
作者&投稿:呼纨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Network of buzzwords, the name suggests is a popular language on the network, is the conventional expression of netizens.With the development of the times and advances in technology, the Internet catchphrase emerged. As a special language phenomenon, the Internet catchphrase has an important meaning and value. In addition, it is a social phenomenon is closely related with people's social life. It comes from reality, but also higher than the reality, the form is simple, easy to understand humor. Of this paper to explore the causes and mechanisms of the Internet catchphrase network buzzwords in accordance with its method of classification, summarized its characteristics, and to analyze the social impact and trends. Network language prevalent at the same time it also brings some problems, which requires us to face in the correct manner, rather than to criticism or praise

望采纳:The tragedy of persecution is two-fold: the first heavy is external, namely in the struggle against poverty, he hurt pretty badly. The second is the inner, namely the soul with their breed and spread of the humble ugly gradually the struggle, he quality of worse loss. His tragedy, the root causes of both the external social inevitable factors, also has his own vulnerability: namely individualism thoughts.

A frustrated. Persecution of indifference, directly caused his first tragedy.

2. The only thought ability, make that sad and poor but.

Three. But individualism prevailed.

Four of the persecution. HuNiu life appears, constitutes life path but the tragedy of deep layer factor.

5. Small blessing to the rest of persecution of son impact.

Persecution of individualism ideological manifestations, showing he mind world that piece of small and he as individual worker weaknesses: if he for other driver's cold and indifferent; He socal thought; His destiny and reluctance to rebel; His decadent that fall, etc. The tragedy of persecution is a working-class tragedy. Persecution of decadence is destruction. But spirit

The destroy itself has a shake that destroyed the persecution of the old society forces. This is where the tragic power the novel.

Keywords: camels persecution individualism. But tragic fate.谢谢!

LZ你给的东东真够难的 而且还多 翻译的我眼睛都要花了
你要不给我加分 我就无语了 LSgoogle翻译的就不要来丢人现眼了
Feasibility study on real estate project is the prior condition which can decide the project can SUCCESS or not, it's the key document during the begining of the project, it has considerable amount of information and workload, and it's also the main basis for the project's decision-making. Therefore, before the real estate opened up, IT is necessary to begin the Feasibility study on the project.
This article mainly discussed the feasibility study on "Bristol Park Palace Dalian" project. First of all, it formulated the outline of the feasibility study on the real estimate project, in the view of the development of real estate projects to illustrate the purpose, activity and mesures of the feasibility study,then introduced "Bristol Park Palace" project's geographical position, project planning information, and related technical schemes. In the following details of the feasibility study, make use of the project management, engineering economics, financial management, and other kinds of subject knowledge, in order to sort out and count about the survey data of the project, and respectively analyze the market feasibility, financial viability and social benifit, including themarket status, project planning, Investment Estimation and the financial index's breakeven analysis, finally reach a conclusion by summary.

Real estate project feasibility study is a prerequisite for the success or failure is the most important phase project of the core document, with a considerable amount of information and workload, but also the main basis for decision-making. Therefore, before the real estate development, to conduct a feasibility study of the project is very necessary task.
This article discussed the "Bristol Park Palace Dalian" project feasibility study. The first is on the property to carry out a feasibility study on the introduction, from the perspective of the development of real estate projects to illustrate the purpose of the feasibility study, the role of steps and so on; then "Bi Villa Park" project location, project planning information, and related technology program is introduced. In the following the feasibility study, the use of project management, engineering economics, financial management, such as subject knowledge, the investigation of the project-related statistical data collated and, respectively, from the market feasibility, financial viability and social aspects analysis, including market conditions, project planning, investment is estimated that the financial indicators, such as break-even analysis, and finally through the summary concluded.

The first is on the property to carry out a feasibility study on the introduction, from the perspective of the development of real estate projects to illustrate the purpose of the feasibility study, the role of steps and so on; then "Bi Villa Park" project location, project planning information, and related technology program is introduced.
Real estate project feasibility study is a prerequisite for the success or failure is the most important phase project of the core document, with a considerable amount of information and workload, but also the main basis for decision-making. Therefore, before the real estate development, to conduct a feasibility study of the project is very necessary task.This article discussed the "Bristol Park Palace Dalian" project feasibility study.The first is on the property to carry out a feasibility study on the introduction, from the perspective of the development of real estate projects to illustrate the purpose of the feasibility study, the role of steps and so on; then "Bi Villa Park" project location, project planning information, and related technology program is introduced.

The feasibility studies of real estate projects are essential to the success of these projects. Being the most important and basic documents in the proposal phase, the feasibility studies require a large amount of information as well as work devoted, and they are the main basis for project decision-making. Thus, before the real estate development, the feasibility study of the project is an essential task.
This article mainly focus on the feasibility study of "Dalian Biyuan ?(豪庭在英文中直译是villa,不过指别墅,你最好自己去查查这个东西的英文名吧。。。)". Firstly, we will illustrate the concept of feasibility study from the perspective of real estate development, demonstrating the objective, effects and procedures. Secondly, we will give some information about the geographic location, the project planning information and the related technical programs. Thirdly, we will compile the statistics related to the project using the knowledge of project management,engineering economics, and financial management. At the same time, we analyze the market feasibility, financial feasibility and social effect out of the data, including the market status, project planning, investment estimation and the break-even analysis of the financial targets.

Real estate project feasibility study is a prerequisite for the success or failure is the most important phase project of the core document, with a considerable amount of information and workload, but also the main basis for decision-making. Therefore, before the real estate development, to conduct a feasibility study of the project is very necessary task.
This article discussed the "Bristol Park Palace Dalian" project feasibility study. The first is on the property to carry out a feasibility study on the introduction, from the perspective of the development of real estate projects to illustrate the purpose of the feasibility study, the role of steps and so on; then "Bi Villa Park" project location, project planning information, and related technology program is introduced. In the following the feasibility study, the use of project management, engineering economics, financial management, such as subject knowledge, the investigation of the project-related statistical data collated and, respectively, from the market feasibility, financial viability and social aspects analysis, including market conditions, project planning, investment is estimated that the financial indicators, such as break-even analysis, and finally through the summary concluded.

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