英语好的进 !!帮忙翻译~~~ 谢谢 !

作者&投稿:阚茜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语好的进 帮忙翻译~


99 West Er'Huan Rd. 1st Section
ChengDu, China

英文中地址名要反过来写,从小到大。然后是翻译时最好用拼音,如成都是ChengDu,不能写Become Capital二环就是Er'Huan, 不能写Second Ring/Loop


YanXuan this is all shits and giggles here. I do not mind you calling me an idiot,I was married for 20 years, but Id much prefer Potato head, shithead tuber...etc... be creative.. is Anna there to help you with your English, or is she otherwise engaged with Yul Brynner
译文 YanXuan这是所有shits和笑声这里。我不介意你叫我白痴,我已经结婚20年,但还是喜欢马铃薯号头, shithead块茎...等等..有创意..是安娜那里协助您与您的英文,或以其他方式参与她栗连纳
Yan if you need help with the language ask Anna, or is she giving Yul Brynner a handjob? it's all a joke,I know your really not stupid, half Chinese thats all 译文 闫如果您需要帮助的语言问安娜,或者是她给栗连纳一handjob ?这都是一个笑话,我知道你真的不傻,有一半中国多数民众赞成

YanXuan这是所有shits和笑声这里。我不介意你叫我白痴,我已经结婚20年,但还是喜欢马铃薯号头, shithead块茎...等等..有创意..是安娜那里协助您与您的英文,或以其他方式参与她栗连纳

徐汇区18233961230: 英语好的进,帮帮忙英语翻译一下,呵呵、谢谢你们.我希望你能幸福,嗯,我们永远是好朋友! -
佼曲乐唯:[答案] I wish you happy,and we will be friends forever.

徐汇区18233961230: 英语好的进 帮忙翻译 谢谢 -
佼曲乐唯: To you have been that good you, when friend, but the present discovered that let alone selfish you good will be again useless later I will again not have had the qualifications to you to your that good you also not to have the capital also any wind discouraging talk I not to eat this set

徐汇区18233961230: 英语好的进.谢谢!
佼曲乐唯: 1.那不关我的事!It's none of my business2.自己看着办!it depends on youself3.随你怎么样! As your wish

徐汇区18233961230: 英语好的进~我知道无论我走到哪里,你都会陪在我身边.陪我哭,陪我笑,陪我等待,陪我开花.找一高手把这句话翻译成英语,谢啦、 -
佼曲乐唯:[答案] I know that wherever i go,you will stay with me.We cry together,smile together,wait together and blossom together.

徐汇区18233961230: 麻烦英语好的朋友帮忙翻译~~谢谢~~1.永远不要忘记承诺与梦想.2.永远前行.3.像疯子一样努力,像傻子一样坚持.3.永远保持微笑. -
佼曲乐唯:[答案] 1.永远不要忘记承诺与梦想 Hang on Your promise and dream !虽没用永远,但隐含其意) 2.永远前行. Keep on going forward! 3.像疯子一样努力,像傻子一样坚持. Making efforts as crazy as you can,Be persistent as a fool(活用了形容词和名词的...

徐汇区18233961230: 英语好的进,谢谢,帮我翻译成英语
佼曲乐唯: 译: 第一个:五一假期到了,我打算在一号上午和妹妹玩游戏,下午写作业;二好上午睡很晚起床,然后为我的考试复习.下午,我要去弟弟家.三号上午,我要去上课,中午回来,下午也要为考试复习.然后早点睡觉 The Labor holiday is coming, ...

徐汇区18233961230: 英语高手进,帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢! -
佼曲乐唯: write the beginning letters and colour the sounds 写出首字母并且修饰它的声音 colour在这里作动词 vt.1. 涂颜色于,着色[O8] Tom coloured the picture red.汤姆将画涂成红色.The little girl was colouring pictures with crayons.这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色.2. 渲染;文饰;影响 Prejudice coloured his views.偏见影响了他的看法.

徐汇区18233961230: 大家帮帮忙,英语好的进,帮我翻译一句话~~
佼曲乐唯: I decide to love this world with my heart and soul. 希望你满意!

徐汇区18233961230: 英语超好的请帮忙翻译下! 谢谢!
佼曲乐唯:I can make you feel all better, just take it in !And I can show you all the places, you've never been !And I can make you say everything, that you never said !And I will let you do anything, again and again !

徐汇区18233961230: 英语好的进 帮我翻译一下 谢谢
佼曲乐唯: 我想在开头就告诉你我多么疯狂地深爱你. 我用我的真心和灵魂爱着你. 在我的一生能永远拥有你是上天对我的眷顾.(这里原文里写错了,应该是having,不是hawing) 你给我的生活带来了无数快乐,给我心带来了无数爱意. 我不知道市布是该告诉你,随着时间的流逝,每一天每一刻我都爱你更深,更强烈一点.(这里原文应该是if不是it)

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