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用英文介绍一下你的两位朋友:1、Hey, Linda! What a coincidence to meet you here! This is my friend, Joanne. Joanne, this is my colleague, Linda.嘿,琳达!在这里遇见你真巧!这是我朋友,Joanne。乔安妮,这是我的同事,乔安妮。2、Jerry, I want you to meet bridge. He also likes...

They are my father,my mother ,my brother and I .My father is worker.My mother is a worker, too.my borther and I are students.we are very happy(不是快乐,是幸福).自己写的,不好就算了,我一直都这样写这篇作文 2. 用英文写一篇介绍自己朋友的英语作文 字数80至120字吧 My ...

Oh, I would like to introduce more information about her to you next time.我的朋友 我有许多朋友,中国朋友和外国朋友。现在,我想向你介绍我的最好的朋友给你。樱桃是我最好的朋友来自新加坡,她是一个女孩。她很聪明,漂亮。她喜欢唱歌、跳舞和购物中心。她擅长数学,英语和中文。她经常帮我做...

YoursXX 亲爱的老师:你好,今天我写信给你介绍我最好的朋友赵海燕。我们是在十年前她妈妈的生日会上认识的,由于她妈妈是我的中文老师,我参加了她的生日会。当我和她眼神交汇的瞬间,奇妙地,我们都觉得似曾相识。很快我们就在那次生日会上成为了朋友。我们谈论很多话题,像年龄,学校,食品,服装,...

信中有一句话是这样写的:“每一次,你回信时,信上真够臭的,你也一样,一年四季好像喷泉似的,没有一次不流汗!”她回信来第一句就是“陈霞,你真是个好玩儿的坏,‘丫头’!”我是多么希望你能成为我的好朋友!一起玩,一起唱,一起解忧、欢笑!祝你 步步高升!你的朋友:陈霞 ...

This is my friend ,这是我的朋友,her\/his name is ×××.她\/他的名字是×××。She \/He is ××years old.她\/他××岁。She\/He likes reading books .她\/他喜欢读书。Her\/His favorite food is meat .她\/他最喜欢吃的食物是肉。

一、写作思路 这是人物介绍作文,我们可以从人物的外貌长相、品格特征方面去描写和介绍。开头告诉大家你要介绍的朋友的名字,中间描写一下朋友的特点如外貌,以及你和他之间的事情,表明了什么主题,结尾点题和朋友有关的品质。二、双语写作范文参考 My friend Jeffrey I have a good friend. His name ...

This is my friend . His name is Wang Wei . Wang is his family name or last name .Wei is his first name . He is thirteen years old . He works hard at school . He is tall and thin .His favorite sport is soccer . We always play soccer together after school .His ...

也得承认,有不少朋友的英语基础很差,对于这类学生,我们强烈建议大家背一些最常用的口语短句,这也是可以快速明显提高口语水平的方法。4、结交说英语的朋友 在互联网时代,甚至找一个说英语国家的网友都不是什么难事,大家可以互相学习,当然也可以和朋友、同学一起,大家平时聚在一起多用英语聊天,...

朋友是能让您感到温暖的人,当您是沮丧的时候。因此我有许多朋友。但是Tom是我的最好的朋友。他和我年龄一样。他比我高。篮球是他喜爱的体育。我们是在同班。他善于学习。因此他的成绩是非常好。我们从彼此学习并且互相帮助。如果我有麻烦,他将帮助我。如果他有,我也会帮助他。 我希望我们的友谊...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 介绍朋友的英语短文 -
示左贝洛: Chen Gong is one of my best friend. He is thirteen years old. He comes from China. Now he is in Class12,Gade 1 of Junior High. His telephone number is 85224xxx .其他: He is tall and thin.He is energetic and strong. He likes playing basketball and football.

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 一个介绍朋友的英语短文 -
示左贝洛:Just do it yourself, my friend. You are well able to accomplish this work as long as you have a friend, even if the English you handle is not excellent enough. Where there is sincerity, there is a good essay.

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 介绍朋友的英语小短文 -
示左贝洛: 根据实际写啊 比如说 最好的朋友.I have many friends,but ______ (人名)is my best friend.She is taller and older than me.And I'm_thinner than she.I think I'm more outgoing than she.She likes playing sports,"because it's good for my heath"...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 英文作文介绍自己的朋友 -
示左贝洛: I have a buddy whom I'm really close to. His name is XXX, a thirteen year old guy. An outgoing and approachable guy, he has wide social connections and can click with almost anyone. His studies are also enviable and he is also a very responsible ...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 10篇介绍朋友的英文作文30字! -
示左贝洛:[答案] (1)My friendHello,everyone!I have a friend named Michael.He is a 15-year-old boy and he`s very tall.He likes speaking English so much and doing exercise every day.His dream is to be a reporter because...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 请用英语写一篇短文,介绍一位你的好朋友LiLei.:1他乐于助人,性格外向,兴趣广泛2他成绩优秀经常在学习上帮助我.3我准备送他一个…以表达描写感谢.... -
示左贝洛:[答案] Li Lei is one of my best friends.He is a helpful and outgoing boy who has a variety of hobbies.He always comes to my aid when I have problems in studying because he does very well in studying and is w...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 急求一篇英文介绍朋友的短文50字以上 -
示左贝洛:[答案] 《My best friend-Tom》:Tom is my best friend.He is 12 years old this year.He is a tall,thin and white boy.He is in the same class as me.He studies hard,and his achievement is very good.He likes a lot...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 介绍朋友的英语短文我有一个好朋友,她叫赵柔涵.她带着一副眼镜,她是瓜子脸,她的眼睛非常大,她长的很好看.她今年12岁.她最喜欢看书.她成绩比我好.... -
示左贝洛:[答案] I have a good friend,she is Zhao Rou Han.She takes a pair of glasses,she is an oval face,her eyes are very big,she grows of good-looking.She is 12 years old this year.She likes reading most .Her result than I good.This is my good friend

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 写一篇英语介绍朋友的小短文,不少于30个单词 -
示左贝洛:[答案] My friend Tony is a shy boy.He is too shy to speak even when the teachers ask him questions.Some bad boys often call him Chicken Wuss.I hate the way they treat him.Then I try to help Tony with that.No...

峨山彝族自治县18979178949: 用英语写一篇介绍我的好朋友的作文包括名字外貌体形性格爱好等等初一或初二水平的 -
示左贝洛:[答案] This is my friend .Her name is Lily.Look!What a beautiful girl !She has black and long hair ,her eyes is very big,and she has a small nose ,red mouth.She is very friendly and kind,she always help others .She study hard ,she is a good student,and her ...

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