say on是什么意思及用法

作者&投稿:镡殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


[地名] [俄罗斯] 赛翁;


Nor anyone who has the slightest sayon how I conduct my affairs.

say1 [sei] vt.1. 说,讲:例句: What did you say?
你刚才说什么?Say no more !
别说,我全懂了!2. 表明,宣称,声明:例句: Please say it clearly and simply.
请简明扼要地说清你的意思。3. 把…说确切,确定:例句: It's hard to say what is wrong.
很难说出了什么毛病。4. 断言,断定,主张:例句: I say her plan is the better one.
我认为她的计划是个好主意。5. 估摸着说,约莫,估计:例句: I'd say he'll come at 9 o'clock.
我估计他将在九点钟回来。6. (以文学艺术手段)表达,传达(感情等):例句: There's something to say in his drawing.
在他的画中似乎要表达什么情感。an allegory that says much
寓意深刻的比喻7. 报道,声称;预告:例句: It is said he would resign.
人们都传说他要辞职了。8. 表示,显示:例句: What does your watch say?
你的表几点了?9. 假定,假设;比如说:例句: Let's say that it's true.
咱们先假定这是真的。10. 念,背诵:例句: to say one's prayers
做祷告11. 即,就是(= that is to say):例句: Dadu says Beijing now.
大都即今之北京。12. [口语]让,叫:例句: The teacher said to tell you not to go now.
老师让我告诉你不用去了。vi.1. 说话;宣布:例句: He refused to say.
他拒绝说出来。2. 表达观点:例句: I'll not want to say in front of the reporters.
我不愿在记者面前谈论我的观点。adv.1. 大约:例句: It's, say, 45 inches.
高约45英寸。2. 比如说,例如:例句: any books, say, magazines
什么书都行,比如说杂志n.1. 说话,讲话2. 要说的话;所说的话3. 说话(或发言)的次序4. 说话的机会5. 发言权6. [the say]决定权7. [古语]箴言,名言短语1. and so say I (或 all of us)我(们)的意见也是这样;我(们)也是这么说的2. as much as to say等于说,仿佛说3. before you (或one) can say knife (或Jack Robinson)说时迟,那时快;马上,一下子4. Easier said than done.[谚语]说着容易做着难。5. have a say in在…上有发言权6. have no say in在…上没有发言权7. have nothing to say for oneself见 nothing8. How say you?诸位高见如何?(法官询问陪审团时用语)9. I can't say[口语]说不上,不知道: I can't say that I care for the fashion of that dress. 说不上我是不是喜欢那种套服的式样。[表示委婉的否定]10. I dare say见 dare11. I'll say[口语]当然12. I mean to say[口语]我的意思是说13. I say!
a. [口语]b. 喂!听着!c. [表示惊奇等]噢,哎呀!14. I won't say no.[口语]乐意奉陪, 遵命!15. It is said (that)据说,听说16. Learn to say before you sing.[谚语]先学说再学唱。17. Least said, soonest mended.见 least18. let us say
a. 比如,例如b. 假定,姑且说19. Never say die.
a. 绝不气馁,绝不失望b. 别泄气,别灰心20. No sooner said than done.见 soon21. not say much for对…评价不高22. not to say虽不能说,近乎;甚至可以说23. say a mouthful见 mouthful24. Say away![口语]说吧!说出来!25. say for oneself为自己找借口,为自己辩护26. say much for对…评价高27. say nay见 nay28. say no
a. 拒绝b. 否认,否定;反对29. Say on![口语]说下去!接着说!30. say one's lessons见 lesson31. say (或 have) one's say说出想说的话,畅所欲言32. says I我是这么说的33. Says you![美国俚语、粗俗语]胡扯,去你的。34. say the world见 world35. say to oneself心中暗想;自言自语36. say well说得对,说得好37. say when[俚语]停止;制止38. say yes同意,赞成39. so to say见 so40. So you say!是你这么说的!(意即事实并非如此)41. that is to say
a. 即,就是b. 至少42. There is much to be said on both sides.各有各的理。43. They say= It is said44. to say[后接宾语从句]就…而论,鉴于45. to say nothing of见 nothing46. to say the least (of it)见 least47. when all is said and done说到底,归根到底,毕竟48. You can say that (again)![口语]你说对了!我完全同意!49. You don't say (so)?[口语]未必吧?不会吧?不见得吧?50. You said it![口语]正是这样!我同意

动词 说下去


  • When the matriarch dies, one of the oldest offspring takes her place当领头的母象死后,由另一头最年长的后代母象取而代之。

  • To one's surprise; to one's amazement使..感到震惊

  • The following special offer is valid for... weeks only, kindly keep this in mind when placing your order.下列特殊报价的有效期仅限。。。周,当贵公司发出订单时请注意。

  • Pernilla Wiberg won the women's Super G in Lake Louise on Sunday,clocking a time Of one minute 17.32 seconds.星期天,在路易斯湖举行的女子超级大回转滑雪赛中,柏尼拉·韦伯格以1分17秒32的成绩获得了冠军。

  • He wished once again to press the count's hand, but his own was immovable他希望再紧握一次伯爵的手,但他的手却丝毫不能动弹。

  • To facilitate farmers' shopping, our shop has made it one of our routines to deliver goods to the countryside.为方便农民购物,送货下乡,已成为本商店的日常工作之一。

  • As Fan Po-wen once more gave vent to his poet's longing for unspoiled natural beauty, he glanced at Huei-fang.范博文又发挥他的“诗人”的景慕自然。他一面说,一面望了四小姐一眼。

  • We ski through the glades on corn snow,then pole our way over a long one - hour runout to a road(Frederick Selby)我们滑过满是粒雪的林间空地,然后滑了一小时的路程到了一条路上(弗雷德里克·塞尔比)

  • Although oxygen does not participate directly in the citric acid cycle, the cycle operates only when O2 is present.尽管氧气没有直接参与三羧酸循环,循环却只有在氧气存在时才能进行,

  • Some of the faces were clear enough, but some were mere blurs and blotches or had one feature grossly exaggerated有些人的面孔很清晰,有的模糊不清,有的黑乎乎的一片,还有的某个部位特别醒目。

宾县15740315110: say on是什么意思及用法 -
蒙泻珂丹: 动词 说下去 例句When the matriarch dies, one of the oldest offspring takes her place当领头的母象死后,由另一头最年长的后代母象取而代之.To one's surprise; to one's amazement使..感到震惊The following special offer is valid for... weeks only, ...

宾县15740315110: (1)at,on,in怎样和时间词搭配?(2)any的用法.(3)speak,say,talk的区别 -
蒙泻珂丹: ①in时间范围大(一天以上)如:in Tanuary, in winter, in 1999;泛指在上午,下午,晚上,如:in the morning(afternoon, evening). 习惯用法:in the daytime 在白天. ②on指在某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,如:on Monday, on ...

宾县15740315110: say的常用句式 -
蒙泻珂丹: that is to say 就是;即;换言之 they say 据说;人们说 say when [俚语]停止;制止 say goodbye 说再见;告别 say for oneself 为自己找借口,为自己辩护 say yes vt. 同意(允诺,承认);说对 say about 说到 how to say 怎么说 say nothing 什么也...

宾县15740315110: 英语中say的用法 【请高手讲清楚】 -
蒙泻珂丹: say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话.如:“I want to go there by bus” , he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去.”Please say it in English .请用英语说.say to oneself say for oneself It is said that say sth say that 如有帮助望采纳

宾县15740315110: sayno是什么意思 -
蒙泻珂丹: 拒绝,说不的意思.

宾县15740315110: say是及物动词吗?是不是on the weekend at the weekend 都表示在周末的意思 哪个都可以! -
蒙泻珂丹:[答案] 既是及物动词又是不及物动词 say to me 对我说 不及物动词 say me 说我 及物动词

宾县15740315110: Say no是什么意思
蒙泻珂丹: say no: 拜托我的女朋友;将我的女朋友交付给你;拜托我的女友;说不

宾县15740315110: 英语单词“say”引导说话内容时,将之放在内容前、中、后,具体用法是什么(包括引号怎么用)?举例说明 -
蒙泻珂丹: vt. 1. 说,讲: 例句: What did you say? 你刚才说什么? Say no more ! 别说,我全懂了! 2. 表明,宣称,声明: 例句: Please say it clearly and simply. 请简明扼要地说清你的意思. 3. 把…说确切,确定: 例句: It's hard to say what is ...

宾县15740315110: tell,say,speak,talk的用法及区别还有例句 -
蒙泻珂丹: 1、speak———“说”、“讲”、“演讲”.做及物动词时,宾语常是表示语言的词.例如: Do you speak Chinese?你说汉语吗? Mr.Wu is going to speak at our class meeting.吴老师将在班会上发言. 2、talk———“讲”、“说话”、...

宾县15740315110: “say”有哪些用法,分别是什么意思呢?
蒙泻珂丹: 及物动词 vt. 1.说,讲[ (that)] The doctor said she would be all right ina few days. 医生说她过几天就会好的. How do you say this in English? 这在英语中怎么说? ...

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