
作者&投稿:磨政 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Unit 1 The first day at school
  1.the first day 第一天 2.all the students所有学生 3. a new term新学期 4.at school在学校
  5. the first day of the new term 新学期的第一天6. the first day at school 在学校的第一天
  7.each other 彼此 8. a lot of rooms许多房间 9.a new building一幢新大楼
  10.how many classrooms多少个教室 11.I’m not sure .我不能确定/我没把握。
  12.Let’s go and see. 让我们去看看。 13.in the building 在大楼里 14.two reading rooms两个阅览室
  15.Let me see.让我看看。 16.Let’s go and have a look 让我们去看一看。
  17.a lot of flowers and trees 许多花和树 18.near your house在你的房子附近
  19.good idea好主意 20.a small one 一个小的(这里指公园)
  21.Shall we go and play there? 我们去那儿玩,好吗? 22.in the street在街上
  23.on the table/on the chair在桌上/椅子上 24.on the plate在盘子

  二 重点句型
  1、there be 句型 在英语中,将 there is (are)…称之为“存在有”,即在什么地方有什么东西。
  ①如果有一个物或一个人(单数),就用there is,
  如:There is a map on the wall. There is a teacher in the office.
  ②有两个或两个以上就用there are.
  如:There are three girls in the classroom. There are some books on the desk.
  There is a book and two pencils on the desk. 在课桌上有一本书和两支铅笔。
  There are two pencils and a book on the desks. 在课桌上有两支铅笔和一本书。
  不可数名词: 表示存在的是不可数物质名词(如 水,头发,沙子,面包) 都用there is:There is some milk in that glass.
  There are three cups of milk on the desks.
  上述句型也可将地点状语提前: On the wall there is a map.
  一般疑问句: be 动词提前, some 一般改成 any
  Is there a book on the desk? Is there a teacher in the office?
  Are there three books on the desk? Are there any books on the desk?
  Is there any milk in the glass?
  一般回答: Yes, there is. // No, there isn’t. (单,不可数)
  Yes, there are. // No, there aren’t. (复)
  2、How many句型。
  How many+可数名词的复数
  例:How many books are there on the desk? There are three.
  强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is或者was;最好不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。
  ○1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ;读音:清辅音后读[s],浊辅音和元音后读[z]。
  ○2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches ;读音:[iz]。
  ○3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries ;读音:[z]。
  ○d.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives ,thief-thieves;读音:[z]。
  ○5.以“o”结尾的词,一般有生命加es,如mangoes,tomatoes;无生命加s,如radios, photos.
  ○6.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, snowman-snowmen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, people-people
  2、不可数名词:表示不能个别存在的事物,如液体类,气体类的物质;少数固体类的物质 (grass草,ice冰),抽象的名词(help帮助,music音乐)。不可数名词没有复数(如some water),不能与不定冠词连用。
  强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is或者was;最好不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。
  不可数名词没有复数。如果要计算不可数名词所表达的数量,就得在数词和不可数名词之间加上“量词+of”。例如:a glass of water, a piece of paper, a bottle of juice, a cup of tea
  I _________ him _________ this _______ her ______ watch _______ mango_______
  photo ____________ diary ____________ day_____________ dress _______________
  thief ___________ yo-yo ___________ peach___________ juice________________
  water ____________ rice______________ tea ______________ man____________
  woman____________ banana ___________ bus___________ child ____________
  foot _____________ sheep ____________ leaf(树叶) ________ dish ____________
  knife _____________ pen____________ boy__________ baby___________
  map _____________ box __________ book ___________ strawberry ___________
  class ____________ eye ____________ office ________ car____________
  library ________ pear ___________ skirt ____________ shelf _____________
  cinema __________ tomato _________ sandwich __________
  tooth ____________ wife____________ Englishman________ paper __________
  milk___________ Frenchman ___________ postman __________ family __________
  mouse __________ fish _________ glass __________ match _________________
  policeman____________ watermelon______________ Chinese_____________

  Unit 2 A new house
  1. her parents她的父母亲 2.live in a new house住在一间新房子里
  3.like the new house very much 非常喜欢新房子 4.near her school在她学校附近
  5.three bedrooms三个卧室 6.a large study一个大书房 7.in your bedroom在你的卧室里
  8. near my bed 在我的床附近 9. on the wall在墙上 10. a map of the world 一张世界地图
  11.a map of China一幅中国地图 12. on the desk在书桌上 13.behind the door在门后
  14.in the basket 在篮子里 15. under the bed在床下面 16. on the table在桌子上
  17. on my chair在我的椅子上 18. under my desk在我的课桌下
  19. near my school bag 在我的书包附近 20. in the cat’s mouth在猫的嘴里
  21. in the black hat戴着黑色的帽子22.in Picture One 在图一 23.look happy 看起来很快乐
  二 重点
  方位词: on 在…上 (on the desk) behind 在…后(behind the door)(反:in front of)
  in 在…里 (in the zoo) beside 在…旁 (beside the telephone)
  under 在…下 (under the bed) between 在…之间(between the desks)
  near 在…附近(相对较远) near the cinema
  next to 在隔壁 The bathroom is next to the bedroom.
  注: (1) 在人名,代词前不加定冠词the : behind Mike 在Mike后面 beside you 在你旁
  (2)代词用宾格 behind me (而不是 behind I)
  (3) 定冠词the与代词不能连用 不能说 behind the my book
  2 there be 句型
  特殊疑问句 表示什么地方有什么的问句?
  What’s in the desk? There is a book. 在课桌里有什么? 有一本书。
  (注:What’s that in the desk? It’s a book. 在课桌里那是什么? 是一本书。)
  What’s on the wall? There are some pictures. 在墙上有什么?有些图片。
  注:无论回答是否单复数,问句都为单数问 (不能说成What are on the wall?)
  4B书中我们学过: What are these? 这些是什么?回答:They are….
  What are those? 那些是什么?回答:They are…
  否定句 表示什么地方没有什么东西
  There is a book on the desk. 在课桌上有一本书。
  There is not a book on the desk. 在课桌上没有一本书。 is not= isn’t

  There are some books on the desk.. 在课桌上有一些书。
  There aren’t any books on the desk. (否定句some 改用any) 在课桌上没有一些书
  There are some pictures.
  There aren’t any books on the desk。
  Are there any books on the desk?
  4、 Yang Ling and her parents live in a new house. 杨玲和她父母亲住在一所新房子里。
  Live beside 住在…旁
  Unit 3 At a music lesson
  1.make a puppet做木偶 2.make a model plane做一架模型飞机.
  3.play the guitar弹吉他 4.play the violin 拉小提琴
  5.play the piano 弹钢琴 6.play basketball 打篮球
  7.play football 踢足球 8 go skating 去滑冰
  9.play baseball 打棒球 10.play volleyball打排球
  11.sing a song 唱一首歌 12. learn the song学歌
  13.listen to the song听歌 14 .listen to the teacher听老师讲
  15.at a Music lesson在一节音乐课上 16.have an English lesson上一堂英语课
  17.at three o’clock 在三点钟 18.in the afternoon 在下午 19.in the classroom在教室里
  20.in the music room在音乐教室里 21. follow me 跟我(唱) 22.Let’s start . 让我们开始吧。
  23.Let’s sing together .让我们一起唱。 24 read together一起读25.ride a bike骑自行车
  26.ride a horse骑马 27.put a book on your head把一本书放在你头上
  28.put a rubber on your nose把橡皮放在你鼻子上
  29.have an ice cream吃个冰淇淋 30.find me/him/her/them/it 找到他…
  31.behind the blackboard在黑板后面 32.under the teacher’s desk 在讲台下面
  33.after class课后 34 sing and dance 唱歌跳舞
  1、can句型 表示表示某某人的能力,会如何如何
  基本句型: 肯定句 人称 + can + 动词原型
  I can swim.
  He can play the guitar.
  Nancy can make a kite.
  否定句 人称 + cannot +动词原型 cannot=
  I can’t swim.
  The boy can’t make a puppet.
  一般疑问句 Can + 人称+ 动词原型? 回答:Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
  Can you sing the song?
  Can they sing the song?
  Can the girl sing the song?
  特殊疑问句 What can + 人称 + 动词原型?
  What can you do? 回答:We can….
  What can they do? They can…
  What can the boy do? He can…
  What can the woman sing? She can…
  What can Yang Ling do? She can…
  2、现在进行时结构 Be 动词(am, is, are)+动词-ing(现在分词) 强调事情或动作正在进行
  They are having a Music lesson. 他们正在上一节音乐课上
  We are having an English lesson. 我们正在上英语课
  She is running. 她正在跑步。
  I am swimming. 我正在游泳。
  Unit 4 Halloween
  在西方国家,每年的10月31日,有个“Halloween”,辞典解释为“The eve of All Saints'Day”,中文译作:“万圣节之夜”。 万圣节是西方国家的传统节日。这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。 万圣节在10月31日,其实是赞美秋天的节日,就好像五朔节是赞美春天的节日一样.从10月31日午夜开始,直至次日11月1日持续整整一天。
  1. his family 他的家人 2. Ben’s family 本的家人
  3. some families 一些家庭family(复数)families
  4. in the sitting-room在起居室里
  5. would like ○to do something = want ○to do something 想要做某事
  6. would like ○to buy things想要买东西
  7. would like ○to play computer games想要玩电脑游戏
  8. a Halloween party 一个万圣节前夕的聚会 9. at an English party在一次英语聚会上
  10. need some pumpkin lanterns需要些南瓜灯 11. tomorrow morning 明天早上
  12. help you/me/him/her帮助你/我/他/ 她 13. horse masks马面具
  14. what else其他的什么 anything/something else别的某东西
  15. how much 多少(钱)
  16. like chickens 喜欢鸡 (like后面常跟名词的复数)
  17.Here’s your change.这是找你的零钱 Here are your masks。这是你的面具
  18. a bus driver一名汽车司机机
  19. work on Saturdays and Sundays在星期六星期天工作 (一周七天前用介词“on”)
  20. like swimming(like doing sth)喜欢游泳(喜欢做某事)(like后面常跟动词的“ing”形式)
  21. play table tennis with our friends和我们的朋友一起打乒乓球
  22.p lay ````with`````和````玩(play football with my friends)
  23. watch TV看电视
  24. listen to music听音乐 listen to me/him/her/them/us听我/他/她/他们/我们说
  25. some music(不可数名词) 一些音乐
  26. like reading(books)喜欢读书
  27. what animals什么动物
  28. look at these zebra○s看这些斑马
  29. some masks for Halloween一些万圣节的面具
  30. try an elephant mask 试一个大象的面具
  31. an apple tree/ twelve apple trees一棵苹果树/十二棵苹果树
  32. go to work 去上班 33. at Halloween 在万圣节 for Halloween 为万圣节
  34. an animal 一个动物 35.don’t work不工作 work(名词)worker
  36. in the evenings/mornings/afternoons在晚上/早上/下午 (一日的三个时间段之前常用介词“in ”)
  1 like (一般现在时)句型 表示个人喜好的句子
  特殊疑问句: What do + 人称代词+ like?
  What do you like?
  What do they like?
  What do Nancy and Mike like?
  肯定句: 人称代词+ like + 名词(同一类东西用名词复数,具体某物看情况单复数)
  I like dogs.(一类,用复数)
  I like these dogs.(这些+复数) we like those dogs.(那些)
  I like this dog.(这个+单数)
  He likes dogs.(第三人称单数,like + s,不影响我们对意义的理解)
  人称代词+ like +动词-ing.(表示喜欢做某事)
  I like swimming.
  I like playing the basketball.
  She likes watching TV.
  He likes listening to music.
  否定句: 人称代词+ don’t + like + 名词(同一类东西用名词复数,具体某物看情况单复数)
  人称代词+ don’t + like +动词-ing.(表示喜欢做某事)
  一般疑问句:Do …like…?
  Yes, …do. // No, …don’t.
  2、would like 的用法
  They would like to buy things for a Halloween party. 想要(做)…
  I would like to = I’d like to + 动词 I’d like to watch TV with you. 我想和你看电视。
  I’d like + 名词 I’d like 2 hamburgers. 我想要两个汉堡包。
  would like ○to do something = want ○to do something 想要做某事
  would like something=want something 想要某物
  注意 like 与 would like 的区别。Like doing would like to do
  3、How much are they ? They are eight-seven yuan.
  How much is it? It is eight-seven yuan. (注意单复数)
  How much is your pencil? It’s 2 yuan. 你的铅笔多少钱? 两元。
  4、 I have a brother. 我有个兄弟。 has (第三人称单数) 有
  5. with 和… 后置在后面 Let’s go to school with Mike. 让我们和Mike上学。
  We like playing table tennis with our friends.我们和我们的朋友喜欢打乒乓。
  What do they need? 他们需要什么?
  What do you need?
  代 词
  This is my bag. = This is mine. That is her ruler. = That is hers.
  人称代词 物主代词
  单数 复数 单数 复数
  主格 宾格 主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性 形容词性 名词性
  第一人称 I me we us my mine our ours
  第二人称 you you you you your yours your yours
  第三人称 he him they them his his their theirs
  she her her hers
  it it its its
  1)That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ is very big. ( I )
  2)The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she )
  3)Is this _________ watch? ( you ) No, it’s not _________ . ( I )
  4)_________ is my brother. ________ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _________. ( he )
  5)_________ dresses are red. ( we ) What colour are _________? ( you )
  6)Show _________ your kite, OK? ( they )
  7)I have a beautiful cat. _________name is Mimi. These cakes are _________. ( it )
  8)Are these ________ tickets? No, ________ are not _________. ________ aren’t here. ( they )
  9)Shall _________ have a look at that classroom? That is _________ classroom. ( we )
  10)_________ is my aunt. Do you know _________ job? _________ a nurse. ( she )
  11)Where are _________? I can’t find _________. Let’s call _________ parents. ( they )
  12)Don’t touch _________. _________ not a cat, _________ a tiger! ( it )
  13)_________ sister is ill. Please go and get _________. ( she )
  14)The girl behind _________ is our friend. ( she )
  1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you).
  3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name?
  5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?
  7. (I/ My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister.
  9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)

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储灵托吡: 牛 津 小 学 英 语 5 A 单 词 Unit 1:day、all、a reading room、sure、floor、a garden、a house、a flower 天、全部、阅览室、有把握的、层、花园、房子、花 Unit 2:live、a study、a bedroom、large、beside、a wall、between、a bed、under、...

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储灵托吡:[答案] 一单元traffic light,cross,go out,or,out,road,make a noise,rubbish,underground,station,wait,wait for,drink,smoke.二单元felt pen,glue,paper,tape,a pair of scissors,want,rice,noodles,vegetable,picnic,sandwish三单元shoe,sock,uniform,need,let's(=let us),salt...

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储灵托吡: crossv.穿过drinkv.喝go out出去make a noise吵闹meanv.意指onepron.一or conj.或outprep.通过……而出roadn.路rubbishn.垃圾signn.标志smokev.抽烟stationn.车站traffic light交通灯undergroundn.地下waitv.等wait for等候way(= direction)n.方向whichadv.哪一个更多请看100e://file.100e.com/100e_ForProduct/100eListFile/List2030.100e他的平台上都有!

白城市18923188382: 沪教版牛津英语7A单词表 要 全部 -
储灵托吡: Unit 1 e-dog master year grade reading club everyone be born after slim long music hard short swimming wear glasses enjoy polite helpful hobby badminton volleyball court football field swimming pool swim eat fish Maths walk fly lunchtime every day...

白城市18923188382: 牛津小学英语5a三会单词 -
储灵托吡:[答案] asw问 qudahgs hdjjksd gdfhjgf gfdgdfnh fdhgfh fgd esgdg fdhgfd etgfd gfjlj

白城市18923188382: 请帮忙找一下小学牛津版5A、5B、6A、6B单词表 -
储灵托吡: 牛津版6B第一二三五六七单元单词6B第一二三单元单词 Appendix Words and expressions in Units 1~3 (1~3单元单词和习惯用语) 注:每单元中蓝色的词语,要求会读,听得懂,会拼写并能在口、笔头练习中运用.黑色的词语,只要求会读,听...

白城市18923188382: 上海高一上牛津英语教科书unit5 more reading单词(在线等) -
储灵托吡: More Reading source: n. something that provides something else 来源 energy: n. the power a person needs to do something 精力;活力 variety: n. different kinds of things 多种多样 advise: v. to suggest;to recommend 建议 cheeseburger: n. a ...

白城市18923188382: 求牛津英语模块五Unit1单词表,急^ -
储灵托吡: 牛津英语模块五第1单元词汇表get along 相处,进展betray [bi5trei] vt. 出卖,背叛primary [5praImErI]adj. 初步的,初级的,第一位的,主要的primary school 小学academic[7AkE5demik]adj. 学习良好的;学术的stupid[5stju:pid]adj. 愚蠢的,笨的...

白城市18923188382: 上海牛津英语9b u5 单词应该是u5吧,最后一课的单词,今天英语书没带回来,刚发现 + + 前面一课是 students see stars in hollywood 的那一本 -
储灵托吡:[答案] 晕死,我前几天也在找这个.不过今昨两天都已经默好了. 是Tom Sawyer paints the fence课后的么? include fence sidewalk bucket handle depressed yard dig ignore chance joy marble sort lecture port silver only properly beg fool stand back come along...

白城市18923188382: 上海版牛津英语6A知识点汇总 -
储灵托吡: 上海牛津英语6A知识点总结 Topics 话题 Key points 主要知识点 Additional points 拓展知识点 Lesson 1 Family& Relatives 1. 单词,词组,句型和课文讲解 2. 介绍家人 3. wh-questions 4. 频度副词的运用 1. 怎样用英语表达祝愿 2. Phonetics Unit ...

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