
作者&投稿:长沙晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Correct understanding on the requirements for modern logistics to customer service level
The generally recognized concept of logistics in the world is the definition from the Council of Logistics Management in 1998,namely: " Logistics is a part of supply chain activity which is a efficient,low-cost circulation and storage process of planning,enforcement and controlling in terms of the commodity,service and relevant information from the original place to the final consumption." This concept accurately expresses the core of logistics management theory, which are systematic management idea,total cost concept and the theme of customer first. The core of logistics is to provide customer service which is the overall management including logistics,information flow and cash flow and combines transportation,storage,packing,load and unload,distribution process and other links to be one inter-connected chain and transports all the materials needed by enterprises to any place during the production and distribution process according to the required time,quantity and quality safely at the lowest cost. The function object of logistic system is to satisfy the customers' requirements. From the customers' point of view,logistics should guarantee the possibility that customers can get the products at the appropriate time and place ,which is the availability of the products at appropriate cost ,service and quality. Availability is a very important index during the assessment of the function of logistic system, which is not only the main object of logistic system optimization but also the concrete showcase of the logistic service level. As far as logistics enterprises concern,the logistic service is their core, customers are the enterprises' first resource, the enterprises' business performance comes from the logistic service they provide and the service comes from the needs of the customers. Whether the customer service level can meet the requirements from the customers is not only the key for logistics enterprises to occupy customers and markets but also the competitive edge for the logistics service suppliers.


所以这句话 我会这么翻译:I can have my own happiness only till I left you.

The man,which stares at you in a distant place,is me.

I will stare you sliently in a distant place.

I will be silent in the distance watching you

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老是说减肥减肥但就是减不掉,希望有经验的大哥大姐姐们帮帮我咯!有什么建议一定要告诉我哦。本人将十分感谢!我觉得我是那种和白开水都会旁的女生,所以减肥特难。我平常吃的饭也不多... 老是说减肥减肥但就是减不掉,希望有经验的大哥大姐姐们帮帮我咯!有什么建议一定要告诉我哦。本人将十分感谢!我觉得我是...

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With the climate change conference in Copenhagen held and each proposal discussed and finally determined, it has become common awareness that the global climate and protecting environment should be paid great attention to. All of these good tendencies have also influenced the toy industry....

我最瞧不起赌博的,就知道不劳而获。现实中就有一例子,15岁-36岁了还伸手找老人要钱赌博,不给就闹,他母亲si了 父亲也气的不行,他还骗亲戚朋友很多钱 这世界什么坏人都有 愿你早点悔悟 那个家伙我们地方出名了 打老婆 卖自己的孩子 x 好坏的人恩啊 ...

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regenerated cellulose fibre 再生纤维素纤维

滨江区17872714424: 宗王宗望壮之,曰:身没王事,利及子孙,汝言是也.那位好心人能帮我翻译下这句话,在下感激不尽! -
宗弯糖尿:[答案] 宋王完颜宗望很佩服他的胆识,对他说:“为国家而死,可以有利于子孙,你的话很对.” ——《金史》卷一一八 王政传

滨江区17872714424: “真诚感谢您的关心,支持与帮助” 哪位好心的朋友能帮我把这段话翻译成英文呢啊,不要在线翻译,要准确 -
宗弯糖尿:[答案] I 我 或者 We 我们 后面是 sincerely appreciate your concern,support,and help.

滨江区17872714424: 有没有好心人帮我翻译一下下面的这段 话啊 万分感谢! 中国人是很重视“吃”的,“民以食为天”这句谚语就中国人是很重视“吃”的,“民以食为天”这... -
宗弯糖尿:[答案] 中国人是很重视“吃”的,“民以食为天”这句谚语就说明我们把吃看得与天一样重要. Chinese people attach great importance to "eating".We can know it by the saying "min yi shi wei tian"(eating is the paramount necessity of people). 由于我们...

滨江区17872714424: 英语翻译哪位好心的帮我把下面这两句话 翻译成英文去 怪你过分美丽怪我太过着迷 -
宗弯糖尿:[答案] It's your fault for being so beautiful. It's my fault for being so addicted to it (attracted to you).

滨江区17872714424: 哪位好心人帮我翻译一下这句英语
宗弯糖尿: 风轻拂年轻女孩的心,带着淡淡的忧愁.

滨江区17872714424: 哪位好心人帮我把这个句子翻译成英语??谢谢了.. -
宗弯糖尿: 我看着她的眼睛,从她的眼睛里我发现,如果她的男孩还活着的话,我真的能成为我可以做的人. 这句话因为没有上下文,所以读起来会很奇怪.我查到了那篇文章,结合文章这样理解: 这位 Tom Anderson 有心理阴影(他的同学死了),所以很萎靡.如果他的同学(句中her boy,she是同学的母亲)还在世的话,Tom显然又能做他可以做的人 (the person I might have been):成功的人生,幸福的生活.毕竟心理阴影没了嘛. 这是那位母亲在开导他.

滨江区17872714424: 谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英语
宗弯糖尿: I promise you of not making sex with him today.

滨江区17872714424: 哪位好心人帮我翻译下这句话
宗弯糖尿: 我已忘记过去,也许你已经和别人在一起了,我希望你过的好~

滨江区17872714424: 哪位好心人帮我把这段话译成日文,万分感谢!(勿用翻译器) -
宗弯糖尿: 音楽はある扉を开ける、タイムトンネルで仆らを过去の记忆に连れてくれる.入ってみれば、気づいてしまうかもしれない、仆らがかつて身と心に刻んでるほど忘れられないと思っていた记忆が、すでに时间の流れに远く远く连れ去って、色を褪せてしまった.そのとっくに过ぎていたことが却って、真っ赤な血のように目を夺うほど艶やかであった.__________________________________ タイムトンネル:时光隧道 かつて:曾经 身と心に刻んでる:刻骨铭心 却って:反而 艶やか【あでやか】:鲜艳(我只能想到这个词了,也可能有更合适的词)

滨江区17872714424: 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下这是什么意思??? -
宗弯糖尿: 翻译如下: Half-time is a 20-minute period for the player to rest. 半场休息时间为20分钟的时间段,用于球员休息.

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