你的意思是要F啊,A啊表示的意思呢还是绰号~F是fighter..A是attacker..U是通用 H是heli E是电子战 P是ANTI潜 B是BOMBER O表示观察机 R表示侦察机 C表示运输机 Q是无人机

美国的飞机型号A B C E F G...它们分别是表示什么?


Mig 代表米高扬设计局,两家主要生产战斗机、截击机;Yak 代表雅科夫列夫设计局,主要生产截击机;Ka 代表卡莫夫设计局,Mi 代表米里设计局,这两家设计直升机;Tu 代表图波列夫设计局,IL 代表伊柳申设计局,二者主要设计轰炸机、运输机、民航客机;Be 代表别理耶夫设计局,主要生产水上飞机。


飞机 [fēi jī]n. aircraft ; airplane ; aeroplane ; plane 飞机 [fēi jī]airplane; plane; aeroplane; kite; bird; aircraft:unidentified aircraft;不明国籍的飞机 vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL);垂直降落飞机 short takeoff and landing aircraft (STOL);短距起落飞机 propeller-...

秦皇岛市15796412508: 求飞机具体的种类英文名称?如直升机(helicopter) -
郦封草乌: attacker = 攻击机, 强击即 bomber = 轰炸机 transport, cargo plane = 运输机 tanker = 加油机 trainer = 教练机 fighter, jet = 战斗机 reconnaissance plane, reconnaissance aircraft = 侦察机 patrol plane, patrol aircraft = 巡逻机 helicopter, chopper = ...

秦皇岛市15796412508: 跪求各类飞机的英语单词!(比如helicopter等) -
郦封草乌:[答案] 个人总结:aeronef,aeroplane,airplane,flying machine,plane皆为飞机的意思helicopter直升机fighter-bomber战斗轰炸机battleplan(e)战斗机,军用飞机【有e无e皆可】fighter-interceptor战斗截击机pilotless aircra...

秦皇岛市15796412508: 飞机的英文有哪些呢? -
郦封草乌: airliner 班机 monoplane 单翼飞机 glider 滑翔机 trainer aircraft 教练机 passenger plane 客机 propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft) 喷射飞机 amphibian 水陆两用飞机 seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡...

秦皇岛市15796412508: 直升机英语缩写字母的意思.直升机的种类的英语缩写分别有SH,HH,UH,MH,AH,CH, -
郦封草乌:[答案] SH 是海军型直升机H HH 是救援直升机 UH 是通用直升机 MH 多用途直升机 AH 攻击直升机 CH 是运输直升机

秦皇岛市15796412508: 直升机英文名字叫什么? -
郦封草乌: copter helicopter

秦皇岛市15796412508: 各种飞机的英文缩写有哪些,越多越好! -
郦封草乌: A attacker攻击机,比如A-10雷电、A-6入侵者 B bomber轰炸机,比如B-52同温层堡垒、B-2密苏里幽灵 C carrier运输机,比如C-130大力神、C-5银河 E electron电子战类飞机,比如EA-6B徘徊者电子干扰机,E-3A望楼预警机 F fighter战斗机,...

秦皇岛市15796412508: 飞机的英文怎么写 -
郦封草乌:[答案] airliner 班机 monoplane 单翼飞机 glider 滑翔机 trainer aircraft 教练机 passenger plane 客机 propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft) 喷射飞机 amphibian 水陆两用飞机 seaplane,hydroplane 水上飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡轮螺...

秦皇岛市15796412508: 直升飞机的英语怎么说 -
郦封草乌: whirlybird 直升机,copter 直升机 helicopter 直升机

秦皇岛市15796412508: 直升飞机用英语怎么说 -
郦封草乌: 直升飞机:helicopter近似的单词:飞机:plane, air plane, aircraft, airoplane战斗机:fighter plane客机:passenger plane,air bus,aerobus

秦皇岛市15796412508: 罪恶都市所有飞机的英文名 -
郦封草乌: 水上直升机(带机枪的那个)sea soarrow 普通直升机(四个座位那个)maverick 新闻直升机(蓝的写着vcn的那个)VCN maverick 水上飞机(带螺旋桨的那个)skimmer 警用直升机(三星时出的)police maverick

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