"to what extent”起始的问句应该怎样回答?

作者&投稿:爱德 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求分析To what extent是修饰下句哪个部分的?~

to what extent 是指在多大程度上
题目问 在多大程度上Hyman Minsky的主要论点解释了西班牙08年经济危机的主要原因?

回答时刻,比如half past seven

仅仅是个程度问题, 形容你对你脑中的主观世界就是现实世界有多大的信心。可以答:"I strongly believe in ___" (坚定的相信), "I'm uncertain:(我不确定), "I do believe it is the real world, but I'm open for suggestions" (多少有点相信,但是容易被推翻)等等


I am very confident/ I am 100% confident/ I am not very confident that...

皮山县13760765322: “我想表达什么"英文怎么说 -
齐泪康炎: “我想表达什么&quot"What I want to express &quot “我想表达什么&quot"What I want to express &quot

皮山县13760765322: 谁知道“to "和”for"怎样用 -
齐泪康炎: to和for都是介词.但是,to(表示对于......) to后面可以跟名词/代词/短语/动名词,如:go to bed /to him;for(表示目的) for后面就只能跟名词(或者代词的宾格形式),如:for ZhangHua/for her

皮山县13760765322: 有关英语语法it,that,which的问题, -
齐泪康炎: 第一个 当然可以,都是代词哪有不能做主语的道理 第二个 可以 定语从句中只能使用关系词that不能使用which的情况主要有: 1. 当先行词是不定代词时,如:all ,few, little, much, every, something, anything, everything等 2. 当先行词被不定代词little, few, no, any等或被 the only, the very, the same等修饰时等 3. 当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时 4. 先行词既有人又有物时 5. 在疑问词which开头的句子中

皮山县13760765322: "the"在英语中的用法 -
齐泪康炎: the是一个很难学的定冠词,但也能掌握: 1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子. 2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 Open the door, please. 请把门打开. 3. 用以复述上...

皮山县13760765322: what to expect还是what to happen -
齐泪康炎: expect 这个词有将要发生的意思.happen没有这个意思.一般不强调将要.

皮山县13760765322: too...to句型的用法,谁能告诉我? -
齐泪康炎:1. The teacher spoke too fast for us to follow./结构应是以物为主语,则用to be+V-ed的被动式. English is not too difficult to learn.to&quot.他走得太慢,不会介意批评家说些什么: This room is too small to hold so many people;s too late for us to ...

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齐泪康炎: (.+>\.jpg)pic_ext.+? . 除了"\",什么都行. + 上一次出现的字符可以重复多次或0次 ? 上一次出现的字符可以重复0次或一次

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齐泪康炎:[答案] I hadn't written to her again three years before. As soon as I read the first line of the letter,I know what my father was going to ask me to do. These are my words that I didn't say any more. A car accident happend to him yesterday afternoon. She stood in ...

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齐泪康炎:[答案] At my school,we are talking about what we can do to thank parents.My classmates and I think we should do something for them.Because they bring us up.They not only work hard to make money but also ...

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