
作者&投稿:绽昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Sorry,I can#39t catch you Sorry, i don#39t quite follow you!这两句都是因为对方语速太快而跟不上节奏啊?并不是听不懂Sorry,i can#39t understand Sorry,i don#39t know what#39s your meaning 两句正确嘻嘻~。
Can#39t understand English, can you speak Chinese?听不懂英文,你会说中文吗词汇解析1understand 英文发音#716#652nd#601#712st#230nd中文释义v懂理解领会了解认识到明了谅解;你好!听不懂 Don#39t understand;I don#39t understand顺便说一下,这句话在看不懂的时候也能用哦;表达听不懂的英语说法1 Hardheavy going 英文里有个短语叫hardheavy going,例如The report is pretty hard going这份报告太难懂了!2 Double Dutch 表示某种语言让你无法理解,或者某些话莫名其妙,就可以用。

1“我听不懂”用英语Sorry, I didnt understand what you said 或Excuse me, could you repeat again? I didnt quite understand you2词汇释义said adj 上述的 v 说,讲说明表达指示诵读假设;“我听不懂”用英语Sorry, I didn#39t understand what you said 或Excuse me, could you repeat again? I didn#39t quite understand yousaid adj 上述的 v 说,讲说明表达指示诵读假设据说;对不起我听不的中文Sorry, I don#39t listenlisten 读法 英 #39l#618sn 美 #39l#618snv 听倾听听从听信 n 听倾听 例句 1She is listening to the radio她在听收音机2It is boring;understand用法 understand的基本意思是“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词用作及物动词时,可接名词代词动名词带疑问词的动词不定式that从;I can#39t understand English如果你听不懂别人说的英语,你也可以说I can#39t understand what you said;听不懂 don#39t understand by listening双语例句1对不起,我听不懂你的话Sorry, I don#39t follow you2我听不懂你的解释The explanation you give is beyond me3我几乎听不懂他所讲的I understoo。

sorry!i don#39t follow me!~;I can not understand我听不懂 例句I couldn#39t understand the lecture so I just turned off我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了;I always feel that asking a person to #39wait a moment#39 without a reason is rather rude During such #39a moment#39, it always turn to an awkward moment looking at each other我不明白你说什么请给我一个;PARDON 是没听清楚别人说的时要说的话,“I BEG YOUR PARDON”能再说一遍吗如果你听不懂,应该说“I CAN‘T UNDERSTAND YOUR WORDS”我听不懂你说的话。

当你在交流中遇到不懂的英语表达时,这里有一些常用的替代方式来表达你的困惑:1. "I am unsure about it." 这表示你对某个话题不明确,不知道该如何回应。2. "I don't understand what you mean." 这用于指出你无法领会对方的意思,表示疑惑或不解。3. "Could you please clarify? I'm ...

对不起,我不懂英语.Sorry, I don't understand English 重点词汇释义 对不起sorry; I'm sorry.; I beg your pardon.; excuse me 英语English


英文原文:English is too difficult to understand.英式音标:[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ] [ɪz] [tuː] [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [ʌndəˈstænd] .美...

I cannot understand you(我听不懂你的意思)Don't understand(不明白)

“我看不懂”的英文:I couldn't understand;I don't understand understand 读法 英 [ʌndə'stænd] 美 ['ʌndɚ'stænd]1、vt. 理解;懂;获悉;推断;省略;明白 2、vi. 理解;懂得;熟悉 短语:1、do you understand 你能理解吗?2、come to ...

上课认真听讲,积极回答问题,不懂就问 Listen carefully in class, answer questions actively, and ask if you don't understand 英 [ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美 [ˌʌndɚˈstænd]vt.& vi. 懂,理解;vt. 了解; 默认; 听说; ...

不知道的英语表达方法如下:1、I don't know我不知道。2、I don't get it我不懂你的点,表示对某人或某事很疑惑。3、I don't get it。 What's wrong with you people我没听明白,你们在搞什么。4、Sorry,It's over my head。不好意思,这我不懂。5、It's beyond me。beyond是“超过...

我听不懂_翻译结果:I don't understand

I am sorry I don't understand English.对不起我听不懂英。分析:I am sorry对不起 I don't understand English我不懂英语 整句话的字面翻译是对不起我不懂英语其实就是对不起我听不懂英语。不明白请追问,明白请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢

运城市19669377368: “我听不懂”用英语怎么说 -
秦泼磷酸:[答案] 我听不懂I am not following youI could not understand I couldn't catch what you said.I don't understand what you're sayingI have no idea what you are saying

运城市19669377368: 我听不懂用英语怎么说?Thank very mach! -
秦泼磷酸:[答案] I can't understand

运城市19669377368: “我听不懂”用英语咋说?比如人家说一句英语,我听不懂.这个时候我该怎么说?就是"我听不懂"的英语怎么说的? -
秦泼磷酸:[答案] I can't understand.

运城市19669377368: 我听不懂用英语怎么说啊?understand.我记得是站起来的意思吧? -
秦泼磷酸:[答案] I can't understand.

运城市19669377368: 我听不懂用英语怎么说 -
秦泼磷酸: I can't speak English. 我不会讲英语. I can't understand. 我不明白. 什么场合用的呢?有上下文回答的能更贴切

运城市19669377368: 我听不懂,用英语怎么说 -
秦泼磷酸: 我听不懂,I don't understand我听不清楚,I don't hear clear----------------------------------- 提问虽易,答题不易,且采纳且珍惜!

运城市19669377368: '我听不懂'用英语怎么说,用英文怎么写? -
秦泼磷酸: I don't understand. I can't follow you. I didn't get it. 希望能够帮助你 :)

运城市19669377368: “我听不懂你说什么”这句话用英语怎么说? -
秦泼磷酸:[答案] I didn't get on to what you were saying. 我听不懂你在说什么. I could make nothing of what you said. 我听不懂你说的话. I can't understand what you mean. 我听不懂你说的话.

运城市19669377368: 对不起我听不懂英语怎么说 -
秦泼磷酸: 对不起我听不的中文:Sorry, I don't listen. listen 读法 英 ['lɪsn] 美 ['lɪsn] v. 听;倾听;听从;听信 n. 听;倾听 例句 1、She is listening to the radio. 她在听收音机. 2、It is boring to listen to the same story. 听相同的故事是令人厌烦的. 短语 ...

运城市19669377368: 如果别人对我说英语,但我听不懂,我应该用哪句英语回答呢? -
秦泼磷酸:[答案] 尊敬,委婉的说法是:Pardon?I beg your pardon?随意,偏口语的说法是:What did you said just now Wait !I can't follow you ,can you just slow down 实在听不懂的话,可以谦虚地说:Well,I missed it again ,I think I...

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