要来一点冰欺凌吗 用英语怎么说

作者&投稿:枕桦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Would you likw an ice cream?


Would you like some ice cream? or Would you like to have some ice cream?
之后服务员收钱后要说 Have a good day! or Enjoy your ice cream! or Hope you like it! or
Do you need anything else?

have a good appetite! bon appetit 祝您好胃口~ 吃的爽!
还可以说您还需要点别的吗? do you want something else?

Would you like some icecream ?
hope u enjoy it

Do you want to have an ice cream?

Would you like some ice-cream ?
收钱后说:have a good time

Would like any ice cream?
Do you want any ice-cream?

金寨县18286873499: 冰欺凌用英文怎么拼?50积分! -
包忽复方:[答案] ice cream

金寨县18286873499: 冰欺凌的英文 -
包忽复方: ice-cream

金寨县18286873499: 我想要3分冰欺凌,英语怎么翻译好 -
包忽复方: 不要直接说I want.....那样不太礼貌. 可以说I would like 3 ice creams with vanilla and cheesecake please. 或者Can I have 3 vanilla cheesecake ice creams? 最后别忘了说Thank you.P.S. 我还不知道Cheesecake也能放在冰淇淋里...孤陋寡闻了.

金寨县18286873499: 冰欺凌在英语里是可数的吗 -
包忽复方: 看什么情况用:一般情况下,被当作不可数名词用.如:I like ice-cream very much. 不会说成 I like ice-creams. 但是:当你到店里去买冰琪淋时,你完全可以说:Five ice-creams, please! I'd like an ice-cream.

金寨县18286873499: 吃个冰欺凌英语怎么说 -
包忽复方: I have an ice-cream. or I finished the ice-cream. or I eat an ice-cream. 满意我的答案的话,请考虑给个“最佳答案”吧...因为在进行任务...谢谢..

金寨县18286873499: 吃个冰欺凌英语怎么说 -
包忽复方:[答案] I have an ice-cream. or I finished the ice-cream. or I eat an ice-cream. 满意我的答案的话,请考虑给个“最佳答案”吧.因为在进行任务.谢谢.

金寨县18286873499: 萝卜和冰欺凌的英文怎么拼? -
包忽复方: radish ['rædiʃ] n. 萝卜,小萝卜 [ 复数radishes ] 冰淇淋ice cream

金寨县18286873499: 冰欺凌什么时候是可数 -
包忽复方: 在英语中,有的名词既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词,要视具体情况而定.比如在某册书中冰欺凌(ice cream)是不可数名词,而在另一册书中却成了可数名词了.ice cream用作可数时指的是成盒、成杯的冰激凌或独立包装的蛋卷冰激凌等,例如:同样有5个孩子,每人一个蛋卷冰激凌,they'll need five ice creams; 而用some时也是比较笼统的,例如:一大盒或一大桶冰激凌,从中盛一些吃,即是have some ice cream.

金寨县18286873499: 这小孩一看到冰欺凌,就迫不及待想吃.的英语 -
包忽复方: Once seeing the ice cream, this kid want to have it right away.这小孩一看到冰欺凌,就迫不及待想吃

金寨县18286873499: 你告诉别人这是你的冰欺凌.用英文该怎么说 -
包忽复方: 你告诉别人这是你的冰欺凌.You tell people it's your ice cream.

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