我英语不太好 那位英语高手能帮我看看这篇作文怎么写??谢谢了

作者&投稿:蓝宗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
哪位英语高手帮我看看下面的作文怎么写好吗 谢谢~

I am grateful/thankful to you for…
I am much obliged to you for your help.
I shall always appreciate the assistance you have given me.
I am writing to express my thanks to you for the many kindnesses you showed me when I was in hospital.
It was most thoughtful and generous of you to send me such a beautiful and fancy gift.
Thoughtful considerate considerable
It’s very kind of you to help us.
I hope you can know how much I appreciate your hospitality and your many kindnesses to me. Hostility
But for your help, I would not..
If it had not been for your timely assistance, I am afraid that..
Thanks from the bottom of my heart for…
With thanks from every one of us and best wishes to you.
Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.
I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises.
1) 开头要直截了当。
2) 表明诚意,避免空洞。
3) 态度热情
You got sick just a week before the final examinations and were sent to a hospital. One nurse treated you very well and you recovered soon. Write a letter of appreciation to the nurse (Miss Smith).
Dear Miss Smith,
I was just at your hospital when I got sick before the final examinations. First, I thanks for you could treat me very well and let me recovered soon. If it had not been for your timely assistance, I’m afraid that I couldn’t pass the exam.
Thank you for the bottom of my heart for your help and service.
考研培训网 www.tsinghuatutor.com - 3 -
水木艾迪培训学校 清华东门外清华科技园创业大厦 1006 室 电话:62796032 62701055
Dear Miss Smith,
I hope you can know how much I appreciate your kindnesses you showed me when I was in hospital.
I got sick just a week before the final examination. I was so worried that I couldn’t take part in the examination. It was just you that encouraged me to face the illness bravely. So I recovered soon, and I got good results in my final examination. If it had not been for your timely assistance, I am afraid I can’t have recovered so soon and achieved such good results.
Again, I would like to express my thanks to you.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Miss Smith,
I am writing to express my thanks to you for the many kindnesses you showed me when I was in hospital.
If it had not been for your timely assistance, I am afraid that I would be still in hospital now. I got sick just a week before the exam. You treated me well and I recovered soon. Now I pass the exam. But for your kindness help, I would not have passed the exam.
Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you. I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when the opportunity arises.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Miss Smith,
I was a patient of yours one week ago, and I write the letter to you to show my appreciation for your help.
It was near the final exam then, and without your hospitable and generous help, I couldn’t have recovered so soon, let alone to get a high mark on the exam. I shall always appreciate the help you’d offered me and I shall be pleased to reciprocate your favor when opportunity arises.
Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you.
Best wishes,
Sincerely yours,


An Invitation
Mary and John invite you to go to the party to celebrate our moving to the new house. We'll have the seafood barbecue for lunch and dinner is at 6 at the International Hotel. Please give us an answer if you could attend the party. We'll hold it from twelve at noon untill two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, the 5th of September in the garden of Mary & John's.
Hope to have the honour of your coming.
Thank you!

洛龙区15747995036: 我英语不太好 那位英语高手能帮我看看这篇作文怎么写?谢谢了内容:1以玛丽和约翰的名义邀请大家参加庆祝乔迁的聚会; 2午餐吃烧烤,并打算考海鲜; ... -
霜话欣丰:[答案] An Invitation Mary and John invite you to go to the party to celebrate our moving to the new house.We'll have the seafood barbecue for lunch and dinner is at 6 at the International Hotel.Please give us an answer if you could attend the party.We'll hold it ...

洛龙区15747995036: 英语高手来,帮我看看这篇作文!我英语不是很好,大家帮我看看这篇作文有没有什么地方不对,帮我指出改正,Music is wonderful thing,it can makes us ... -
霜话欣丰:[答案] Music is a wonderful thing.I like music because it can make me happy,excited,touched,and even sad sometimes. Listening to lively music cheers me up when I am sad. I enjoy listening to music more and more.Pop music is my favorie genre of music; ...

洛龙区15747995036: 我的英语差得离普,那位高手可以帮帮我?
霜话欣丰: 第一,背单词,这是绝对的,就好像房子要先构建好屋架,如果你连最基本的单词都无法要求自己背诵,那么你想学好英语,It is impossible. 第二,如果单词积累到一定量了,可以针对性的看看自己哪方面不足,for example,如果你的听力很...

洛龙区15747995036: 我英语不太好,找个英语高手教教,
霜话欣丰: 学英语的话,可以去乐知英语,那里的外教小班课比较能锻炼英语口语,课程很透明,他们有很多课程挂在网上免费试听,你可以去旁听课程学习语法锻炼听力都很不错. http://www.hiknow.com/sessionhall.html

洛龙区15747995036: 我写了一封信给我的偶像,但我英语不太行,希望哪位高手帮我看一下这里面有哪些要改的,谢谢了!!~~~ -
霜话欣丰: 我给你改了改,语法有很多错误.Hallo,xx,i'm one of your chinese fans. I appreciate for the chance...

洛龙区15747995036: 英语高手来 我英语很差 谁能帮我想下能学好英语的方法
霜话欣丰: 1. 上课一定要认真听讲,特别是老师讲新的知识或者是难点.2. 一定要做笔记,然后要去记,老师说 要考的知识点特别要记住 3 作业认真完成,最好是不要去抄,这样才能巩固和 更加熟练.4 老师评讲作业时也要听,因为作业中会出现新的知识点,也能使你把一些没听懂的知识经过老师的再一次讲解弄懂 .5. 单词是肯定要背的.遇到不会的题就要多思考,如果还是不会就去案,重要的是弄清楚为什么.多看点英语方面的 电影,电视等,也可以建立错题库,(但是过后要去看,如果不看我劝你还是不要建立……这些都是我们英语老师要求我们的. 顺便说一下,我也是初一的,(这些都是目前我总结出来的)其实英语挺好学的,只要你愿意把它学好并按照老师的要求去做了.

洛龙区15747995036: 有哪位英语高手能教教我学好英语的办法.我英语好烂哦.
霜话欣丰: 有了这份决心是个开端 学好英语要有计划,你首先要给自己制定一个计划,要根据自己的情况,比如,每天背多少个单词,记几个短语,读几篇英语小文章,都要量力而行,不要太高,不然完成不了,和没有计划一个样,也不能太低,那样没有动力,就不会有成效. 还有就是要和朋友多讨论,多向同学请教,慢慢培养兴趣,让自己喜欢上英语,兴趣是最好的老师.我以前英语不好,但是我同桌英语特好,我就拜他为师,天天写一篇英语短文,他给改,这样慢慢的就好了. 相信自己,你一定能行的,加油,you can make it!

洛龙区15747995036: 我英语不好!怎么才能学好英语哪!高手指点!!
霜话欣丰: 需要你的坚持和你的毅力了,任何一门语言都是需要长久的努力才能学好的,所以,但你下决心学习这一门语言时,就不要轻易的说放弃.否则是学不好的.相信自己,对自己有信心. 还有,有关学习英语的技巧,这个就靠长久的练习了,网上...

洛龙区15747995036: 哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一段英语,谢谢,我的英语水平不好.
霜话欣丰: Yesterday, the weather was good, and many of my friends attended the birthday party, they brought me many gifts, and teddy bear, MP4 and so on. Parents bought me a lot of candy, fruit. We meet on the singing, dancing and playing games. 12 ...

洛龙区15747995036: 我想考研,但是英语不好,怎么办呢?那位高手请教一下
霜话欣丰: 我英语也不好,所以在加强英语呢,我觉得英语差的话最好不要考一流的学校,因为他们的英语要求更高,很可能英语过不了线,一般的学校英语过国家线应该就可以了,如果连国家线都没信心过的话,那就只好选择照顾学科来报考了或者报BC区的学校,举个例子吧,06年工科国家线A区是45,而农学A区只有39分,其他的照顾学科也一样的,工科国家线在B区是42C区39.当然,现在时间还来得及,还是致力于把英语水平提高吧!!!一起加油吧

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