
作者&投稿:度慧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.the thoughts flow with the wind
2.to go off into wild flights of fancy
3.dance in the air
4.to have a deep longing for
5.informal essay
6.express one's emotion
7.Are you making fun of me?
8.Not at all!/You are welcome.

1 由于她日程排得很满,所以他们的回话是预先录制的。
2 汤姆说为了避免让人看到他刚睡醒的肿胀大脸,所以今天早上特意去做慢跑。

由于她行程繁忙,她们的聚会需要提前安排。 今天早上他不是去秀他肿胀的脸而是去了慢跑。

1. 他们的会议由于她忙碌的日程而预先录制了。

2. 汤姆表示他今早去慢跑而没有露出他肿胀的脸(刚睡醒的脸)。


“达人”英语可以翻译为 master(大师)或者 expert(专家)。 网络达人 expert in networks(网络专家)或 Internet expert(互联网专家) 恋爱达人 expert of love(爱情的专家) 个性达人 expert with character(有个性的专家)

1.More people than even before are participating the election for city council.(参加市议会竞选).2.She's a former ambassador to the U.S. (驻美大使).3.They are very chary with their good reputation. (爱惜自己的好名声).4.The organizers are hoping to arose youngster's interest....

I hope I can work as a teacher as I really love this area.3,我选择来这个研究室是因为这里的科学研究很先进,教授也很厉害。The reason why I came here is because the science reserach here is so advanced, and the professors are really excellent.4,我的英语水平很一般,因为好久都...

we saw a local person selling mango in Yunnan.my mother went to him and asked "how much is it?"the guy said "20 yuan a bag"my mother said "why so expensive?"then that guy scolded "rubbish"i was angry and thought he was rude, but the guide told us not to quarel ...

求教英语达人 几句汉译英
1. If you didn't return Thailand or would stay in China for a long time, I would pursue you.2. If you come to China again, please do call me and see me. I will travel with you.3. If there is a chance, I will go to Thailand to pursue you.Although the possibility ...

The overall budge we made for TRUI project is USD100000, so far of which we’ve expended USD350000 with a remaining amount of only USD50000. It’s so uncomfortable for our investors to making continuing investment on this project due to the major accident that TINO is missing. ...

The Delicacy Appreciation series activities are an online promoting platform that goes together with The Delicacy FB campaign.美食鉴赏系列活动是与美食FB线下活动相配合的线上宣传平台。Each Appreciation activity has a promoting special webpage respectively.每个鉴赏活动拥有独立的宣传专题页面。Attract...

to understand this new place, not good at making new friends. I suggest you do not be shy, brave to say the first sentence. In fact, meet a new friend, and not so difficult as you think. Google 翻译适合以下用途:搜索手机聊天商务 关于 Google 翻译关闭即时翻译隐私权政策帮助 ...

to improve the performance of the antenna, have a great effect. And pointed out that the antenna structure design some of the issues to be resolved.2. This paper proposes a new design approach, focusing on the derivation of thoughts, as compared with previous methods have many adv...

1。他起得很早为的是赶上第一班公共汽车。He gets up very early to get the first bus.2。直到昨天晚上他才改变了他的主意。He didn't change his mind until yesterday evening.3。同意这项建议的请举手。Hands up if you agree with this suggestion.4。无论多忙,你都应该抽时间看望父母。

金平区13043254375: 请英语达人帮我翻译两句话 -
乐正购复方: 1.梦想,总会对坚持说我愿意 Dreams will always say yes to perseverance.2.今天的挥汗如雨是为了明天的挥金如土 Today's hard working is for tomorrow's good wealth.

金平区13043254375: 求英语达人翻译两句话
乐正购复方: The frequent natural disasters. the sun is shining the time was very long. his heart a little nervous.

金平区13043254375: 请英语高手帮我翻译两个句子 -
乐正购复方: 呵呵,中式英语,直译过来就OK了1、book mountain have road hard is easy way, study sea have no precipice hard is boat.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.2、fall red is not no love thing,become spring dirt more protect flower 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花.

金平区13043254375: 请英语高手帮忙翻译两句话,汉译英,谢谢. -
乐正购复方: 1.Put the hand which is used to hold the gun on the camera, use first one hand and then the other in quick succession,record the precious moment. 2.Maybe I am just a drop of water in the long river of history,but I will be clinging like the drop of water ...

金平区13043254375: 请英语达人翻译两句话,有关翻山越岭的,其中有些不是太明白的地方A few years later, tea was brought overland from China to Russia. The long difficult ... -
乐正购复方:[答案] 翻的基本正确,帮你试着调整一下 几年后,茶叶被横穿大陆从中国带到了俄罗斯.这一艰苦的的旅程需要翻过高山,跨过沙漠. 供参考make the journey是主动语态the journey be made是被动语态,中间插入了情态词have to “不得不,需要”

金平区13043254375: 求英文达人帮我翻译两句话
乐正购复方: 1 primeval forest 60 meters tall pines, towering trees can be, Many a dry, tree, is called "strange" small lushan. Exotics, have wild tigers throughout. 2.. Big pine . Matsui's spiritual, like dragon dance branches. To hold you to the media, tree, ...

金平区13043254375: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几句简单的话 -
乐正购复方: i went home for the Spring Festival, during this period i can not surf on the net ,so i read your email just now.请告知我们,什么时候可以安排付款.

金平区13043254375: 请英语达人翻译一下英语句子
乐正购复方: NO.1 Here it will rain/rain here...... NO.2 Warm prompt: drink many cans of drinks bad to the body, so I suggest you drink boxes of fresh orange many, so to your body good some ~

金平区13043254375: 请英语达人帮下忙,翻译两句,...
乐正购复方: Thank you for your honesty and trustworthiness, please forgive me cancel the transaction, hairline crack damage the value of a jar,I have this bitter lesson I will continue to monitor your website and I believe that we will have more deals

金平区13043254375: 请英语达人帮我翻译一下几个句子~ -
乐正购复方: First: to control our own destiny, they would have to be. Second: face reality and do not live in the past or in fantasy. Third: frank others. Fourth: Do not just management, leading to the Institute. Fifth: forced to reform before the reform. Sixth: If there are no competitive advantage, not to compete with them.

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