
作者&投稿:鞠诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.the bike is too expensive and i can`t a_______ it.
2.---what c___ is your new shirt? ---it`s blue.
3.my english teacher often h___ me with my english.
4.the book store s___good books at a very low price.
5.six and six is t___.
5 it is r___ to watch tv on the coach.

1.My name is Sun Wei.I’m an American boy.His name is David Smith.He is twelve.And I am twelve,too.David is in Class Three Grade One.I am in Class Three Grade One,too.He is Number Eight,Row Five.I am Number Five,Row Four.We are good friend.( )1.David is an American boy.( )2.I am eleven.( )3.He is in Class Two Grade One.( )4.We are’t good friend.2.Tom is seven,he goes to school every day.The school is next to his home.So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time.But today he is late.His mother asks him :“Why are you late today?”“I’m in the headmaster(校长)’s office(办公室).”“Why do you go to the headmaster’s office?”“Because my teacher asks us a question in class,and nobody(没有人) can answer it,but I can.”“It’s good to answer the teacher’s questions,what’s the question?”“The question is---who puts ink(墨水) on my chair?”
( )1.Tom’s home is not far from his school.
( )2.Tom goes to school by bike.
( )3.Tom puts ink on the teacher’s chair.
( )4.It is good for Tom to do.
( )5.Tom is six.
( )6.Tom goes to the teacher’s office.
3.Fred and Jean are brother and sister.They are Americans.They are in the same school.Their school is not far from their home.Fred is in Mr Black's class.He is thirteen.He is one of the best students in his class.Mr Black likes him.He is good at Chinese,but Mr Black is not.Jean is eleven.She is in Mrs Black's class.Mrs Black is an English teacher.Jean is good at English,but she is not good at Chinese.
( )1.Are Fred and Jean twins(双胞胎)?
A.Yes,they are.
B.No,they aren't.
C.Yes,they are in the same class
D.No, they are not American.
( )2.How old is Jean?She is_____________.
( )3.Who is good at Chinese?
A.Mr Black
B.Mrs Black
( )4. Where is Fred and Jean's school?
A.It's in China.
B.It's behind a hill.
C.It's near their home.
4. One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car.They stop their(他们的) car near(附近) a store(商店).They buy(购买) a lot(许多) of things(物品) and they want to put the things in the car.But Mr.White can’t open the door of the car,so they ask a policeman to help them.The policeman is very friendly(友好的) to help them.Just(这时) then a man comes up and shouts(大喊):“What are you doing with my car?”Mr. and Mrs.White take a look at the car’s number and they are frozen(尴尬、刻板) there.It isn’t their car.
( )1.Mr. and Mrs.White drive(驱动) for _______.
( ) 2. They stop their car _________.
A.at the parking spot(停车场)
B.near the sea(海)
C.near the store
( ) 3. They want to put the things _______.
A.in a big bag
B.in their car
C.in other(其他)’s car
( )4.Mr.White can’t open the car,so________.
A. they walk(走) home
B. they ask a policeman to help
C. they call a taxi5.
5.Jim is an English boy.He comes to China with his father and mother.They come here to work. Jim comes here to study.
He is in No.5 Middle School(第五中学).He gets up early every day.He isn’t late for school. He studies(努力) hard(学习).He can read English well.He often(经常) helps us with our English,and we often help him with his Chinese.After class(下课后) he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and andriding(骑马).He makes(让) many friends here.We are glad(很高兴) to stay(暂住) with him.On(在) Sunday(周日),he often helps his mother clean the house,mend(修补) something (一些) or do the shopping.He likes Chinese food(食品) very much.
He likes living(生活) here.He likes Chinese students very much.We all like him, too.
( )1.He gets up late every day.
( )2.He often teaches us English.
( )3.After class,he likes singing and playing basketball.
( )4.On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house.
( )5.He doesn’t like Chinese food.

姓名--------- 班级------------
alkman nake amp ouse bo


1. We are .

2. Chen Jie is a . She’s quiet.

3. This is my English . Her name is Miss White.

4. The is in the desk.

5. Look, I have a long .

6. Do you like some .

7. This is my .She is a .

8. Look at my

9. My uncle is a

10. Let me clean the .

A. I like him, too.
B. We have a new teacher.
C. What’s his name?
D. Look, this is his photo.
E. And he has short brown hair and small nose.

John: Hello, Bai Ling. __________________________________.
Bai Ling: An English teacher?
John: Yes. __________________________________.
Bai Ling: Wow! He is tall.
John: __________________________________.
Bai Ling: __________________________________?
John: His name is Mr Black.
Bai Ling: He is nice.
John: __________________________________.
一. 把所给单词分类:

sock , black , restaurant, yellow, park ,brown, blouse , movie theather, shoes,school,


1. 把shirt 的第二个字母变成另一个字母组成新词_____________.
2. cab的同义词______________.
3. write变成一个字母成为一个表示颜色的词___________.
4. 可以戴在head上的是_______________.
5. near 的反义词______________.
6. 一句话中间意思发生转折,用________连接.
7. we对应的形容词形式_____________.
8. they对应的形容词形式_____________.
9. too的否定形式同义词____________.
10. In the morning ,We have ___________.


1. apple chair grapes orange
2. skirt pants marker hat
3. yellow brown pink monkey
4. soup cookies donut cake
5. noodle dumplings basketball rice


1. are , wearing , you , what. _____________________________?
2. far , school , from , it ,is ______________________________.
3. address, 903, Ninth, my ,is , Avenue _____________________________ .
4. walk ,do ,to ,you , school ______________________________?
5. are , two , these ,skirts ,blue _______________________________.
6.a ,white , is, this ,cat ______________________?
7.the , same , we , like , colour _______________________.
8.are , favourite ,clothes ,pants ,our ___________________.
9.desserts , the same ,their ,are _________________________.
10.like ,to , I,with ,play, my , doll ______________________.


1.__________are you ?I am 1.3 metres tall. ( How tall. How old )
2.When is your birthday? My birthday is June ___________.(six , sixth)
3.What are you wearing ?
I am wearing a pair of ___________( blouse, socks )
4.Kim walks to school . It is only 5 minuutes .
Her home is __________( near ,far from )
5.Can you play with me today? I __ .I must ask my mum.(know,don’t know)
6. What’s your favourite colour ?I like _____(blue, blouse)
7. I like pink .You like green .We like ____colour.(different , same )
8. It is twelve at noon .I t is _________time!( supper , lunch)
9. You don’t like socks . I don’t like socks __________(either, too )
10. We like to play games ,________she likes to read books.(and ,but)


1.( )What is your address?
a.I live in a house . b.I live in a house ninth Avenue .
2.( )We like skirt,换一句说法是
a.Our favourite clothes is skirt. B.Their favourite clothes is skirt.
3.( )I like purple but you like orange .这句话可理解为
a.We like the same colour . b.we like different colour .
4.( )My favourite dessert is ice cream.下列说法发生转折的是
a. Their favourite dessert is ice cream,too.
b. But Their favourite dessert is cake

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