
作者&投稿:除泼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The writer always get up late on sundays. last sunday he get up very late as usual. And his aunt telephoned him. she had just arrived by train . She was coming to see him. But the writer said he was still having breakfast.That made his aunt surprised .Because it was one o'clock.

你说的是不是摘要写作?一课一课的写给你,等等哦,在写呢 怎么打不上去了
He has first garage in Silbury and second garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is 5 milesfrom Silbury. He bought pigeons and no telephone. The bird covered the distance in three minutes.

The writer moved to a house in Bridge Street, Yesterday a beggar knocked at her door and sang songs and no ask for money. In return for this, the writer gave him a meal and beer and a piece of cheese. Beggar’ name is Percy Buttons, he calls at every house once a month.

The detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting of diamonds from South Africa. two men took the parcel into the Customs House. two detectives opened the parcel, the parcel was full of stones and sand.

Joe Sanders has the best garden in the town. he won” The Garden Competition” each year. Bill Frith has a fine garden. But Joe is better. The writer’s garden is terrible and won a little prize for the worst garden in the town.

We went to the Town Hall on New Year’s Eve. A lot of people there. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes. at five to twelve, the clock stopped. It refused to welcome the New Year.the crowd began to laugh and sing.

Fishing is the writer's favourite sport.Some unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish,but he's not so lucky.He never catch anying.He's not really interested in fishing,he is only in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!

writer had just lost £50 and he fdlt very upset. he telled the manager about it .but he could do nothing. he started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by aknock at the door.a girl came in and put the money on his desk .she founel is outside writer 's room.there is still some honesty in this world.

I arrived at a railway station in London and asked a porter the way to my hotel,but he couldn't understand me.He understannd me at last but I couldn't understand his answer.My teacher never spoke english like that .He said that I'll soon learn English.In England,each person speaks a different language,but I don't understand them!


Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 First listen and then answer the question.Why did the writer complain to the people behind him?Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young ...

《lesson12 goodbye and goodluck》Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。We'll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。He will be in his small boat, Topsail....

新概念2的课文 大家给我把
新概念22833465455谢谢了... 新概念2 28 33 46 54 55 谢谢了 展开 2个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?泽五令 2010-02-15 · TA获得超过2.3万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:6991 采纳率:40% 帮助的人:3115万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Lesson 2 Breakfast or...


Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at ...

The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.When the plane arrived, some of the ...

The Crystal Palace 水晶宫 Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and...

隧道的话64课也是篇隧道 Lesson64 The Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道 In l858, a French engineer, Aime Thome de Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-one mile tunnel across the English Channel. He said that it would be possible to build a platform in the centre of the ...

Lesson7 1关键句型答案 A detectives were waiting(1.1); They were expecting(1.2);detectives were waiting(1.5); others were waiting(1.6);two detectives were keeping guard(11.7-8)B 1 When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while ...

After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag.我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn't there!我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.当我...

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明勤海定: 你说的是不是摘要写作?一课一课的写给你,等等哦,在写呢 怎么打不上去了5课 He has first garage in Silbury and second garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is 5 milesfrom Silbury. He bought pigeons and no telephone. The bird covered the distance in ...

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明勤海定:[答案] Always young青春常驻Why aunt Jennifer is an actress.She must ba at least thirty-five years old.In spite of this,she often appears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will have take part in a new pla...

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明勤海定:[答案] 25I arrived at a railway station in London, and asked a porter the way to hotel, but he couldn't understand me. He understood me at last, but I couldn't understand his answer. My teacher never spoke...

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