
作者&投稿:钮宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

学校 姓名 得分
一、 填空
1、( )÷25 =( )×38 =37 ÷( )=3
2、2.05千克=( )千克( )克=( )克
3、甲数的15 等于乙数的25%,那么乙数是甲数的( )%,甲数比乙数多( )%。
4、李老师退休后月工资1780元,按规定超过800元的部分要交纳5%的个人收入调节税,李老师实际拿到手的工资是( )元。
5、一根铁丝的长度等于他本身的13 加上13 米,这根铁丝长( )米。
6、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的底面积和高都相等,已知圆锥体的体积是7.8立方米,那么圆柱体的体积是( )。
7、只要求表示数量的多少,最好绘制成( )统计图。
8、小明新买一瓶净量45立方厘米的牙膏,牙膏的圆形出口的直径是6毫米。他早晚各刷牙一次,每次挤出的牙膏长约20毫米。这瓶牙膏估计能用( )天。
9、某学校为每个学生编号,设定末尾用1表示男生,用2表示女生:0331231表示“2003年入学的三年级一班的23号同学,该同学是男生”。那么,0521162表示的学生是( )年入学的( )年级( )班的( )号同学,该同学是( )。
①护士每隔( )小时给病人量一次体温。
②病人最高体温是( )摄氏度,最底是( )摄氏度。
③6月2日下午6时的体温是( )。
④体温在( )时间里下降最快;( )时间里比较稳定。
1、 在3.6的小数点后面添上两个“0”,小数的大小不变。( )

2、 把210分解质因数是210=1×2×3×5×7。( )

3、 两端都在圆上的线段叫圆的直径。 ( )

4、 252与25×2的结果相同。 ( )

5、 刘师傅做100个零件,合格率是95%,如果再做2个合格零件,那么合格率就达到了97%。( )
6、 如图,用两张纸板分别盖住木条的一端,根据露出的部分推断,木条较长的是A。( )

三、比眼力,你能把每题中正确答案的序号都写在( )里吗?(8分,5、6题2分)
1、45 ×3和3×45 两个算式比较( )
A、结果相同,意义不同 B、结果相同,意义也相同 C、结果和意义都不同
2、将一根木料截成相等的木段,一共截了5次,每段是这根木料的( )
A、 14 B、15 C、16
A、加入0.2千克的药液 B、倒出0.05千克的药液 C、加入10千克的水
4、修一条600米的水渠,甲队单独修要12天,乙队单独修要20天,甲乙的工作效率的比是( )A、12:20 B、3:5 C、5:3
5、下图中,能用两个完全一样的三角形拼成的图形是( )
A、 B、 C、 D、


8立方厘米 12立方厘米
A、2立方厘米 B、4立方厘米 C、6立方厘米
1-49 = 113 +34 = 25 -14 = 0.25×12 ÷0.125= 914 -47 =
9.99+99= 0.1×0.1= 12 ×13 ÷12 ×13 = 16×1116 = 37 ×27 =
1-(16 +17 )×2 33.6÷8+33.6÷87 1.25×615 +3.8÷45

24÷(13 +34 -16 ) 17115 ÷16 4.2×0.36+42×6.4%


48÷13 -0.4X=4 0.5X+2X=1115 0.3:X=411

(1) 一个数的25%等于14 与16 的和,求这个数。

(2) 甲数的14 等于乙数的30%,甲数是48,乙数是多少?

(1)把213 :1.5化成最简整数比 (2)把714分解质因数





1、 修一条水渠,已经修了全长的37 ,现在离中点还有3千米,这条水娶长多少千米?

2、 李强看一本故事书,第一天看了25页,第二天看了这本书的14 ,还剩下62页没有看,那么李强第三天应该从第几页开始看起?

3、 看图列式计算。

4、A、B两地相距648千米,甲乙两人分别从两地同时相向而行,甲每小时行80千米,甲的速度是乙的45 ,经过几小时两人相遇?

(1) 这个家庭选择哪家旅行社所花的费用少?

(2) 如果你也参加他们的家庭旅行团,你建议应该去哪家旅行社?

学校 姓名 得分
15÷0.25= 1.5×25 =
59 ×1.8= 2.5×0.4=
24×38 = 2.4+1.6=
512 ÷56 = 57 ×2125 =
14 ÷25%= 32×2.5=


(45 + 14 )÷73 +710


2、18减去它的13 是多少?

1、甲数是21,乙数是30,甲数比乙数少( )%。
2、五年级有学生29人,比女生多16%,女生有( )人。
3、三亿六千五百五十五万零五写作( )。
4、一块三角形菜地,边长的比是3∶4∶5,周长为84米,其中最短的边长( )米。
5、圆的周长和直径的比是( )
6、3.6时=( )时( )分
7、单独完成同一件工作,甲要4天,乙要5天,甲的工效是乙的工效的( )%
8、抽样检验一种商品,有38件合格,2件不合格,这种商品的合格率是( )
9、把78 ∶1.75化成最简单的整数比是( ),比值是( )。
10、一个挂钟时针长5厘米,它的尖端一昼夜走了( )厘米。
11、一个三角形的底边长4厘米,高2厘米,这个三角形的面积与同底等高的平行四边形面积的比是( )。
12、甲数的23 等于乙数的34 ,甲乙两数的最简整数比是( )。
1、因为3÷1.5=2,所以3能被1.5整除。( )
2、条形统计图不仅可以表示数量的多少,还可以表示数量增减变化的情况。( )
3、订《中国少年报》的份数和所用的钱数成正比例。( )
4、减数与差的和,等于被减数、减数与差的和的12 。( )
5、如果a除以b等于5除以3,那么a就是b的35 。( )
6、一个数乘以分数的积小于被乘数。( )
7、直径是圆内最长的线段。( )
8、4和0.25互为倒数。( )
9、A、B都是自然数,因为A÷34 =B×45 ,所以A>B。( )
10、任何圆的周长总是它的直径的π倍。( )
11、去掉小数点后面的零,小数的大小不变。( )
12、两个数是互质数,这两个数的最小公倍数是它们的乘积。( )

2、学校有男生540人,比女生人数的56 少60人,学校有女生多少人?


5、如果公园的门票每张8元,某校组织97名同学去公园玩,带800元钱够不够? 小学升学考试语文模拟试题(大家看看质量如何)
小学升学考试 语文试卷 说明:满分150分,时限120分钟。 学校:__________考号:_ _020_ _ _ _ _姓名:_________ 密 —————————————— 封——————————————线 得分栏:(此表格学生禁止填写!) 题号 总分 得分 本试卷设卷面分5分,并记入总分。请同学们认真书写,沉着答卷! 一.基础知识考察部分(35分,选择题每题3分,非选择题依照题号后面的分数酌情得分。) 1.选出下列各组划线汉字的读音均相同的一项( ) A.晕倒 红晕 晕车 C.机械 飞机 机油 B.办事处 处理 处死 D.占卜 萝卜 卜卦 2.选出字形错误的一项( ) A.艰苦卓绝 C.一心一意 B.毕躬毕敬 D.一丝不苟 3.选择有语病的一项( ) A.学习和重温这段历史,有助于我们懂得贫穷落后的中国,在帝国主义的进攻面前,是何等的懦弱。 B.明成皇后,是朝鲜王朝的最后一位国母,也是最后一个希望。 C.天穹那么地湛蓝,湛蓝得似乎要吞噬掉所有的生命。 D.通过对语文的学习,使我对辩证的思想有了新的认识,以至于我在许多的征文比赛中脱颖而出,摘得桂冠。 4.下面那首诗表现的不是作者对家乡和兄弟友人的思念?( ) A.《静夜思》 C.《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 B.《水调歌头(明月几时有)》 D.《钱塘湖春行》 5.古诗默写(每句2分,任选5题回答,若多选的,按前五小题判分。共10分) [1]死去元知万事空,______________。 [2]______________,明月何时照我还? [3]______________,不教胡马度阴山。 [4]______________,半江瑟瑟半江红。 [5]桃花潭水深千尺,______________。 [6]______________,夜静春山空。 [7]______________,为有暗香来。 [8]______________,柳暗花明又一村。 6.对对联(请在上联的后面写出自己的下联,本题满分3分,酌情得分。) 神六飞天开创祖国航天新纪元,___________________________。 7.用你最简洁的语言概括下面一段文字的意思。(5分。) 这届奥运会,我觉得是一届比较成功的奥运会,这样说,不是因为中我代表队取得了优异的成绩,而是因为,我觉得,奥运会不仅仅是展现了中国的实力,而且,中国队也将优良的中华民族优秀品质发挥得淋漓尽致,这才是最重要的。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。 8.你们学校的语文兴趣小组最近举办了一个关于“中小学生该不该有手机”的辩论赛,如果你是这次辩论赛的反方,请你在下面的横线上写出你的观点,要求用说理,100字左右即可。(5分.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。 二.阅读理解(本题满分共65分,具体分值见各小题。) a.阅读下面文章,回答第1—7题。(24分 加或减 5分) 父 亲 再也见不到父亲了!我羡慕那些父母尚在的同事,常常呆望和父亲一般年纪的老人…… 母亲病故,父亲不到四十岁,怕我们姐弟受气,没有续弦。我记不得母亲的音容,懂事起就在父亲爱抚下,父亲也是母亲。抱我串门,背我看病;冬夜,屋破被薄,父亲搂着我入睡。父亲盼我长大,问我长大干什么?我说:“我长大当官,挣老鼻子老鼻子钱,给爹打酒喝!”父亲高兴地从头抚摸到我脚趾。父亲找不到固定的工作,我们常挨饿,我们每天像小鸟等着父亲回家。遇到下雨,我站在门槛上,透过被雨淋坏的门纸看地上的雨泡,我一遍一遍念叨:“天老爷,别下雨,包子馒头都给你。”心里酸酸的,直到父亲湿淋淋回来。

作者: 60.210.71.* 2006-6-18 20:42 回复此发言

2 小学升学考试语文模拟试题(大家看看质量如何)
父亲说我孝顺,我自己也以为孝顺。 我长大了,结了婚,有一双儿女。渐渐我和父亲没话说了,父亲把________给了他的孙子孙女。春天缺菜,顿顿捧着咸菜酱碗,父亲就去钓鱼,有就揣张煎饼,没有就饿着,一钓一天。看着孙子孙女围着鱼盆欢喜的样子,父亲就捋着胡须很开心。 有一年我得了中毒性痢疾,父亲焦急地坐在我身旁,这时,只有这时我忽然想到了童年。 父亲在我家不多,加起来也就一年。这年父亲80岁,耳不聋眼不花,腰板很硬朗。闲着也闷人,不如挣个酒钱,于是在附近一家工厂打更。愈近年关,酒也喝得甚多,一日三顿,夜里还要喝几口。不久,父亲中风了。 人老了就怕得这病。我连夜乘车买抢救药。也曾给上海一位医生去信,他用毛笔楷书回了信。他的母亲也得过脑血栓,经他穴位按摩,终于站立起来,87岁还能上街买菜。他告诉我要有信心,有耐心,有孝心。 我试着给父亲按摩过几次,开头几天父亲不断呻吟:“疼死我了!”“疼有什么办法呢?谁让你喝那么多酒!”父亲不再呻吟,不认识似地看我,然后转过头去。 1985年暑期,我离开故乡,调到150公里外的林区。行前我去看望父亲。那天很热,满街西瓜,四角一斤。我在瓜摊前犹豫片刻,终于空着手进了哥家。父亲瘦得只剩下一把骨头,话也说不清了,口舌起泡,嘴唇干裂。我给父亲喂水,父亲只呷了一小口,不喝了。 这是我最后一次见父亲!我就这样最后一次见父亲! 半个月后,我像平常那样,备完课回到单身宿舍躺下了。________中突然听到一声“崇昌——”,那声音、那语调分明是父亲!我激灵坐起,在静静的,没有任何响动。一看表,刚好10点。第二天中午,我收到哥哥发的电报:父亲昨晚七点去世了! 我赶回县城,跪在父亲灵前,我托起父亲瘫痪的左臂,把手贴在我的脸土…… 不少人都说我是孝子,我自己也以为是。在父亲最需要的时候,我既没有在衣食住行上尽人子之责,也没有从精神上赡养父亲,让他带着缺憾走了! 我永远不能原谅自己! 1.在文中相应的横线上填入的恰当词语是(4分) A.慈祥 B.慈善 C慧爱 D慈悲 E.朦胧 F.蒙眬 G.依稀 H.模糊 答( )( ) 2.作者说“父亲也是母亲,”第二段中哪些语句体现了这一点?(3分) 答____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.“我就这样最后一次见父亲,”句中的“这样”指代的内容是什么?(5分) 答____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.“夜静静的,没有任何响动,”而“我”“分明听到父亲的呼唤,这表明了作者怎样的一种心理?(5分) 答____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.“不少人说我是孝子,我自己也以为是。”请举出文中的两个事例概括说明“孝子”的表现。(4分) 答____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.文章结尾处写到:“我永远不能原谅自己!”说说作者不能原谅自己的原因是什么?表达了怎样的情感?(3分) 答____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.(本题为附加题,答对加分,最多加5分;答错扣分,但扣分减半,最多扣2.5分。加分加至满分为止。) 进入初中,你将学到朱自清的《背影》。朱自清的《背影》是描写父爱的经典之作。如果你课外读过这篇文章,请完成此题。 本文与朱自清的《背影》很相似,在内容上它们同是写____________________,所表达的思想感情也是一致的。不同的是《背影》处处紧扣父亲的背影,写出了父亲对儿子的关爱,而本文则侧重写____________________,体现了父恩难忘。

作者: 60.210.71.* 2006-6-18 20:42 回复此发言

3 小学升学考试语文模拟试题(大家看看质量如何)
b.阅读下面文章,回答第8-14题。(本题满分26分,每个选择题3分,第12题8分) “你去看吧,驻足那一道道长虹之畔,徜徉于桥区的草坪园景之中,你会发现,它们各有各的造型,各有各的姿态。 建国门立交桥是苜蓿叶式,宛如一片巨大的苜蓿叶。碧绿的草坪、连片的鲜花 簇拥着它,犹如一个巨大的花篮,轻托着塔在上面的十字飘带。从低处仰望大桥,四周的高层建筑似乎也矮了几分。西直门立交桥与建国门风格迥异。顶层机动车车道是圆形转盘;中层非机动车车道是椭圆形转盘。整个空腹转盘桥外径东西长140米,南北长95米,比工人体育场的足球场面积还要大。矗立在京都东大门的三元桥,又别具风格,开阔、豁亮。尽管三环路、机场路、京顺路三路在这里交会,但它却没有偏重往立体发展,而是向宽广铺展,路向八方放射,桥向八方伸展,气势宏大。桥开阔舒展,绿化设施也开阔舒展,总面积达7.5公顷。布置成圆形、矩形等几何图形的四座街心公园里,栽有松柏,植有鲜花,立着雕塑,置着坐椅,俨然一座立体供立花园。坐落天坛东路与南外二环、南护城河交会处的玉蜓桥,更加壮美。它是桥群组成。八座跨河桥,六座匝道桥,四座通道桥,三座铁路箱涵,组成一个庞大的桥的系统,建桥总面积是三元桥的二倍多。造型别致,一座座桥,组成一只巨大的振翅欲飞的蜻蜓,仿佛是刻意创作的超大型艺术雕塑。桥下静静的流水,桥区棵棵绿荫晃动的国槐、白杨,片片流翠的草坪,团团姹紫嫣红的月季,构成一幅巨大的工笔画“玉蜓图”。一座一座说不尽。每件都是一件艺术品,一幅立体的画,一首无字的诗,给首都增添了不尽的景观。 8、在原文上用“||”划分层次,说明这部分的结构是( ) A、总分 B、分总 C、总分式 D、分总式 9、“……四周的高层建筑似乎也矮了几分”。句中的“似乎”的含义是( ) A、高层建筑比桥矮 B、高层建筑可能比桥矮 C、从主观感受上强调桥的高大 D、从客观感受上强调桥的高大 10、文段中“庞大的桥的系统”是指( ) A、建桥面积的庞大 B、各种类型桥的组合 C、桥处于交通枢纽 D、融众桥造型之长 11、文段叙述各桥特点时,大由略到详,这主要是因为( ) A、各桥的建筑面积越来越庞大 B、各桥的建筑特点越来越优美 C、各桥的造型姿态越来越优美 D、各桥的交通功能越来越重要 12、用文中语句概括最能体现四座立交桥各自风格与造型特点的语句。 建国门桥的特点:____________________________________ 西直门桥的特点:____________________________________ 三元桥的特点:______________________________________ 玉蜓桥的特点:______________________________________ 13、这部分所使用的主要表达方式有________(多项) A、描写 B、记叙 C、抒情 D、议论 E、说明 14、全文从多方面谈立交桥的作用,文段突出了立交桥的作用是( ) A、跨越时间的桥 B、节油养车的桥 C、美化环境的桥 D、保障安全的桥 c.阅读《木兰诗》选段,回答15-18题(本题满分15分,具体分值见各小题) 爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将;阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆;小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。开我_____门,坐我______床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。当窗理云鬓,对镜帖花黄。出门看火伴,火伴皆惊忙:同行十二年,不知木兰是女郎。雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离,双兔傍地走,安能辨我是雄雌! 15、将下面两个词语,恰当填入横线上。(2分) A西阁 B东阁 16、给划横线的字注音并解释。(2分) 著:_______ _________ 17、第一段文字有三个内容,用最简洁的话分别概括内容。(每句不超过六个字,共计6分) A________________ B_________________ C___________________ 18、第二段文字用了________、 ________(拟人、比喻、象征、反问、设问,每空2分)的修辞方法。文字要表现的是( )(选择题3分) A木兰的伙伴不能分清木兰的真面目。 B木兰女扮男装,代父从军的自豪之情。 C雄兔与雌兔很难辨别。 D木兰本领高强,骗过了同行十二年的伙伴。 三.作文(满分50分) 赛场上,人们为运动员喝彩;演唱会上,人们为明星喝彩;战场上,人们为英雄喝彩。 我为自己喝彩,因为我觉得别人不值得我去喝彩,人活着是为自己,为自己愿意做的事,为自得的理想而活着。为自己喝彩,但不是在成功后,因为那样可能在你的人种中会失去很多为自己喝彩的声音。 相信自己,为自己喝彩,总有一天,别人会为你喝彩。 请以“喝彩”为话题,自拟题目,写一篇500字左右的文章。立意、文体自定。(诗歌、戏剧除外)

1.Go across【cross】the bridge.
2.Excuse me .Where are【be】the twins?
3.There are many restaurants【restaurant】 in our town.
The teacher 's desk is ————the classroom.
A.in front
B.in the front
C.in front of
D.in the front of
5.Sun Hotel is across from Star Supermarket【对across from Star Supermarket提问】
_Where is Sun Hotel ?
Mary paid 60 dollars for the coat.

听 力 部 分(30分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )2.A. 15 B. 50 C. 24 D.42
( )3.A. big B. pig C. dog D. bag
( )4.A. turn on B. get on C. put on D. turn off
( )5.A.10:15 B. 9:45 C. 10:50 D. 9:15
( ) 6. A. wrong B. strong C. long D. brown
( ) 7. A. 87358255 B. 87376555 C. 87347855 D. 87326155
( ) 8. A. jog to school B. go to school C. walk to school D. get to school
( ) 9 A. He’s one year younger than me.
B. He’s one year older than me.
C. He’s two years younger than me.
( ) 10 A. I get up at a quarter past seven.
B. I get up at a quarter to seven.
C. I go to school at a quarter past seven.
( )1. I want to go to the post office by bus.
( )2. Would you give me a cup of tea, please?
( )3. David is taller than Mike.
( )4. I am going to swim.
( )5. We had a picnic last Monday.
( )1.A. He’s a boy. B. He’s a doctor C. He’s eleven.
( )2.A. I can play the violin. B. I like listening to the music. C. Yes, I do.
( )3.A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.
( )4.A. I feel cold. B. I’ve got a bad cold. C. I’ve got a T-shirt.
( )5.A. I’m form China.
B. It’s from my mother.
C. They’re from Grandpa and Grandma.

笔 试 部 分(70分)

( ) 1. Where _____ your mother yesterday afternoon ? She _______ at home.
A. are, is B. were, is C. was, was
( ) 2. ________ comb is it ? It’s hers, I think.
A. How many B. Whose C. Who’s
( ) 3. I asked him _______ it to the police station.
A. to take B. take C. taking
( ) 4. Tom and Jim ________ sitting on the chair.
A. am B. is C. are
( ) 5. We _______ to a farm last weekend.
A. go B. visited C. went
( ) 6. Are there _______ flowers in the garden ? Yes ,there are ______ .
A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some
( ) 7. Listen, she ______ her good friend.
A. is talking to B. talk to C. is talking
( ) 8. I speak English _____ ______ my sister.
A. better, as B. better, than C. good, as
( ) 9. _____ do you usually go to school ? ----By bike.
A. Where B. How C. What
( ) 10.----- _______ is it ? ---- It’s about 10 kilometers from here.
A. How long B. How many C. How far
( ) 11. Our school is about five kilometers _____ here.
A. far from B away from C. along from
( ) 12. Mr Green _____ fast and he likes _______ very much.
A. swims, swim B. swim, to swim C. swims, swimming
( ) 13. ______ it often snow in winter there ?
A. Do B. Is C. Does
( ) 14. Whose goes to bed ______ , your brother or your sister ?
A. late B. later C. much late
( ) 15. Who’s that girl _____ blue ? She’s my cousin.
A. at B. in C. with
( )1.Whose comb is it? A. It’s the 1st of October.
( ) 2. When's your birthday? B. I’m going to see a Beijing opera.
( )3 What’s the date today? C. It’s hers.
( ) 4. What would you like? D. Some orange juice, please.
( )5.What are you going to do today? E. It’s on the 1st of October.
watch, see, look, read, have a look at
1. Can I _________________ your dress, it’s so smart.
2. _________! There are so many birds in the tree.
3. I often ________ ants under the tree, it’s interesting.
4. Let me _________. Oh, it’s great!
5. Do you usually ________ newspapers in the study?
1. Helen dances ______________. (good, well)
2. Lesson seven is more difficult than the ________ (nine, ninth) lesson.
3. He likes ___________ (listens, listening) to music.
4. My horse runs faster than ___________ (your, yours).
5. _________ (Who’s, Who )jumps higher, you or Tom?
五. 根据句意填入适当的单词,每空一词。(共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)
1. 她的语文成绩不是太好。
She _________ _________ __________ in Chinese.
2. 我去邮局怎么走?
________ can I ________ to the post office?
3. 他有十辆玩具公交车。
He _________ ten toy _________ 。
4. 上周我去了北京。
I _______ to Beijing last week.
5 谁的小狗游得更快,他的还是David的?
Whose dog swims _________ , his or ________ ?
六. 阅读理解 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
A. 阅读短文,判断对错。正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)
Hello, my name is Wu Bing. I am a boy. I am twelve. I live in Nangjing. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My brother is twenty minutes older than me. We are twins.
I am in No.3 Primary School. My school is not big. But it is very beautiful. There are some trees and a lot of flowers in it. We study Chinese, Maths, Science, Art, PE, and some other subjects. I like English best. I’m good at playing volleyball. My hobbies are playing computer games and swimming.
I want to find a penfriend. My telephone number is 86-025-86481595。My e-mail address is Wubing @ school.com. Do you want to be my penfriend? Please Write to me.
( )1.Wu Bing lives in Nangjing.
( )2.Wu Bing is twenty minutes older than his brother.
( )3.Wu Bing’s school is very beautiful.
( )4.Wu Bing’s hobbies are playing computer games and running.
( )5.Wu Bing wants to find a penfriend.
B. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10分)
Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She usually gets up early on Saturday. She does some exercise in the garden for about half an hour. Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. She often plays with her dog for about two hours in the park. The dog runs, and jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her neighbours. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much .
( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and _______ in the garden on Saturday
A. goes to school; exercises B. goes to bed, exercises C. gets up , exercises
( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .
A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework
( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .
A. Her neighbours B. Her dog C. Her teacher
( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .
A. does some exercise B. cleans her house C. goes shopping
( ) 5 What’s Miss Gao’s job?
Tom is an 1 boy. He’s twelve 2 . He’s two years 3 than his brother, Jim. Tom is 150 cm and Jim is 160 cm. Jim is 50 kilos and Tom is 60 kilos. Tom wants 4 lose some weight(减肥), so he tries not to eat too much food. He also 5 more exercise than before. Every morning he 6 earlier than Jim and he goes jogging for thirty minutes. He usually goes skating after school. After dinner, Tom often 7 , and Jim likes 8 at home. Now Tom is much stronger than Jim. Jim thinks he needs more 9 now. He and Tom will do exercise 10 .
( ) 1. A. Japanese B. England C. American
( ) 2. A. year old B. years old C. years older
( ) 3. A. old B. young C. younger
( ) 4. A. to B. for C. with
( ) 5. A. did B. does C. do
( ) 6. A. goes to bed B. goes to school C. gets up
( ) 7. A. goes to bed B. eats lots of food C. goes for a walk
( ) 8. A. skiing B. swimming C. watching TV
( ) 9. A. homework B. exercise C. rest
( ) 10. A. together B. too C. also


一. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
二. 1.B 2.B 3.B C4. 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B
三. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F
四. 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B

一. 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C
11.B 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B
二. 1. C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.B
三. 1. have a look at 2. Look 3. watch 4. see 5. read
四. 1. well 2. ninth 3. listening 4. yours 5. who
五. 1. doesn’t, do, well
2. How, get
3. has, buses
4. went
5. faster, David’s
六. A. 1. T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T
B. 1.C 2.C 3.B 4. A 5. She’s a teacher.
七. 1. C 2. B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A

听 力 部 分(30分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )2.A. 15 B. 50 C. 24 D.42
( )3.A. big B. pig C. dog D. bag
( )4.A. turn on B. get on C. put on D. turn off
( )5.A.10:15 B. 9:45 C. 10:50 D. 9:15
( ) 6. A. wrong B. strong C. long D. brown
( ) 7. A. 87358255 B. 87376555 C. 87347855 D. 87326155
( ) 8. A. jog to school B. go to school C. walk to school D. get to school
( ) 9 A. He’s one year younger than me.
B. He’s one year older than me.
C. He’s two years younger than me.
( ) 10 A. I get up at a quarter past seven.
B. I get up at a quarter to seven.
C. I go to school at a quarter past seven.
( )1. I want to go to the post office by bus.
( )2. Would you give me a cup of tea, please?
( )3. David is taller than Mike.
( )4. I am going to swim.
( )5. We had a picnic last Monday.
( )1.A. He’s a boy. B. He’s a doctor C. He’s eleven.
( )2.A. I can play the violin. B. I like listening to the music. C. Yes, I do.
( )3.A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.
( )4.A. I feel cold. B. I’ve got a bad cold. C. I’ve got a T-shirt.
( )5.A. I’m form China.
B. It’s from my mother.
C. They’re from Grandpa and Grandma.

笔 试 部 分(70分)

( ) 1. Where _____ your mother yesterday afternoon ? She _______ at home.
A. are, is B. were, is C. was, was
( ) 2. ________ comb is it ? It’s hers, I think.
A. How many B. Whose C. Who’s
( ) 3. I asked him _______ it to the police station.
A. to take B. take C. taking
( ) 4. Tom and Jim ________ sitting on the chair.
A. am B. is C. are
( ) 5. We _______ to a farm last weekend.
A. go B. visited C. went
( ) 6. Are there _______ flowers in the garden ? Yes ,there are ______ .
A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some
( ) 7. Listen, she ______ her good friend.
A. is talking to B. talk to C. is talking
( ) 8. I speak English _____ ______ my sister.
A. better, as B. better, than C. good, as
( ) 9. _____ do you usually go to school ? ----By bike.
A. Where B. How C. What
( ) 10.----- _______ is it ? ---- It’s about 10 kilometers from here.
A. How long B. How many C. How far
( ) 11. Our school is about five kilometers _____ here.
A. far from B away from C. along from
( ) 12. Mr Green _____ fast and he likes _______ very much.
A. swims, swim B. swim, to swim C. swims, swimming
( ) 13. ______ it often snow in winter there ?
A. Do B. Is C. Does
( ) 14. Whose goes to bed ______ , your brother or your sister ?
A. late B. later C. much late
( ) 15. Who’s that girl _____ blue ? She’s my cousin.
A. at B. in C. with
( )1.Whose comb is it? A. It’s the 1st of October.
( ) 2. When's your birthday? B. I’m going to see a Beijing opera.
( )3 What’s the date today? C. It’s hers.
( ) 4. What would you like? D. Some orange juice, please.
( )5.What are you going to do today? E. It’s on the 1st of October.
watch, see, look, read, have a look at
1. Can I _________________ your dress, it’s so smart.
2. _________! There are so many birds in the tree.
3. I often ________ ants under the tree, it’s interesting.
4. Let me _________. Oh, it’s great!
5. Do you usually ________ newspapers in the study?
1. Helen dances ______________. (good, well)
2. Lesson seven is more difficult than the ________ (nine, ninth) lesson.
3. He likes ___________ (listens, listening) to music.
4. My horse runs faster than ___________ (your, yours).
5. _________ (Who’s, Who )jumps higher, you or Tom?
五. 根据句意填入适当的单词,每空一词。(共10个空,每空1分,满分10分)
1. 她的语文成绩不是太好。
She _________ _________ __________ in Chinese.
2. 我去邮局怎么走?
________ can I ________ to the post office?
3. 他有十辆玩具公交车。
He _________ ten toy _________ 。
4. 上周我去了北京。
I _______ to Beijing last week.
5 谁的小狗游得更快,他的还是David的?
Whose dog swims _________ , his or ________ ?
六. 阅读理解 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)
A. 阅读短文,判断对错。正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分)
Hello, my name is Wu Bing. I am a boy. I am twelve. I live in Nangjing. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My brother is twenty minutes older than me. We are twins.
I am in No.3 Primary School. My school is not big. But it is very beautiful. There are some trees and a lot of flowers in it. We study Chinese, Maths, Science, Art, PE, and some other subjects. I like English best. I’m good at playing volleyball. My hobbies are playing computer games and swimming.
I want to find a penfriend. My telephone number is 86-025-86481595。My e-mail address is Wubing @ school.com. Do you want to be my penfriend? Please Write to me.
( )1.Wu Bing lives in Nangjing.
( )2.Wu Bing is twenty minutes older than his brother.
( )3.Wu Bing’s school is very beautiful.
( )4.Wu Bing’s hobbies are playing computer games and running.
( )5.Wu Bing wants to find a penfriend.
B. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10分)
Miss Gao is our teacher. She likes to tell us about her weekends. She usually gets up early on Saturday. She does some exercise in the garden for about half an hour. Then she has her breakfast. She doesn't do housework in the morning. She often plays with her dog for about two hours in the park. The dog runs, and jumps happily. She has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. She doesn't take a bus home. She enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to her neighbours. In the afternoon, she cleans her house. She often cooks dinner for herself. Then she watches TV. She enjoys her weekends very much .
( ) 1. Miss Gao ______ early and _______ in the garden on Saturday
A. goes to school; exercises B. goes to bed, exercises C. gets up , exercises
( ) 2. She doesn't ______ in the morning .
A. get up B. have breakfast C. do housework
( ) 3. Who does she often play with in the park ? ______ .
A. Her neighbours B. Her dog C. Her teacher
( ) 4. She _______ in the afternoon .
A. does some exercise B. cleans her house C. goes shopping
( ) 5 What’s Miss Gao’s job?
Tom is an 1 boy. He’s twelve 2 . He’s two years 3 than his brother, Jim. Tom is 150 cm and Jim is 160 cm. Jim is 50 kilos and Tom is 60 kilos. Tom wants 4 lose some weight(减肥), so he tries not to eat too much food. He also 5 more exercise than before. Every morning he 6 earlier than Jim and he goes jogging for thirty minutes. He usually goes skating after school. After dinner, Tom often 7 , and Jim likes 8 at home. Now Tom is much stronger than Jim. Jim thinks he needs more 9 now. He and Tom will do exercise 10 .
( ) 1. A. Japanese B. England C. American
( ) 2. A. year old B. years old C. years older
( ) 3. A. old B. young C. younger
( ) 4. A. to B. for C. with
( ) 5. A. did B. does C. do
( ) 6. A. goes to bed B. goes to school C. gets up
( ) 7. A. goes to bed B. eats lots of food C. goes for a walk
( ) 8. A. skiing B. swimming C. watching TV
( ) 9. A. homework B. exercise C. rest
( ) 10. A. together B. too C. also


时间: 2008-01-02 11:09:24


Part 1 Listening(听力部分) 30%
一.Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的单词)6%
( ) 1.A.work B.walk C.worker
( ) 2.A.go B.girl C.goal
( ) 3.A.6:30 B.6:15 C.5:45
( ) 4.A.there B.their C.they're
( ) 5.A.pair B.pear C.peach
( ) 6.A.to B.two C.too
二.Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的句子)5%
( ) 1. A. Is your mother washing dishes?
B. Is your mother watching television?
C. Is your mother washing shoes?
( ) 2. A. The block's shadow is long.
B. The block's shadow isn't long.
C. The block's shadow is short.
( ) 3. A. Don't eat chocolate here,Danny.
B. Don't eat sweet here ,Danny.
C. Don't eat biscuits here ,Danny.
( ) 4. A. The colud were grey.Now they are white.
B. The sky was grey. Now it is white.
C. The clouds were white.Now they are grey.
( ) 5. A. The monkey lives in the jungle.
B. The monkeys live in the jungle.
C. The monkey is playing in the jungle
( ) 1 .A. I wenr to bed at 8:50.
B. She goes to bed at 8:50.
C.She went to bed at 9:10.
( ) 2. A. He wants a computer.
B. He buys a computer.
C. He likes the computer.
( ) 3. A. No, thank you.
B. Theank you.
C. You're welcome.
( ) 4. A. Yes,they are the same.
B. No, they are different.
C. They are the same.
( ) 5. A. It's mine.
B. They'are different.
C. Yes,they're.
( ) 1.Jimmy is my brother.
( ) 2.Jimmy and I walk to school.
( ) 3.Jimmy and I are in different school.
( ) 4.Jimmy has lunch at home. But I don't.
( ) 5.I can play the drum.
( ) 6.Jimmy can't play football.
A long time _______,Hong was a _______.He ______ in China, He planted
______ and rice there.He had some _____and______.At day,he went to ______
______ in the field and went back at ______.

Part 2 Writing (笔试部分)70%
do mr and mrs li like loud music ben yes they do

( )1.A. sheep B.be C.bread D.read
( ) 2.A. doctor B.door C.hot D.orange
( ) 3.A. make B.cake C.play D.Sunday
( )4.A. three B.there C.thank D.fourth
( ) 5.A. is B.nice C.books D.yes
1. --May I use ______(your/yours) bicycle?
--I'm sorry.______(My/Mine) is not here.
2. Look! The cat is washing ______(it's/its) face.
3. The supermarket is ______(to/too)______(noisy/noise).I don't like it.
4. John ______(and/with) Mary were (in/at) home yesterday.
5. There are ______(third/three) girls in the room. The______(one/first)
girl is my sister.They are ______(quite/quiet) happy.
四 (选择最恰当的答案)15%
( )1. It is evening.The girl's shadow is ______.
A.small B.short C.long
( ) 2. The ______ are behind the cat.
A.mouse B.mice C.mouses
( )3. Miss Li ______ a bag. I ______a sketch book.
A.have,has B.is ,have C.has,have
( )4. The pair of glasses ______ in my handbag.
A.is B.are C.am
( ) 5. I can't see______durians,but l can see ______pineapple.
A.some,some B.any,some C.any,any
( ) 6. Eric _______ his bicycle to the shop.
A.rides B.ride C. is riding
( )7. ______ are your English books ? Eighteen yuan.
A.what B.How many C.How much
( ) 8.Mary and Kitty are ______ awake in their bedroom.
A.all B.both C.two
( ) 9.Let's draw a ______ face.
A.cat B.cats C.cat's
( ) 10.Mog ______ like his cushion.It's very hard.
A.don't B.doesn't C.isn't
( ) 11.Are the drinks ______ or different? They're different.
A.same B.the same C.some
( ) 12.There ______ some bread and some apples on the tables.
A.is B.are C.be
( ) 13. Four girls and a boy ______ a computer in our class.
A.have got B.has got C.are
( ) 14. We go to the toy shop at five ______ twelve in the afternoon.
A.past B.to C.too
( ) 15. _______ you ______ your homework last evening? Yes.
A.Did,do B.Do,do C.Do ,did
五.用介词填空 7%
1. My mother goes to work ______ bicycle.I go to school ______foot.
2. He was here ______ a quarter to eleven. Now he is ______ the tree.
3. The old lady ______blue is blind.She can't see ______her eyes.
4. A storm is coming ______ the Atlanic Ocean.
六.Think and write: (用动词的适当形式填空) 9%
1.Tom, _______(not walk ) on the grass .
2.The geese _______(catch )the fish now .
3 My grandma _______(watch)TV every day .
4.His parents________(go) to the Beijing last week .
5.We like _______(play) football after school .
6.Look.The girls ______(sing) in the hall.
7.______(be) there any money in your hand?
8.Who ______(have) got a boygame? I ______(have) got one.
七.Read and write:(阅读理解)10%
American children love watching TV.Some of them spend six hours a day
at school and four to six hours aday in front of the television set. Some of
them eveb watch for eight hours or more on Sundays.Televisions are liked books
or films.
A child can learn bad things and good things from TV. Some shows help
children learn to do a lot of housework,just like gardening,cooking and cleaning.
But some programs are not good for children.So parents must help them to choose
the right ones to enjoy.
( )1. Some American children spend about eight hours on TV in their holidays.
( )2. Children can't learn anything from TV.
( )3. Some programs help children learm how to make delicious food.
( )4. Children need parents' help to choose good programs.
( )5. All the TV shows are good for children.
A dove is a bird.You may have seen doves. Some doves are white and some are
grey. They like corn. They don't like meat.
A dove likes to live in a bird-house.Many people like doves. They make a home
for their doves near a window.Doves fly out of their houses in the day.They come
back home in hte evening.Doves can fly long hours.So sometimes people take them
far away.They tie a letter to the dove's leg. Then the dove can take the letter
home.How interesting!Do you like doves now?
1. What do doves like to eat?
2.Where do doves live?
3.When does a dove go out?
4.What do people tie to the leg of a dove?
5.Can doves fly out of their houses?
八.Write at least 5 sentences on the topic"Children's Day"(以Children's Day为

Part 1 Listening(听力部分) 30%
1.I walk to school every day.
2.My parents go to work at eight.
3.It's a quarter to six now.
4.There are many people in the park.
5.I have got a pair of new shoes.
6.Your bell is too loud. I don't like it.
1.Is your mother washing shoes?
2.The block's shadow is long.
3.Don't eat sweet here ,Danny.
4.The colud were grey.Now they are white.
5.A. The monkey lives in the jungle.
1.What time did your mother go to bed last night?
2.What does your brother want?
3.Thank you very much.
4.Are the books the same or different?
5.Whose shoes are these?
Jimmy and I are twins. Every day wo go to school on foot.We study in the
same school,but we aren't in the same class.We often help our classmates.
We have lunch at school. Our hobbies are the same.We like to play the drum.
We like to play football.We like maths. We are always happy.
A long time ago,Hong was a farmer.He lived in China, He planted
vegetables and rice there.He had some ducks and cows.At day,he went to work
in the field and went back at eight.
ago farmer lived vegetables ducks cows work eight

Part 2 Writing (笔试部分)70%
Do Mr and Mrs Li like loud music,Ben? Yes, they do.
二.选出一个划线部分发音不同于其他单词的单词 5%
1.C 2. B 3.D 4.B 5.A
1.yours,Mine 2.its 3.too ,noisy 4.and ,at 5.three,first,quite
四.选择最恰当的答案 15%
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.A
14.A 15.A
五.用介词填空 7%
1.by on 2.at under(beside,near) 3.in with 4.from
六.用动词的适当形式填空 9%
1.don't walk 2.are catching 3.watches 4.went 5.playing(to play)
6.is singing 7.Is 8.has have
1.They like to eat corn.
2.They live in bird houses.
3.It goes out in the day.
4.They tie a letter to the dove's leg.
5.Yes,they can.


一、选出你听到的字母组合或单词(每小题1分 共10分)


( )2.A dbt B、ptd C、tpd D、tdp

( )3.A lake B、late C、leg D、left

( )4.A like B、kite C、bike D、right

( )5.A four B、forty C、fifteen D、fourteen

( )6.A hat B、cap C、cat D、map

( )7.A please B、present C、picture D、plane

( )8.A many B、money C、may D、me

( )9.A ship B、shirt C、sheep D、fish

( )10.A boat B、goat C、nose D、coat

二、听音选出你听到的数字(每小题2分 共10分)

( )1.A 5237 B、5327 C、5236 D、5326

( )2.A 405 B、307 C、609 D、103

( )3.A 8556023 B、8556013 C、8556213 D、8556253

( )4.A 930567 B、532036 C、930357 D、430926

( )5.A 1380932 B、1390952 C、1350261 D、1380993

三、听录音完成完成句子(每空一词,每空1分 共10分)

Waiter: Good ! Can I you?

Girl: yes . I want a ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here are?

Girl: How is it ?

Waiter: yuan.

Girl: OK I’ll take it . Here is the money .




一、按英文字母顺序默写Gg — Zz (10分)


1、two (同音词) 2、small(反义词)

3、number (缩略) 4、don’t(完整形式)

5、I (宾格) 6、box(复数形式)

7、sheep (复数形式) 8、new(反义词)

9、Let’s (完整形式) 10、What is (缩略)


1、How many 2、在家

3、look after 4、在左边

5、a clever girl 6、去学校

7、get up 8、那些书

9、my teacher 10、一张中国地图


( )1.These are Chinese .

A 、 stamp B、stamps C、map

( )2.What’s time , please ?

A 、 it B、the C、this

( )3. read in the sun .

A 、 Please B、Do C、Don’t

( )4. I go to bed ten.

A 、 in B、on C、at

( )5. Can you spell name ?

A 、 you B、your C、he

( )6. Where my shoes ?

A am B、is C、are

( )7. I’m in Class One ,Grade Six .

A a B、the C、x

( )8. Are they . teachers ? ,they are.

A Yes . B、No. C、Sorry .

( )9. “How do you do ? ” “ ”

A I’m fine B、Hello C、How do you do?

( )10. Is that mother ? No ,she is mother .

A my…your . B、your … his . C、you …your.

五、按要求完成句子(每空一词,缩略为词 10分)

1、How are you ?

I’m Thank you .

2、There are five birds in the sky ? (对划线部分提问)

birds are there in the sky ?

3、is , what ,it ,time . (连词成句)

4、Mike is twelve .

How is he ?

5、Can you speak English ?

yes , .


My family

My name is Tom . I am an American boy .I am twelve .My father is a worker . My mother is an English teacher .She is a good teacher . The students all like her . My sister Linda and I are in the same school . We are good students.

( )1. My name is Tom .

( )2. I am English .

( )3. Linda is my sister

( )4. Tom and Linda are in the same class .

( )5. My mother is a Chinese teacher .


一、1、JIR 2、tpd 3、late 4、kite 5、four

6、cap 7、plane 8、many 9、ship 10、coat

二、1、5237 2、307 3、8556023 4、930357 5、1380993

三、Waiter: Good morning ! Can I help you?

Girl: yes . I want a shirt ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or yellow ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here you are?

Girl: How much is it ?

Waiter: Forty-five yuan.

Girl: OK ! I’ll take it . Here is the money .

Waiter: Thank you .

Girl: Goodbye .

获得更多信息可以去这里察看 http://www.5ykj.com/

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小学1-6年级古诗词 1 《江南》 乐府民歌 江南可采莲,莲叶何田田。鱼戏莲叶间。鱼戏莲叶东,鱼戏莲叶西,鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶北。 2 《敕勒歌》 北朝民歌 敕勒川,阴山下。天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。 3 《咏鹅》 骆宾王(唐) 鹅,鹅,鹅,曲项向天歌,白毛浮绿水,红掌拨清波。 4 ...


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