
作者&投稿:姓育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译几个初中英语句子 ,在线等的~

The USA team is truly very formidable, but we still could win

You have the necessity in to start before the walk to train for several months

Do not despise he, he is their grade most outstanding student, why is he despised by the people?
HOW DO You think the body? How do you maintain the health?
They live nearness that famous middle school?

1.我和Mary一样大:I am as old as Mary;2.我爷爷的的年龄是我的3倍:Mygrandpa's age is my three timesy;3.汽车比自行车跑得快:Cars run faster than the bicycle;4.他的书不如我的书有趣:His book as my book interesting;5.昨天我到学校和Tom一样早:Yesterday I arrive school and Tom as early;6.李伟在我们学校是最胖的:Li wei in our school is the most fat;7.上海是中国最美的城市之一:Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China;8.我妈妈比你妈妈年轻:My mother than your mother young;9.Tom,Mary和Paul谁走得快?:Who walks the fastest,Tom,Marry or Paul?;10.丽丽在这两个女孩中是比较高的一个:Lily in the two girls are relatively high;11.我每天花三个小时做作业(3种):I spent three hours to do homework (three);12.这张单子是这十个中最好的:This is a list of the ten best;13.在线等。不要用在线翻译 谢谢:Online, etc. Don't use online translation thank you;相信我,虽然我二级,但我是学英语到4级的,这些我都会,希望我的能被选为满意答案,谢谢!Believe me, although I level 2, but I learn English to 4 level, these I will, I hope I can be chosen as satisfactory answer, thank!


look for 寻找
parking lot 是停车位的意思。 lot是指某一片地方或划分出来的区域,没有大小范围的限制。

on tour指在……旅行

the first place=the first time 指第一次做某事
keep up 是保持,维持的意思。相当于maintain

词组:look for = 寻找。
词组:on tour = 周游,巡回,巡游。
词组:keep up = 保持。




有不会的可以 hi 我。。

3 康康在做什么?他在停车处找空位来停放自行车

4 林达今天看起来很开心。是啊,她去中国旅游了

7 我在跳远中得了第一名,我感觉很兴奋。

be doing sth正在做什么 /look for 寻找 /on tour正在旅游 /win the first place 赢得第一 / keep on保持

I hear Li Lei play the piano next room.6. She is such a beautiful girl.What a beautiful girl she is! (我忘了初中要求强调句。。。)7. Miss Wang is strict with his students as well as his work.8. I got up late because I didn't sleep early. (还有一种是换个句式吗?

在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能逐词对译,只能将词类进行转译之后,方可使译文显得通顺、自然;对词类转译技巧的运用须从四个方面加以注意。1、转译成动词。英语中的某些名词、介词、副词,翻译时可转译成汉语中的动词。The lack of any special excretory ...

初中英语 翻译句子5--14
5. The teacher often reminds us to be careful with spelling.6. He ran out of the library in a hurry \/ hurriedly.7. He is not only my neighbour but also my friend.8. In the past\/last few years, Yangzhou has changed a lot \/ great changes have taken place in Yangzhou.9...

翻译过来是:1 \\ is careful your spelling 2 \\ carefully not to have to sprinkle the ink on the table 3 \\ she is how brave girl 4 \\ although he in the home, he all did not feel lonely 5 \\ he falls down from the bicycle, his leg wound that fierce he could not move 6...

翻译几个初中英语的句子 在线
There are some free snacks for peole to taste in the shop.My mother is good for cooking and she often cooks some delicous food.

是:1. You can't drive a car until you are 18. 2,The classroom is very dirty and mass. Please clean it. 3,I can't decide which pair of glasses to buy. They both look good on me. 4,Everyone needs at least 8 hours' sleep every night. 5,What time did you finish...

1.Because of a programme he watched, Simon changed his idea of spiders.2.Are you frigntened of spiders?3.The sky was very dark until the sun came out.剩下的两个自己做吧,实在没有什么难度啊。。。这是课本上的练习吧, 看看课文就知道了啊。或者问问同学,他们也可以解答你的问题...

初中英语 翻译句子

英语句式 在英语学习中应当注意句式的变化,它的变化是随所要表达的意思的变化而变化的.是想肯定还是要否定,是疑问还是反问,是时强调还是一般, 是命令还是陈述, 因此 ,不同的句式表达不同的语气.下面介绍几种句式: 一、 反意疑问句 反意疑问句是用来表示向对方提出反问的一种句式.表示说话人对所提问题的答案有...

初中英语 翻译两个句子,用remember写两个不同巨型的句子

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藤县15225797896: 初中英语翻译句子,急!!!在线等~~~
闵录尿素: 1.The little girl's family are full of this doctor gratefully2.This fire fighter covers fire with blankets, put out the fire finally . 3.The old man looks about , but finds nothing unusual stitution. 4.Little boy make whom family do like a mess希望楼主采纳!

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