
作者&投稿:淳钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

as we all know, it is harm for our eyes that we play computer for a long time.
if we do not take effective measuress in time, rare animals will die out in some day.
he is so forgetful that he lost his briefcase hehind.
jack's irresponsible behavior caused his parents break an argument.
facing the failure that Kite have no choice but to find the suggestions from his teacher.


1 Only completing the papers can fulfill the master's degree.
2 The library has always been chasing me for returning the book.
3 Nobody doubts his words.
4 Jane is almost turning in a skilled painter.

1,This is a large park with an area of 10 hektares
2,Tall people stand out of the crowd.
3,My sister,as well as my parents,likes music.
4,Ten poeple including the chairman before then attended the confrence yesterday.
5,This custom dates from the sixteenth centry.

1.This is a large park with an area of 10 ha..
2.One who is tall usually stands out in a group.
3.My sister as well as my parents loves music.
4.Ten people attended yesterday's conference, including the then president.
5.The custom dates from the 16th century.

1、我祖父在70多岁时开始操作计算机(in one's of)-> My grandfather began to operate a computer in his age of over 70.2、上海给我留下了极好的印象(make in)-> Shanghai has made a terrific impression in me.3、学生们积极参加了这次的讨论(take part in)-> The students took ...

11.You can master it not long on condition that you practise English all the time.on condition that 是“只要。。。以。。为条件”的意思。12.Changjiang is the logest river in China,and we visited it last summer.13.Have you seen the girl whose essay we talked over yesterday.14...

汉译英 按照括号里的单词就行翻译 谢谢
1." Mr. Wang persuaded me to go home."2. " I am in charge of this business."3." The discussions have covered all the questions on studies."4." The way of doing has played an important role in solving the problem."【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

1.听到这不幸的消息,她禁不住哭了起来。(on hearing)She cannot help crying on hearing this sad news.2.对学生来说,学好一门外语是必要的和重要的。(it)It is necessary and important for students to learn a foreign language well.3.李梅病了,老师决定帮他补上所缺的课。(make up...

1、他们从未想到上海会发生如此巨大的变化。(take place)2、星期六早上公共汽车通常很拥挤,我宁可骑自行车上学。(would rather)3、我可以看一看那张照片吗?(have a look)答案:1.They never imagine that so great change has taken place in Shanghai.2.Buses are often very crowded on ...

Make yourself at home and eat some fruit please.An old lady was knocked down while crossing the street by a taxi.He has made up his mind to learn English well.Thanks to the good weather, we enjoyed ourselves so much last sunday.There is no need to spend so much money on ...

翻译句子 汉译英 请用括号中的词 谢谢~~
1、Recently Mary has been nervous, and burst into tears suddenly 。2、To us astonishment, chery is attracted by cancer but he sails alone round the world。3、Her dress is thrown at random all round the house。

求英语帝 翻译 英译汉(要求用上括号中的词)
1 The son is obsessed with on-line dating, this is a big hit to his old mother. And as a result, she suffer from this and greatly hurt .2 He balanced his time between taking care of his sick mother and dealing with heavy course, he hardly have any time to take a rest...

1.林肯所受的全部教育加起来总共只有一年(Lincoln,add up to)Lincoln suffered all add up to a total of only one year of education 2.他不喜欢讲英语,因为他怕出错(afraid)He does not like to speak English, because he was afraid of mistakes 3.那女孩子是否已长大能给自己穿衣服了...

1. Keep the fire burning.2. In spite of the noise outside, she kept on reading.3. How about putting off the meeting?4. The old couple led a simple life although they were rich.5. My grandpa learnt all the skills by himself because he was too poor to go to school....

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英,要用到括号里面的词1 我有两本字典,一本厚,一本薄.(one,the other)2 她穿着她的新衣服,就是那件红的.(wear,one)3 你看那边那些怎么样?... -
酆码来喜:[答案] 1.I have two dictionaries,one is thick and the other is thin.2.She is wearing her new clothes,it is that red one.3.How about those ones over there?4.Whose house should we have the party at?What about ...

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英、用到括号里的词1.春天他的花园里有种类繁多的花.(a variety of)2.他没有看她,转身上了楼.(without)3.政府为孩子们提供了良好的为教育.(... -
酆码来喜:[答案] in spring he plants a variety of flowers in the garden. he turn arond and go to the upstairs without seeing her the government provides good education for the children these blankets can protect the children from cold all the things you do wii contribute to ...

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英,用到括号里的词语 -
酆码来喜: 1.他同意这个周末把ps3借给我(agree) He agrees to lend the ps3 to me at this weekend. 2.她独力养家(all by oneself) She raise family all by herself. 3.公共场所禁止吸烟(allow) The smoking is not allowed in public. 4.我一到上海,就马上...

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 英语翻译汉译英,用括号的词翻译1.他说汤姆肯定意识到了他正在做的事情是非法的.(be aware that)2.这会议虽然不长,但的确产生了很多好想法.(throw ... -
酆码来喜:[答案] 1 he says tom must be aware that what he is doing is illegal. 2 the conference didn't last long,but lots of good ideas were thrown up. 3 do you believe that science can bring our ideals to reality 4 the oil is in hot demand with the increase of the cars' ...

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英 用上括号里的词我们好像很久没有见面了(seem)听到我们球队获胜的消息,我们大家都很激动(thrill)无论成功或失败,你必须尽力而为(whether) -
酆码来喜:[答案] It seems to be a long time since we met last time We were all thrilled knowing that our team won You have to do your best whether you'll make it or not

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英及几个英语小问题.请用以下括号内的词 来翻译句子.(都很简单.希望英语好的朋友帮助.不要用翻译软件了,那样我自己就解决了.)注意要用到括号里... -
酆码来喜:[答案] 1.Watch out!The stairs are steep. 2.Put on more clothes to protect you from cold weather. 3.The boy is clever and hard-working,but on the other hand,he often makes mistakes. rainning去掉一个n,closely改成close It was raining hard.Mary felt cold.So she ...

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 中译英.要求用到括号里面的单词.枪声破坏了星期日的宁静.(violate) -
酆码来喜:[答案] Sound of the gun shot violated quietness of Sunday.

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英 (须用到括号里的单词) -
酆码来喜: 1.the spaceship were pulled close to the satellite as the great gravity 2.The sandstorm lead to the train crash at last as the chain reaction 有疑问请追问

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 把中文翻译成英文,要用括号里的词
酆码来喜: 1.What he does has influence on us 2. we were on the point going out when he came 3Her English has advantage over mine 4.we think it impossible to finish the work within one day

乌拉特前旗15190461989: 汉译英 用括号里的词
酆码来喜: 可以是 1) Last Sunday, it took me the whole afternoon to finish my homework. 2) I told him my opinion about him right away. 3) This town is well-known for the its old stone bridges.4) There is newly-wed couple living opposite the street. 5) I will call as soon as he comes back.

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