
作者&投稿:门勇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

LoveWho is that even a26English letters is not good I can keep up with the team?The third grade the first semester, I just returned from Guangzhou to Shanghai. At that time, some common vocabulary I are not allowed to read, some simple syntax i don't know. Teach the students, needless to say, the teacher will know how hard it is.Once, I recite English texts, there is a word pronunciation, Ding teachers again and again to help me correct, due to the tension, I was not allowed to read, to my forehead sweating, teacher ding or not to mind taking the trouble to teach me, until I will study of quasi. Things like this are too many to count.Remember that there is once, having a few English exercises I can do, after school, teacher Ding separately for me with my lessons. It was getting dark, the teacher still again and again to teach me, an hour later another hour. My mother does not worry hurried to the school, into the classroom, see the teacher Ding still tirelessly in there to teach me. This scene, my mother was moved ... ...Back home, my father was informed this matter. He was silent for a long time, sighed and said: " what a good time, what a good teacher ... ..."One day, my mother gave teacher Ding call in sick for me. The teacher said:" the baby father letter I received." Then I know, dad gave teacher Ding wrote a letter of thanks. When the mother once again to thank teacher Ding, Ding said" don't thank, it is I should do." This is how a chastity words ah! Let me moved.I study in this school feel warm, because here is full of love. One day after school back home, I excitedly said to his mother:" our teachers all like you to succeed."The teacher's love -- feeding my childhood. My life will be nutrition.Reference: is my originalI hope my answer can help you, I wish you to learn and progress!



(英文)When the teachers of the school parents will be held the cards sent to us, I dare not notice goes with it saw a positive direction. After mid-term exam, and I thought he was very lucky, because the work of busy parents and do not idle about my examination results. Alas, this time may be necessary to the moments !

Only the zi ren dao mei ! Why did I usually do not study well without a good review before the exam. Class and the students next to speak, when others in the homework, I play a person that they know the results, a strong back down, plummeting it! Especially in mathematics, I did not understand, like sleepwalking, like school, where even the teachers there, after listening to just forget, it is into one ear, one ear out. Simply do not know what they are doing. Assignments but also in peacetime, and after do not know what they are doing, why do so. Like in a dream like a so do not know.
Most of the time, I am not able as long as the one encountered by students when asked, called to consult with an open mind, but others actually said that they write about, as if their own when a clerk, just copying. Teachers often told me to see the patient after the talk, saying that a lot of reason, all I have been heeded. By the time the examination period, although I know two days in advance, but I say "lin shi bao fo jiao, the more do not have more legs." Therefore, when we review, but I do not play according to error. During the examination of a relatively poor test results can not be strange that other people's you! Can only blame myself for not being diligent you!

Perhaps parents will finish the parents each other, my mother will be sad falling tears, because I was her hope, her pride, her spiritual support. However, I fail to live up to it, performance is so poor ... ... I really do not want to let them be so disappointed, so sad, it tears. From now on, I have to redouble our efforts to study, for examination after the summits achieve good results! Let their parents can also be looked up in the parents at the meeting.



(英文)When the teachers of the school parents will be held the cards sent to us, I dare not notice goes with it saw a positive direction. After mid-term exam, and I thought he was very lucky, because the work of busy parents and do not idle about my examination results. Alas, this time may be necessary to the moments !

Only the zi ren dao mei ! Why did I usually do not study well without a good review before the exam. Class and the students next to speak, when others in the homework, I play a person that they know the results, a strong back down, plummeting it! Especially in mathematics, I did not understand, like sleepwalking, like school, where even the teachers there, after listening to just forget, it is into one ear, one ear out. Simply do not know what they are doing. Assignments but also in peacetime, and after do not know what they are doing, why do so. Like in a dream like a so do not know.
Most of the time, I am not able as long as the one encountered by students when asked, called to consult with an open mind, but others actually said that they write about, as if their own when a clerk, just copying. Teachers often told me to see the patient after the talk, saying that a lot of reason, all I have been heeded. By the time the examination period, although I know two days in advance, but I say "lin shi bao fo jiao, the more do not have more legs." Therefore, when we review, but I do not play according to error. During the examination of a relatively poor test results can not be strange that other people's you! Can only blame myself for not being diligent you!

Perhaps parents will finish the parents each other, my mother will be sad falling tears, because I was her hope, her pride, her spiritual support. However, I fail to live up to it, performance is so poor ... ... I really do not want to let them be so disappointed, so sad, it tears. From now on, I have to redouble our efforts to study, for examination after the summits achieve good results! Let their parents can also be looked up in the parents at the meeting.





我们老师叫我们写一篇寓言 1要有道理 2要内容充实好的加分

.大学思修课老师要我们以 我的人生观 写一篇1500字左右的论文._百度...



老师说要我们模仿《致外星人的信》写一篇名为《致地球人的信》的作 ...

1. 我们学校要开运动会了,老师让我们写一篇想象运动会的作文,400 金秋十月,丹桂飘香,我们又迎来了一年一度的校运动会。操场上彩旗飘扬,天空万里无云,先是鼓号队吹吹打打地进入会场,随后就是各班运动员绕会场一周。各班运动员喊着自班的口号,为自己鼓劲加油,校长为此届运动会提了祝贺词,主任宣布运动会开幕—...



3. 老师让我们写关于小动物的作文,要写出小动物的形态、动作、样子、 小蜗牛 我家养了几只小蜗牛,那是过“六一”节时,妈妈送给我的。 小蜗牛的外形与田螺相似,而外壳却是棕色的。一些粗细不一,黄色、黑色和白色的花纹贯穿其间。它的身子、吸盘和脑袋都可以缩进壳里。那棕色的圆脑上长着两对触角,上面一对长,...

有的,其实很简单。1,先套用格式 2,想好大致内容 3,把内容翻译成简洁的文字。4,套在原先的文字(格式)上(有必要查文言文词典)5,默读、修改。以下是有人写过的:①无题 分不在高,及格就行。人不在勤,有钱则灵。这次考试,唯我不行。脸颊上泪水,泪水入嘴里,谈笑不曾有,往来欠有习...

重庆市18086269489: 老师要我们写1篇关于努力学习的英语作文 -
门吕调经: (英文)When the teachers of the school parents will be held the cards sent to us, I dare not notice goes with it saw a positive direction. After mid-term exam, and I thought he was very lucky, because the work of busy parents and do not idle about my...

重庆市18086269489: 老师要我们写1篇关于努力学习的英语作文带上汉语,5年级的 -
门吕调经:[答案] (英文)When the teachers of the school parents will be held the cards sent to us, I dare not notice goes with it saw a positive direction. After mid-term exam, and I thought he was very lucky, becaus...

重庆市18086269489: 英语作文翻译,作为一名学生,我们应该努力学习.在课堂上,认真听老师上课,在空 -
门吕调经: 句子不完整哈,前面可以翻译为:As a student, we should work harder and listen to teacher carefully during the class.求采纳

重庆市18086269489: 给我100句关于努力学习的英文句子! -
门吕调经: 1. Pain past is pleasure.(过去的痛苦就是快乐.)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比.] 2. While there is life, there is hope.(有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧.) 3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money ...

重庆市18086269489: 写一篇题目为学无止境的英语作文 -
门吕调经: There Is No End to Learning Aa soon as I was enrolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates. We just wanted to relax. But at our first English Lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us," There is no end to ...

重庆市18086269489: 老师让我们写一篇英语作文、怎样做一个好学生、要求:在家时、在学校时、在外边时应该怎么做60字左右 -
门吕调经: HOW TO BE A GOOD STUDENT (怎样做个好学生) If you want to be a good student, three attributes can help you in your studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren't responsible, you'll postpone ...

重庆市18086269489: 写一篇关于如何学习英语作文的英语作文 -
门吕调经: When I started to learn English in high school,I felt it very difficlut.It is harder than that in junior school,especially the vocabulary,the grammer,and the sentence structure.At that time,I almost losed my confidence.And I didn't want to learn English any ...

重庆市18086269489: 英语老师让我们写120字的学习计划怎么写?(中文) -
门吕调经: 新的学期开始了,我已经是新学期初中的学生了.我深知我的学习任务又加重了.在这一学期中我要更加努力的学习了,不能落在其他同学的后面,更要处处严格要求自己,在学习,劳动,体育各个方面争取成为其他同学的榜样. 我为自己安排了...

重庆市18086269489: 求一篇关于“学好一门课需要什么学习方法”的英语作文,在线急等 -
门吕调经: Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly...


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