有没有好心人帮我把下段文字翻译成英文啊 !谢谢啦!

作者&投稿:宁田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Compression mapping is the important concept of functional analysis.

In recent years, many scholars on compression mapping studied, have made great achievements.

本文在已有文献的基础上对压缩映射的性质及在数列极限中的应用做了进一步的研究,首先对 压缩映象原理中所涉及到的相关定义进行了总结,其次给出与 压缩映象原理及其相关定理进行了详细的论述和证明,最后论述 压缩映象原理在极限中的应用。
In this paper, on the basis of existing literature 1-set-contractive mapping properties and the application in sequence limit further research, at first principle of contractive mappings involved related definitions are summarized, then with the principle and contractive mappings related theorem are discussed in detail and proof, it finally discussed the principle of contractive mappings in the limit of application.

Comprehensive budget management as a modern enterprise management an important means and methods, more and more attention to the real estate business. The full and effective implementation of the budget management to improve the real estate business management and enhance the economic efficiency of enterprises in real estate, real estate is to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises an effective way. In the budget for the full implementation of some of the real estate business has been good results, and why some enterprises have not been a good effect? Theses of the real estate business will be a comprehensive budget management and the characteristics of China's real estate business combined with the actual situation , A detailed analysis of the real estate business in the comprehensive management of the budget problems: the content of the budget unreasonably, the lack of authenticity; lack of understanding of budget management functions; the lack of budget as a whole thought, that the error budget for the Ministry of Finance is the thing; Network The degree of financial information is not high; real cash loss, resulting in under-funded real estate enterprises. Through analysis of these issues, the results and conclusions are: the establishment of "market-oriented" concept, so that the budget can stand the test of the market; the establishment of a complete budget management system; real estate business sector to strengthen cooperation between the ; Full advantage of modern information technology and network resources; cash flow to strengthen budget management and improve efficiency in the use of funds. I think that the only solution to improve the real estate and full implementation of the budget problems, the real estate business can bring good economic benefits, the real estate industry for greater gains.

Beauty to woman is always an instinctual temptation.Skin care and hairdressing are a woman's lifelong goal.But going to beauty parlor is too time-consuming and costly,so most women make their own natural vegetable and fruit facials at home and they use steam to clear their faces.Such DIY methods have become increasingly popular with women.

This DIY facial machine is a delight to you in both its design and its functions.Its steaming function prepares you for the facial and enhances the effects of beauty products.It also makes oils and liquedified facials into steam so that it is easier for the face to absorb the nutrients in these products,thus more fully utilising these products.You can do your own DIY hairdressing at home without going to beauty parlor and also enjoy the fun of doing it yourself.(This facial machine) suits the current need for natural and clean hairdressing,thus it has huge market appeal.

As the market economy develops,the consumers' high education level and the increased value of individualism have made the consumers have higher and higher expectations for designer products and for skilled services.The product designers have caught on with the trend and made their products relevant with the time.


【摘要】 Beautiful woman forever, is a kind of instinct. Skin hairdressing is woman's life, but the pursuit of money to beauty parlour time-consuming, and his fruit mask at home and use natural steam evaporate face and hairdressing method DIY etc. Beauty of women.
This machine is a DIY mask in design or function will let you shine at the moment, the steam to prepare face function, strengthen skin taste of beauty effect, and can be essential oil, such as liquid film in the form of steam to absorb the nutrition, facial comprehensive effective utilization. Don't go to beauty parlour, also can in their beauty, still can enjoy the DIY fun to myself. Adapt to the pursuit of natural, return to natural beauty, have very green wide prospect of market.
With the development of market economy, the education background and good consumers increasingly personalized values in product design and service level of expectation more and more high, so must comply with this product designer is a trend of The Times, and design a good works.

【关键词】Green hairdressing evaporate face film is beautiful

Beautiful,The woman is always the temptation of an instinctive.Beauty skin care is the pursuit of a woman's life ,However, time-consuming and costly to beauty salons,So their own production of natural fruits and vegetables at home facial mask、Steamed face steam Beauty DIY methods, such as more and more popular by the beauty of women 。
This is a DIY film machine, whether in form or function will allow you to brighten ,Face features of its steam in preparation for the work of skin care ,Beauty skin care products to enhance the effect of ,And can be essential oils, liquid film, such as the form of steam to allow the face to absorb the nutrients, to conduct a comprehensive and effective use of 。Not beauty , DIY at home can also be beauty, but also enjoy hands-on fun. To adapt to today's pursuit of natural, natural beauty of the green trend, there is a very broad market prospects.
With the development of the market economy, consumers of good educational background and increasing the values of personalized design their products and services is getting higher and higher expectations of standards, so product designers need to adapt to the trend of the times, the design of good work。

[abstract]Beautiful, regarding the woman forever is one kind of instinct enticement. The skin care cosmetology is woman life the pursue, but goes to the beauty shop time-consuming to consume the money, therefore manufacture the natural fruits and vegetables facial mask in the home, with to steam DIY cosmetology methods and so on steaming face to receive the liking to look good feminine favor more and more. this section of DIY facial mask machine, no matter in the function can let you at present one bright in the modelling, it steams the face function to do the preparatory work for the skin care, the enhancement skin appliances cosmetology effect, and may the volatile oil, the liquid facial mask and so on let by the steam form the face absorb its nutrient, carries on the comprehensive effective use. Does not go to the beauty shop, may also improve looks in home DIY, but can also enjoy to the pleasure which begins personally. The adaptation pursues naturally, the return natural green cosmetology tidal current now, has the very broad market prospect. along with market economy's development, consumer's good educational background and the personalized value idea causes them to design the product and the service level expectation day by day is getting higher and higher, therefore the product designer must comply with this trend of the times, designs the good work. [key word] Green cosmetology Steams the face Facial mask Beautiful Daren

Beautiful, the instincts of a woman is always a temptation. Beauty skin care is the pursuit of a woman's life, but time-consuming and costly to the salon, so their production of natural fruits and vegetables at home facial mask, facial steam steaming Beauty DIY methods, such as more and more popular by the beauty of women.
This is a DIY film machine, whether in form or function will allow you to brighten, and its face features steamed preparations for skin care, beauty skin care products to enhance the effect, and can be essential oils, liquid mask such as the form of steam to allow the face to absorb the nutrients, to conduct a comprehensive and effective use. Not beauty, but also can DIY at home, beauty, but also enjoy hands-on fun. To adapt to today's pursuit of natural, natural beauty of the green trend, there is a very broad market prospects.
With the development of the market economy, consumers of good educational background and increasing the values of personalized design their products and services is getting higher and higher expectations of standards, so product designers need to adapt to the trend of the times, the design of good work.




胺基丙酸 是什麼呢?有没有哪位好心人能够帮我解答一下呢?谢谢!
丙氨酸有两种 一种是α-丙氨酸 另一种是β-丙氨酸主要区别在于氨基位置不同 α-丙氨酸CH3CHNH2COOH β-丙氨酸CH2NH2CH2COOH α-丙氨酸亦称2-氨基丙酸。200℃以上升华,随加热速度不同约在264~296℃之间分解。是组成蛋白质的一种成分。在营养学中属人体非必需的氨基酸。目前多从发酵法和天然产物中提取...


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东野拜乌鸡:[答案] I showed you satisfied today I hope you can give me this opportunity.I believe that you will not be disappointed,and if the next time you see,my English listening and speaking ability than now make progress. You have my word!

秀英区18561968625: 哪位好心人帮忙把下段文字译成英文 -
东野拜乌鸡: 这个翻译你参考下:"Madagascar 2" narrated lion Alex, zebra Marti, giraffe Meyer gracefully, river Maag the Luo river Li Asia, a their line returns to the diff...

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秀英区18561968625: 帮我把下列一段文字译成英文.. -
东野拜乌鸡: Hello, my name is Li Hua, in the A secondary school. Last Sunday I read in your library, but discovered some not-so-good phenomenon, Here, I would like to ask you reflected...

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秀英区18561968625: 求好心人帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文,尽量不要有语法错误,谢谢 你好!我们好久不见,最近你过的怎么样?给你说说我最近做的一些事情吧! 我最近与同学合作完成了一部名为《朋友》的微电影,这部电影只有3
东野拜乌鸡:Hello. We had long time not to see.How are you recently? I spoke to you things I did recently.I was in cooperation with the students finished a film called "friends" in the film, the film is only 3(minutes)

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