
作者&投稿:钱复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我是初中刚毕业的 看了些书 不过比较上道合适交给老师的就简爱了 然后我不知道你说的是英文版的书还是中文版的书 我看的是英文的,我帮你把中文版的也搜到了 ------------------------- 不过在这之前说一句啊。。。其实中学6年很快过的。最好多看些书。我到了新高中才发现自己英文阅读比较匮乏。。。其实读些英文书还是有好处的,当然比中文的要麻烦点,但可以自己选些自己喜欢看的,哪怕是时尚杂志也称啊。慢慢多接触就习惯了。。。。。。。。这是我的一点忠告。呵呵不过可以54 过。。。 当然如果时间紧。。或者老师BT任务弄很重。。。那就另当别论了。。。我也经历过啊OTL。。我也懒过。。呵呵 ============================= 英文 作者: (美)蒂奇曼 著 出版社: 人民大学出版社 中文版 出版社: 世界图书出版公司 ---------------------------- 句子摘录 1.简爱对里德太太说:i do not deceive people! if i told lies, i would say i loved you! but i don't, i hate you! i will never call you aunt again as long as i live. 2.简在洛伍德与海伦的对话: "i am happy, jane”helen continued. "you mustn't cry. by dying young, i'll avoid suffering. i am going to heaven.' "does heaven really exist?'jane asked. "yes, i'm sure of it. i'm sure our souls go there when we die,'she answered firmly. "will i see you again ,helen, when i die?' "yes, you will to to heaven too,jane.' 3.简与罗的第一次对话: ”are you hurt, sir? can i do anthing?'jane asked. "just stand back.'(好简短的回答,好深刻的印像.这就是罗切斯特.) ================================= 然后梗概 When the novel begins, Jane is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him, she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St. John River’s marriage proposal. By novel’s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester 希望能帮助你。。

Hi, good morning everyone.my name is xxx and xxx is my English name.I'm from China and I was born in xxx.I'm an 18-year-old boy/girl.my hobbies are reading books like novels or comics and listening to music.chotolate `fruit is my favorite foods.There are four members in my family.my sister is very lovely.I often play with she and we had a good time.
I like making friends. Do you want to making friends with me ?

一。《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kindoms
The subject of the novel draws from history between the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the three kingdoms of Wei,Shu and Wu,covering almost one century.
The first 80 chapters are about the land annexaation wars between warlords at the end of the Han Dynasty and the last 40 about congflicts and struggles among the three kingdoms till Jin unfies the whole nation.
二。《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Chamber
The author narrates the decline of the four clans of Jia , Shi , Wang, Xue ,with a key thread of love between Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai. The hero and two heroines dominate among the 975 characters in the novel ,and their tragic love affairs play a central role throughout the 120-chapter story.
In the novel ,he exposes and negates the hypocrisy and irrationality of the feudal morality.(他揭露和否定了封建伦理道德观念的虚伪性和不合理性)
三。《水浒传》The Story by the Water Margin
The novel tells of 108 outlaws under the green wood headed by Song Jiang in Liangshan of the Song Dynasty . The greenwood men are of different social backgrounds: petty offcials, low-rank offcials, peasants, the urban poor , peddlers ,as well as Buddhist and Taoist monks .The dark rule of the Song Dynasty forced them up the Liangshan Mountain and Shuipo Marsh under the banner of brotherhood. The Liangshan band began with only a few dozens of men and gradually grew into an army of thousands. Under the slogan of “Enforcing justice on behalf of heaven , safeguarding the land and protecting the people “, they challenged the forces of the court and killed local despots . Having seen its glorious days , this peasant army surrendered to the imperial court and became part of the court’s forces. Later on, it was sent to fight the army of another peasants’uprising and Song Jiang came to the end of his row.
四。《西游记》Journey to the West
In the novel ,the Buddhist monk Tang Seng’s pilgrimage to West for Buddhist scriptures . The demons and ghosts on their way are apotheoses for the natural dangers and difficulties. The rebellious spirit of the heroic Monkey King is enlogized through accounts of his revolt by making trouble in bravery palace and dashing the nether world .For his optimism, bravery and resourcefuless, Monkey King stands as a striking contrast to Buddhist Tang Seng and Pig Bajie .

the tale of two Cities

the story is about a pair of young twins brothers:
their parents had killed by evil man when they were litter boys,and they lost each other,until they fell in love with the same girl.

And the one who the girl hated ,get into jail and changed places with his twin brother who will be execute by their evil enemy who had killed their parents and tried to killed them too.

At last,the twin who the girl loved married with the girl,and the other twin had killed by their wicked eneymy.

the silly story was writed by Charles Dickens,and expressed the sentimen——If a guy fall in love with a silly slut,he have to allow the birch loved anyone else,and bless them like a stupid coward ,and the weak idior guy have to ready to die for their happy ending and their happy honey moon.

Yes,of course he's silly,might be the Queen Victoria pushed them to do this.If they didn't obey,Queen Victoria will execute them.


the tale of two Cities

the story is about a pair of young twins brothers:
their parents had killed by evil man when they were litter boys,and they lost each other,until they fell in love with the same girl.

And the one who the girl hated ,get into jail and changed places with his twin brother who will be execute by their evil enemy who had killed their parents and tried to killed them too.

At last,the twin who the girl loved married with the girl,and the other twin had killed by their wicked eneymy.

the silly story was writed by Charles Dickens,and expressed the sentimen——If a guy fall in love with a silly slut,he have to allow the birch loved anyone else,and bless them like a stupid coward ,and the weak idior guy have to ready to die for their happy ending and their happy honey moon.

Yes,of course he's silly,might be the Queen Victoria pushed them to do this.If they didn't obey,Queen Victoria will execute them.

the elephone man:

the story was written by Vicry in America.

it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked.

He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human.

Although,the nomal human were all hate him ,laughing at him,
beating him up,and kicking him down.

Unbeliveable,yah had thought he should slaied everybody in this story for revenge,and became a powerful demon.

The King Arthur

In Scotland ,there was a lord's sideslip,he was King Arthur.
he had raised a sword which no one could raise,he has 12 brave knights,they lead the army to destroy his enemy's contries.
He had a wizard friend——old Merlin .
And the lady from lake bless him.

Then King Arthur killed his step brother,became a king,and rape his step sister Mogena,he said she was a witch ,and her servents girl were witch too,the son of he and Mogena was one of the 12 knights.

And in the 12 knights,there was a handsome guy who named Sir Lancelote,Lancelote had raped Mogena and King Arthur's wife Gevinia.
Mogena was raped by the dark knight,when Sir Lancelote kicked her ass.

Then,Mogena sent the most beautiful witch of her :Vivian,she had killed wizard Merlin on bed.

King Arthur was very angry for his dirty wife,so he tried to killed the slut and Sir Lancelote,Sir Lancelote eloped with the slut,at length,Sir Lancelote killed her and surrendered.

King Arthur forgived him,and allowed him joined his army again.

the elephone man:

the story was written by Vicry in America.

it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked.

He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human.

Although,the nomal human were all hate him ,laughing at him,
beating him up,and kicking him down.

Unbeliveable,yah had thought he should slaied everybody in this story for revenge,and became a powerful demon.


the tale of two Cities

the story is about a pair of young twins brothers:
their parents had killed by evil man when they were litter boys,and they lost each other,until they fell in love with the same girl.

And the one who the girl hated ,get into jail and changed places with his twin brother who will be execute by their evil enemy who had killed their parents and tried to killed them too.

At last,the twin who the girl loved married with the girl,and the other twin had killed by their wicked eneymy.

the silly story was writed by Charles Dickens,and expressed the sentimen——If a guy fall in love with a silly slut,he have to allow the birch loved anyone else,and bless them like a stupid coward ,and the weak idior guy have to ready to die for their happy ending and their happy honey moon.

Yes,of course he's silly,might be the Queen Vidolia pushed them to do this.If they didn't obey,Queen Vidolia will execute them.

La dame aux Camélias

The story was about a Franch whore who named Magorite.

Magorite was some rich old guy 's consort .

she treated everybody ,
and traded everybody ,
for earn the money.

but somehow,the silly girl fell in love with a silly young rich guy who named Amen,he loved her,and so did she.

he persuaded her to leave Paris and merry with him.
she obey,promised and swore.

but Amen's evil father didn't allow.So,he gave Magorite lots of money and lots of tears and order her left.

Magorite took the money ,obey the evil father-in-law in fututure.
so Amen hate her ,and din't not touch her or crush her again when he met her in Paris again.

at last,Magorite dead,her money was taken by some evil man.

and Amen know the truth at length, he hate his father,and sad forever.

The King Arthur

In Scotland ,there was a lord's sideslip,he was King Arthur.
he had raised a sword which no one could raise,he has 12 brave knights,they lead the army to destroy his enemy's contries.
He had a wizard friend——old Merlin .
And the lady from lake bless him.

Then King Arthur killed his step brother,became a king,and rape his step sister Mogena,he said she was a witch ,and her servents girl were witch too,the son of he and Mogena was one of the 12 knights.

And in the 12 knights,there was a handsome guy who named Sir Lancelote,Lancelote had raped Mogena and King Arthur's wife Gevinia.
Mogena was raped by the dark knight,when Sir Lancelote kicked her ass.

Then,Mogena sent the most beautiful witch of her :Vivian,she had killed wizard Merlin on bed.

King Arthur was very angry for his dirty wife,so he tried to killed the slut and Sir Lancelote,Sir Lancelote eloped with the slut,at length,Sir Lancelote killed her and surrendered.

King Arthur forgived him,and allowed him joined his army again.


The fall of the Uther's Heights

it's a scary story that was written by the greatest American man Edgar.Ellen.Pot .

Well,once upon time,there was a man,he came to visit his best friend Uthe.

Uthe's own sister was a strange werid lady,so,their family buried her when she was still alive. The wicked house keeper and the evil doctor was very pleasure to see their mistrss had gone.

but lady Uthe didn't like to be treated like that,she crushed her own coffin ,left her grave ,and walked into her house ,at last,she killed her own brother Uthe,and burned down their own house.


1. "Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott.""《小妇人》是路易莎·梅·奥尔科特于1868年出版的一部小说,作者是美国作家路易莎·梅·奥尔科特。"2. "The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American ...

《简爱》Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood ...

值得一看的英文小说介绍:1、慢人 J.M.库切 著 浙江文艺出版社 邹海伦 译 2013-3 《慢人》(J.M.库切著)是库切获诺贝尔文学奖后的第一部小说。这部关于年老、残缺、身份、死亡和羞耻的现实主义小说,在中段嬗变为一本后现代小说,作者与其笔下的人物在其中对决。而作者介入小说的元小说模式也延续...


翻译:《汤姆·索亚历险记》是美国小说家马克·吐温1876年发表的长篇小说。The story of the novel took place in an ordinary town on the Mississippi River in the first half of the 19th century.:翻译:小说的故事发生在19世纪上半世纪美国密西西比河畔的一个普通小镇上。The protagonist Tom ...

以写实和讽刺的表现手法描绘了二十世纪初期都柏林中下阶层的生活,瘫痪和死亡贯穿全书。本书的作者是久负盛名,还著有《尤利西斯》。5、《灿烂千阳》A Thousand Splendid Suns 作者:卡勒德·胡赛尼 简介:小说讲述了两个阿富汗妇女的不幸故事。卡勒德·胡赛尼的《追风筝的人》是他的第二本小说。



My Favourite Book I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick ...

襄垣县19192779134: 急需一篇英文版的小说梗概 -
督于二十: 《基督山伯爵》 梗概 该片根据法国著名作家大仲马的同名长篇小说改编,描写的是法国波旁王朝时期发生的一个报恩复仇的故事.法老号船的年轻大副唐泰斯受船长临终之托为拿破仑党人送一封信,遭两个卑鄙小人和阴险检查官维尔福的陷害,被关入死牢.剥夺了本该属于他的美好阳光、爱情和前程.十八年后,他带着狱友法里亚教士临死前告诉他的秘密,越狱逃生,找到法里亚藏的匿的宝藏后成为巨富,从此他化名基督山伯爵.经过精心策划,他报答了恩人,惩罚了三个想置他于死地的仇人.

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督于二十: 丑小鸭的,不知道行不行...o(∩_∩)o...Ugly duckling illustrated, many tribulations into a white swan, it is because it has a dream of mind. It supports dream. In fact, no trajectory fate lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The ...

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督于二十: 《The Old Man and the Sea》 The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works.It was writtten by Ernest Miller Hemingway .Told in language of great simplicity and power,it is the story of an old Cuban fisherman,down on his ...

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督于二十: 一本英文小说的简介,简介要是英文的.字不能太少.80词,r这个问题我来帮你回答吧!K Rupert Alexander Grint was born on August 24, 1988 in Hertfordshire, England, UK. Although only acting in one school play before being cast in the ...

襄垣县19192779134: 求一篇英文小说的概要及人物性格分析 -
督于二十: the elephone man: the story was written by Vicry in America. it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked. He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human. ...

襄垣县19192779134: 有没有好的英文小说简介啊? -
督于二十: 书名 Jane Eyre 作者 Charlotte Brontë,原笔名(male pseudonym) Currer Bell简介 The orphaned protagonist of the story. When the novel begins, she is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the ...

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督于二十: An Invisible Sign of My Own 作者: Aimee Bender 艾美本德 作家介绍:Aimee Bender's stunning debut collection, The Girl in the Flammable Skirt, proved her to be one of the freshest voices in American fiction. Now, in her first novel, she ...

襄垣县19192779134: 求一篇英文小说的概要及人物性格分析 -
督于二十:[答案] the elephone man:the story was written by Vicry in America.it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked.He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human.Although,...

襄垣县19192779134: 跪求一篇英语短文,内容是写一本英语名著的大体梗概.注意:告诉书名再写梗概!不用太长!直接给我原文! -
督于二十:[答案] 《小妇人》 中英对照: Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The ... many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today as evidenced by its continued following. 小妇人是一部小说出版于1868...

襄垣县19192779134: 求一书英文简介要内容的概括...中英文都要.不要很长... -
督于二十:[答案] 英文简介 The Little Prince Book Description Few stories are as widely read and as universally cherished by children and adults alike as The Little Prince.Richard Howard's new translation of the beloved classic--published to commemorate the 100th ...

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