on加动名词加as soon as引导的时间状语从句什么意思?

作者&投稿:詹振 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ on加动名词加as soon as引导的时间状语从句表示“一……就……”的意思,强调两个动作紧密相连,前一个动作刚刚完成就马上进行了后一个动作。例如:“On finishing his homework, he went to bed as soon as possible.”(一完成作业,他就尽可能快地去睡觉了。)

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: on 动名词时能否与as soon as互换,二者有什么区别?
哀磊巴氯: 最关键的一点在于:on是介词,因此要加名词,代词和动名词, as soon as是连词,所以要加句子.因此在句子变化的情况下,是可以互换使用的. 比如: On hearing the news, he cried. He cried as soon as he heard the news.

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: on加动态名词是什么语法点,用于哪? -
哀磊巴氯: on /upon doing sth 刚一做某事(就) 结构:介词+动名词 功能:相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句. 例如: On arriving at the village,these college students went to help the farmers with their work. =As soon as they arrived at the ...

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: 新概念英语二册33课课文 急!谢谢 -
哀磊巴氯:[答案] Lesson 33:Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题. Why was the ... 到达岸边后,姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去. (1)“on+ 动名词”相当于 as soon as或 when 引导的时...

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: 介词加动名词 的问题 在线等 -
哀磊巴氯: q1. On hearing the good news, we jumped with joy. q2. after eating an apple, he wanted another one. 通过上面例子 可以看出:前后两个动作的主语必须是同一人.不可以的.

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: at n=no doing=as soon as???这是什么意思,解释下 -
哀磊巴氯: 5.On/upon+动名词 On arriving at the village,we werewarmly welcomed by the villagers.我们一到那个村子,就受到了村民们的热烈欢迎. (注) "on/upon+动名词"这一句型多用来表示时间的短促和动 作的紧凑,这一介词短语一般放在句首....

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: 1:可与as soon as 相互转化的句型2:while crossing the street,youshould be
哀磊巴氯: hardly/scarcely …when[较常用]/before no sooner…than.还可用once,the加moment/instant/minute/second和其相应的副词,还可用on加名词或动名词 2you are 3now that

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: upon 和on 和 as soon as 的区别 -
哀磊巴氯: upon是“接近,在上面”的意思,是介词,on 和opon一样,as soon as是“一···就”的意思是连词on和upon是后面加doing或名词 as soon as 后面加句子,不能加单个词 as soon as 和upon 区别 as soon as 和upon 的区别是:as soon as ...

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: as soon as 和upon 区别 -
哀磊巴氯: as soon as 和upon 的区别是:as soon as 尽快 / 立即 / 马上 而upon 则是: 等到 / 待至.你的问题应选 A as soon as saw.As soon as saw the damages he had done, the child felt ashamed 当他看了先已做成的损坏后,那孩子 立即 / 马上 觉得很惭愧.很高兴可以帮到你,希望会对你有助.

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: On one's doing是等于as soon as? -
哀磊巴氯: 比如说: He phoned me to meet him at the airport as soon as he arrived in Shanghai === On / Upon arriving in Shanghai, he phoned me to meet him at the airport == The moment he arrived in Shanghai, he phoned me to meet him at the airport

察哈尔右翼中旗18547897477: 用下面几种不同句型将句子翻译成英语 . 用upon/on+名词/doing (一…就…)和as soon as/the moment/the ... -
哀磊巴氯: 1.Upon/on seeing the magazine,I became interested in it. 2.The moment/minute I saw the magazine, I became interested in it. 3.Hardly had I seen the magazine when I became interested in it. 4.No sooner had I seen the magazine than I became ...

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