
作者&投稿:载斌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我叔叔的公司在这公园附近 cherry的爸爸是一名律师 ken is165cm tall .he has red hairs and green eyes. my hobby is playing volleyball grandpa owns a farm my home is near the train station my brother works as an engineer

1)许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会。(be present at)
Many old people were present at our concerts yesterday.

2)应为那场大雨,他们都迟到了。(becauce of )
They are both late because of the heavy rain.
Because of the heavy rain ,they are both late.

3) 他坐公交车上班只需20分钟(It takes...to...)
It takes him 20 minutes to go to work by bus.

4)你能说出2幅画的的区别吗?(tell the diffevence bet)
Can you tell the difference bet of the two pictures?

Although it was rain ,they still sticked to working in the filed.

Our monitor suggested disscussing the problem.

7) 医生建议我戒掉烟和酒。(advise)
The doctor advise me giving up smoking and drinking.

8)请把电视机开响点,好吗?(turn up)
Please turn up the TV, will you ?

1)许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会。(be present at)
Many eldly people were present at our concert.

2)应为那场大雨,他们都迟到了。(becauce of )
They were late because of the heavy rain.

3) 他坐公交车上班只需20分钟(It takes...to...)
It only takes him 20 minutes to go to work by bus.

4)你能说出2幅画的的区别吗?(tell the diffevence bet)
Can you tell the difference between these two paintings?

Although it's raining hard, they are still working in the field.

Our monitor suggested us to discuss this question.

7) 医生建议我戒掉烟和酒。(advise)
The doctor advised me to quit from smoking and drinking alcohol.

8)请把电视机开响点,好吗?(turn up)
Would you please turn up the tv?

Many old men were present at our concert.
They were all late because of the heavy rain.
It takes only 20 minutes for him to go to work by bus.
Can you tell the difference of the two pictures?
Although it's raining heavily, they still keep on working in the farm.
Our moniter suggest us talking about this question.
The doctor advise me to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
Please turn up the TV, ok?

many aged people were present at our concert yesterday
because of the heavy rain,they are all late
it takes him 20 mintues to go to work by bus
can you tell the difference between the two pictures
they are keep working in the farmland although it rains
our monitor suggest discussing the problem
the doctor advise me to quit smoking and drinking
turn up the television,please

there are many elder present at our concert yesterday

becauce of that big rain,they are both late

It takes 20 miniutes for him to the offices

could you tell me the diffevence between the two panting

although the rain is very big they still working in the farm

our classmaster suggest that talking about this problem

the doctor advice me to give up the smoking and drinking

please turn up the tv ,OK?

all of us were late because of the rain
it takes him 20minutes to go to work by bus
cauld you tell the difference between two pictures
although it's raining heavily,he still work at the field
our master suggest to discuss this question
the doctor advice me give up the cigarette and wine
would you mind to turn the tv up,please?希望对你有帮助


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先来说一下【英】翻【中】 一、方法技巧 1、首先必须知道中英文表达的逻辑 ,主谓宾顺序一样。中英文各修饰部分对应从前往后依次倒序。 2、然后得知道如何划分句子成分 ,找到主谓宾以及各修饰部分 3、英语里的介词短语是让英语句子变得又长又难的原因,英译中相对简单,刚好介词帮助很好的断句。中译英难在如何选择...



我们会尽力帮你。she's sure that the chinese languege is useful 她很肯定汉语很有用。the weatger in shanghai is far more changeable 上海的天气变化多端。lt's careless of me to much such a foolish mistake 我太粗心了,犯了这么一个愚蠢的错误。(注:你确实粗心,发现好几个错误了都...

这是天气预报。2. 第2句不完整,最后是不是in Beijing。“It's warm in Beijing”是“北京的天气很暖和”。

肇庆市19674113220: 英译中&中译英~中译英~:1)许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会.(be present at)2)应为那场大雨,他们都迟到了.(becauce of )3) 他坐公交车上班只需20... -
木居盐酸:[答案] 1)许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会.(be present at) Many old people were present at our concerts yesterday. 2)应为那场大雨,他们都迟到了.(becauce of ) They are both late because of the heavy rain. 或: Because of the heavy rain ,they are ...

肇庆市19674113220: 英翻中,中译英
木居盐酸: 那里还有其他几个人,每个人都有驴和满篮子的葡萄. 我说我几乎疯了,没有完全疯掉. A moment latter,Nasreddin began to take out the grapes from other's baskets. Why don't you take out your grapes and put them into other's baskets.

肇庆市19674113220: 中译英&英译中 -
木居盐酸: 中译英:1. 不管在什么样的人群里,不管你做何种打扮,我都有自信找得到你,因此,再悲伤的日子,我都不会低着头走路.Wherever you are in the crowd, no matter how you disguise yourself, i have faith to spot you. Therefore, however sad ...

肇庆市19674113220: 同一份文件,中译英和英译中哪个会翻译的更好 -
木居盐酸: 一般是英译中好一些,毕竟目标语言是母语.

肇庆市19674113220: 中译英 和 英译中 这里面的“译” 翻译成英文是同一个单词吗 -
木居盐酸: 是同一个翻译的译啊,translate,还有一个单词interpret一般作口译

肇庆市19674113220: 求几题英文译中,和中译英
木居盐酸: 中译英: We have to bridge the economical gap between the East and the West Countries. 英译中: 1. 所有的人都悄悄地离去了正如当初悄无声息地来. 2.根基最深的地方,你的成长也最快. 3.随身携带通讯设备并保持联络对我们来说是很重要的. 4.通常人们都认为女孩子拥有的词汇量大于男孩.

肇庆市19674113220: 英语翻译(中译英) -
木居盐酸: Caused XXX angry

肇庆市19674113220: 求助谢谢!大家觉得中译英和英译中哪一个更难呢?为什么呢? -
木居盐酸: 中译英和英译中 相比较, 英译中 比较难一点.因为有文化差异.而我们队这种差异不了解.

肇庆市19674113220: 英语翻译,中译英 -
木居盐酸: 1:We should express gratitude to teachers 2:Replying the university entrance exam have to be kept a good phychology 3:To ago to himself has schoolmate of misunderstanding to talk

肇庆市19674113220: 中译英,英译中 -
木居盐酸: .她激动得一句话也说不出来.(too ,to) she was too moving to say anything 2.他知道吸烟对他没什么好处,他迟早会戒掉的.(do good)he knows smoking doesn't good for health, he will give up sooner or later 3.尽管下雨,他还是设法及时赶到了...

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