
作者&投稿:邵脉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
6句中译英 好再加分~

1.We can not identify happiness with wealth.
2.The quality of cheap cameras do not always inferior to expensive ones.
3.It's estimated that this paint is worth USD 3000.
4.It's illegal to see others personal letters without their permission.
5.Some teachers think that the more commercial advertisements children watch, the more they will become an materialist.
6.The government has taken actions to help those grabs that have not found a job yet.

1.A passenger told the driver in a low voice that there is a pickpocket on the bus.
2.He found the company that he applied for a job from without too much trouble.
3.This hotel serves breakfast during 7 to 9.
4.It is good for your writing to read the English newspaper frequently.
5.On hearing that he wins the first prize,my little brother is so excited that he jumps to his feet.
6.Compare with the orange,apple contains more percentage of water.

1they who have the common characteristics make friends easily.
2 he,a kind-hearted man, usually offers help to others.
3when it comes into hobbies, he speaks more than usual.
4this beautiful song is worth hearing.
5the new hall which has been decorated can seats 500 .
6it is time that we took action to prevent pulltions.

1 The people who have the same common are easy to be good friends.
2 He is a kind-hearted man,and he always offers to others.
3 When talking about the hobby,he quickly becomes a person who speaks
a lot.
4 This song is well worth listening,and we aren't fed up with it.
5 The hall that our school has decrated can seated by 500 persons.
6 It's time for us to take action.

those who have something in commom are easy to become freinds.
he is so warmhearted that he always offers to help other people.
when it comes to hobbies,he turns somebody talktive.
this song is worth listening,which we never feel bored about .
the hall in our school that was done up lately seats 500 people.
it is time we took action to prevent polution.

1.After having an overall consideration, we have to cancel the planned travel.2.The problem discussed now is very important.3.Harvard University, established in 1613, is one of the most famous universities in USA.4.I locked myself in the study for three hours in order to avoid...

句子翻译 中译英 急!!
Of the 50 students, 30 are from the countryside.Both his parents and teachers are trying to help him get rid of his bad habits.Scientists suppose that there is an increasing need of fresh water.密切关注:pay close attention to ...

1>在太阳底下看书,对你眼睛有害.(harm)Reading books under the sun is harmful to your eyes.(Reading in the sun 是在太阳(光)中读书...)2>人们高兴的是,苏州河不再是以前的样子了.(To one's delight.)To people's delight, SuZhou river is not what it used to be.3>我认为他们...

the problem is too hard to solve the problem is hard enough for me to solve the problem is so hard that i cannot solve it when there is a fire , people can run away from this gate light travels at the speed of 30 kms per second if you travel in the space, you will ...

1.如果你将来想成功,从现在起你得学会充分利用时间。If you want to succeed in the future,you have to learn to take good advantage of time from now on.2.那个可怜的老人已习惯居住在山脚下 That poor old man is used to live under the mountain foot.3.那些职校学生对他们的母校有很...

1、Do you know why so many people are afraid of snake?2、Well ,besides there are also a red shirt and a blue one-piece dress.3、The sun emerges behind the clouds.4、His outlook on life is different from yours 5、The door is locked,i cann't get in anyway,

1 I won't let you go if you hit my car with the ball.2 The cause of the traffic accident is still a myth.3 The scientists have found strange footprints in the forest, which is out of their surprise.4 I have smoked for ten years....

英语翻译 (中译英)急急急!!!
1.这个问题很简单。(to)This question is very easy to answer .2 山的顶部有一些奇怪的东西。(something strange)There are something strange at the top of the mountain.

1 她问我这些年一直在干什么。She ask me that what i kept doing over the years.2 最后我找的书终于找到了。At last ,the look i want is found by me.3 这次成功以前,这试验他们已做了好多年。After this successful,they has tried for a lot of times 4 那天晚上他睡不着觉,因为...

句子汉译英校正 急 在线等
1是(Warm flame, bright as the rose, this is wonderful Spanish culture.)2是(To some extent, bullfighting represents the Spaniard of risking character traits.)3不对 (This can trace its origins to 1,300 years ago)4额也差不多吧!(Actually this is a song of deadly dance ...

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